My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 280 The Holy Grail and Defeat

Chapter 280 The Holy Grail and Defeat
Breaking through the palace was much smoother than expected. Caligula summoned with the help of the Holy Grail has been killed. Caesar is fighting the Roman Empire in Pisa. Alexander, Darius III, and Leonidas were killed not long ago. Total annihilation, Zhuge Kongming took the initiative to surrender to the enemy.

Of the six followers, not one was retained.

Nowadays, in the huge United Roman Empire, there are not even a few people who can be called servant-level combatants. In Shuo Yue's view, this is a good time for a single soldier to break in.

It should be noted that Great Qin Wuan is best at blitz warfare!

The bloody horse tore through the air, and Shuo Yue slashed the hurried soldiers in two. He chased the gradually deepening magic aura, looking for traces of the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail, this was the reason why he chose to break into the capital of the United Empire.

The so-called Servant is, in the final analysis, just a familiar. To put it bluntly, it is a slave. It is a person who cannot help but hand over the chains that bind him to the Master.

In Shuo Yue's camp, both he and Zhuge Kongming were hampered by others.

Weber was summoned by the Holy Grail, and its ownership is naturally in the hands of the United Roman Empire. Shuo Yue pushed Nero to such an extent that she never used her last command spell. He even suspected that Nero had already learned about it. Some truths, so I cling to this last insurance measure.

If he wants to completely get rid of the control of these two "Rome", besides killing their respective masters, Shuo Yue has only one way left - and that is to obtain the Holy Grail.

After obtaining the Holy Grail, all problems will be solved. Shuo Yue can also summon servants from it to fill the vacancies in his own camp's combat power.

Thinking like this, Shuo Yue kept moving, and the blood demons gathered into a 40-meter-long sword, killing several soldiers who escaped 39 meters away. When they passed the corner, a man in a green coat appeared in Shuo Yue's direction. In front of him, his face looked fierce.

"You guy... you actually invaded my territory, my intelligence room!"

"Shut up, you eyesore!" What he responded to was a merciless sword light.

"Hmm!" The brown-haired man reluctantly turned over and jumped away, but was hit hard on the abdomen immediately. He flew out like a rag bag and was embedded in the wall. The dust fell. The man reluctantly opened his eyes. But he saw Shuo Yue waving the Guandao made of blood, with murderous intent in his eyes, crushing the ground with his foot, and jumping towards him.

The blood mist swept across and spread continuously, devouring everything around it. As the white-haired general stepped forward, everything was torn apart by him.

Can't hide!
The brown-haired man was shocked for a while, and then showed an angry expression as if he was humiliated:

"Damn it, let me show you my king's favor!"

The light suddenly appeared, and accompanied by the surge of evil magic power, the demon pillar with red crawling skin and red eyes on its twisted body rose into the sky, and malice and magic power surged like a tsunami.

"I am Revlenor Floros! One of the 72 Pillars of Demon God! Demon God Floros!"

Leif, who came with the Holy Grail, was the culprit responsible for the creation of this singularity. He was also the crown bomber who caused the explosion of Chaldea and the death of director Olga Marie.

If Fujimaru Ritsuka were present, he would inevitably lead his followers into a tough battle with him.

Unfortunately, the person standing in front of him was Shuo Yue, who knew the Demon God Pillar well.

With a soft drink, three bloody warriors emerged, resisting the magic bombardment of the Demon God Pillar, and firmly imprisoning them.Directly opposite the Demon God Pillar, Shuo Yue held a blood-colored spear in his hand, stretched out the tip of the spear, tore the extremely powerful light cannon from the center, and then pierced the center of the Demon God Pillar without slowing down!

The Demon Pillar will not trust humans, so the Holy Grail must be kept by Leif himself, which means it is here!
Under Leif's astonished gaze, Shuo Yue easily found the target, and the spear shot out a crazy bloody light, engulfing the surrounding flesh and blood tissue, and unearthed the golden cup hidden inside.

"I will accept your Holy Grail!"

" do you know!" Faced with Shuoyue holding the Holy Grail in his hand, Leif, who transformed into the Demon God Pillar, became angry, "Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! Information room, court session, dig back into the past, attack Falling into the future, "Burning Style Floros"! ! ! "

Under the torrent of magic power comparable to that released by the anti-city treasure phantom, the three bloody warriors shattered into pieces and merged into Shuo Yue's body, forming a thick crystal cocoon that resisted the Demon God Pillar's final counterattack.Without waiting for Leif's offensive to end, Shuo Yue, who was standing in the crystal with the Holy Grail in hand, calmly waved her hand. Blood spurted out from under her feet, turning into a flying boat flowing down the river, and quickly evacuated out of the palace.

