My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 297 You are also a Roman!

Chapter 297 You are also a Roman!
The majestic divine thunder comes from the sky.

The sky is dark and the earth is gloomy.

Only one place shines brighter than ever before!
It's as if the whole world revolves around this place, and the radiance of countless stars converges on one person, causing the man's divinity to flourish, become luxurious, and spread, covering everything, like a majestic and majestic spear emerging from a giant tree. The violent thunder then shattered them all.

The man who had removed his armor and weapons, wearing only a coarse blue shirt and a gold-red cloth wrapped around his waist, stepped forward. With just one step, free golden-red light fragments gathered in an instant.

"Boom!" The violent thunder lit up Zhou Yu, and the lumen that almost broke through the limit made people unable to open their eyes. When the blazing white light dissipated, the man with long dark blue hair put on a noble and gorgeous golden-red armor. .

Thunder struck down.

The first lightning flash celebrated the birth of the ancestor of the gods on the top of the Seven Hills.

The second thunderbolt offered blessings in the void, and because of the supreme god of Rome, he set foot on the territory of Rome again!
What a majestic and gorgeous golden-red divine armor it was. Energy holes containing vast energy were all over the body. The red lining was outlined with golden lines. Its thick wings were dormant, like a pair of ferocious and majestic giant beasts, moving toward Jingjing. The standing man lowered his noble head.

"" Fujimaru opened his eyes wide. As a guest general in Rome, even if it was only temporary, he could still feel a certain resonance with this man, which made his heart agitated and almost shed tears. Moved to tears.

If Emperor Nero were present, it would probably be even worse, right?Because the man in front of me is the supreme god of Rome, Quirinus, Romulus Quirinus, who disappeared in the storm during the military parade in the Champ de Mars after 38 years of reign and ascended into the sky to become a god!
He is the supreme founding god of Rome!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Beast Draco who had possessed Nero and appeared through it.

A disaster caused by the betrayal of a certain Roman emperor who was considered the 'Beast of 666' and the 'enemy of God'... This is the result of a joint analysis by the doctor and Leonardo da Vinci.

She alone bears all the sins of Rome (the world), whether it is the greed of Rome (the world) to plunder everything, the arrogance of conquering all things, the laziness of clinging to glory... and finally the lust based on human nature.It was precisely because of all the evil that she was able to become the rose beast galloping across the universe.

Draco, who had endured the infamy, hatred and rejection, what kind of emotions flowed in his heart when he saw the source of all this, the founder of the country, Romulus Quirinus?

This thought was destined to be fruitless, because Draco always looked at the supreme god of Rome, but there was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

And Romulus Quirinus never paid attention to this place.

As his eyes opened, the third level of divine thunder fell mightily, splitting the sky and leaving a trace of hearty energy.

A deep and mellow voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Visiting with the crown, my arm of light is given the spiritual base by human principles, which is the crown of spear."

"My arms reach up to the sky."

"My light, hold fast to the sky."

Sometimes tearing the world apart, sometimes opening up civilization, being a human being and loving others.If you compare its romantic arms to "guns", it would be too huge and too sharp. It is difficult for ordinary spiritual bases to accommodate it. Only a crown spiritual base can truly welcome it.

That is--

"My true name is Grand Lancer, Romulus Quirinus!" The shadow of the Amyrlin throne flashed over him, and the Supreme God bowed his head and looked at the man with white hair and bloody eyes, holding a blood gun.

"So, are you my child too (Rome)?"

Before Shuo Yue could speak, an extremely unpleasant reaction came from the depths of his spiritual base. He smiled slightly in his heart and took the initiative to relax his heart, letting that emotion fill his entire soul.

As a result, the blood in the man's eyes became even deeper.

"No, I am not one of your subjects."

Magic power flows, spiritual equipment appears, and the armor of the Gods covers the body, flowing with a restrained and thick ink-colored brilliance.

Amid the exclamation, the general with white hair and bloody eyes raised his spear, not concealing his hostility:
"My name is Shuo Yue, and the person who entrusted me with the spiritual foundation is the famous general from Great Qin, Lord Wu'an Bai Qi!"

"My Gongsun was born as a member of Qin, and died as the soul of Qin. I am the ancestor of Rome from the Mediterranean. Do you think our troops of Qin are at a disadvantage?"

It was as if two souls spoke one after another in this body, both expressing their rejection of Rome. In response, Romulus responded with gentle words.

"I can feel something from you, that is Rome." He said, "Human romance is passed down from generation to generation, young man... Because of this, even if the romantic wind originated in the Mediterranean, it can also blow to distant places. The land of the East!”

Spreading his arms, Romulus smiled and actively issued an invitation to fight:
"Compete with me and let me witness your (Rome's) progress!"

Waving arms like spears of light, the golden-red Supreme God called for thunder.

God's punishment is coming!

right in his hands!

The premonition of death hit him, and Shuo Yue immediately roared, blood-colored evil spirit soared, the violent power burned his will, and his blood boiled, almost emitting the temperature of lava.

The golden-red meteor shower fell, and the black bird rising from the ground flapped its wings, and its cold pupils reflected the enlarging gods!
The loud sound of the earth shaking spreads, like a drum declaring war, and the blood-colored stream of light rises from the ground, tearing apart the thunder and flash in front of you, crushing the trembling air, brandishing your gun and sword, and fighting against the crown in the most ferocious way gun!
In the ocean of thunder, New Moon roared, heavy armor trampled, and air waves swept across, breaking through the self-disciplined defense brought by divinity, stepping on Romulus's stretched out forearm, gathering the blood-colored spears in his hands, gathering all the strength of his body, Aiming at the god's head.

Stab out with one blow!
The dazzling light took away the vision, and the sound of the gun conveyed the real feeling of the hit. The next moment, there was a heavy blow to the abdomen, and Shuo Yue flew backwards. As his vision gradually recovered, he exploded backwards, avoiding the fatal divine thunder!
In front of him, Romulus was still as calm as the vast sea. Although there were cracks in the armor on his arms, the light in the source hole was increasing tens of millions of times. As he opened his arms, the magic power burned violently, gathering the gods. After the strength, move forward and burst out!
All obstacles were torn apart by the mighty force, and the blood evil crystals rose up the moment they were broken, just like a slowly opening scar, constantly extending forward.

Break through all obstacles.

At this moment, looking down from the air, the bloody crystals all over the world are shocking, but the hot traces that break through such a heavy defense and move forward also sting the eyes of the spectators!
Like the ocean that Moses parted.

Straight to the end of the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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