Although I don’t know why the God Ancestor Romulus didn’t stop him, but if he doesn’t run away now, it will be much later!
Just then, a mutation arose.

"Roar——" The ground shattered, and the dragon head with only the skeleton crawled out from the bottom of the abyss, opened its bloody mouth, and spewed out destructive light waves, covering the fleeing Shuo Yue.

Under the attack of the two phases, the blood-colored crystal could no longer hold up and immediately shattered.

"Tsk!" The flying crystal fragments reflected the stream of light, and a figure emerged from the light fragments in the sky. It rolled on the ground a few times and then bounced back up, assuming a fighting posture. However, the left half of the man's body was scorched black and burned by the light cannon. The place was still smoking.

But with EX level endurance, Shuo Yue did not suffer much damage.

Amidst the deafening roar, the Demon God Pillar roared angrily and ran toward him slowly, but Shuo Yue ignored the embarrassed Leif at all and just stared at the sky.

The black mud fell from the golden cup, and the waterfall-like spectacle blocked in front of the white-haired general, burning everything, filling everything, and stinging everyone's eyes. Behind the deep black curtain, the man wearing a crown on his head The petite figure held the Holy Grail and smiled silently.


The big boss behind the scenes who escaped from the shadow of his imaginary number and stirred up troubles in this singularity is now actively standing in front of the stage, intending to intercept and kill Shuo Yue here!

Without giving him a chance to recover with the help of the Holy Grail, the figure floating in the air raised her hand slightly, and her followers roared into the sky, and the light of destruction gathered in their mouths again. At the same time, the thick and powerful tail tore through the air and moved towards Shuo. The moon whipped.

Shuo Yue roared, his whole body covered with a layer of blood crystals, he jumped up high, crossed his arms, and rushed into the sky with the power of the beast's tail. He stabbed the spear in his hand forward and penetrated the ferocious beast's head, and then blood appeared in the air. Stepping out of the barrier, the white-haired man took advantage of the force to change direction. He raised the condensed long stick in his hand and attacked the floating black figure like a cannonball!
Monster, take a stick from me!
The arc-shaped sweep exploded, and even the air made an explosion-like sound, spreading in all directions. The porcelain vases in the palace shattered one after another, and the walls trembled and cracked.

What created this momentum was a bloody spear and a slender and delicate palm.

Shuo Yue's eyes widened, and then he felt severe pain in his abdomen.


As if the plot was replaying, the white-haired man flew backwards, like a dart stuck in the wall. When he recovered from the dizziness, he saw a tentacle emerging from the ground, and the sharp front end was stabbing towards him!

The blood crystals gathered layer by layer, but it was not for defense. The muscles of Shuo Yue's arms exploded with blood. Holding a ten-meter heavy hammer in his hand, he used the force to twist and smash on the wall!
There was a loud "bang" sound, as if a colorful silk shop had been opened, with red, black, and purple colors blooming from the inside of the tentacles.

The tentacles let out a dying cry. This time they completely broke the hornet's nest. The large floor was completely shattered. The tentacles and animal heads emerged from the ground one after another, turning into heavy hammers and smashing towards Shuo Yue. They wanted to use pure weight to smash Smash it to pulp!

"Haha, just die, "Burning Style Floros"! "Leif, who finally arrived, naturally would not miss the opportunity to beat the drowned dog. His magic power instantly condensed, and he sprayed a torrent of magic power towards the helpless man in mid-air.

Is this the end...

Like an eagle falling with broken wings, Shuo Yue looked around, couldn't help but sigh, and took a deep look at the sneering beast figure in the distance, and then his body broke into pieces.

"Boom!!!" In the loud noise like thunder, the beast heads collided with each other. When they were stunned, they were hit by the Demonic Pillar with all their strength. Their skin was burned and their flesh was torn apart, and each one let out a howl of pain and anger. He cast his angry gaze on the solitary Demon God Pillar, grinding his teeth and sucking blood, eager to try.

Leif seemed to be aware of the crisis and took a few steps back stiffly. However, the beast in the sky did not pay attention to the conflicts among his relatives, and was staring at somewhere in the void.

When the smoke cleared, where was that man still there?
[You have successfully returned to the original world line, please re-enter the singularity within three days! 】

(End of this chapter)

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