My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 298 The Successor of Romulus

Chapter 298 The Successor of Romulus

The hanging curtain was torn apart.

Under the Divine Ancestor's unreserved blow, not only the hundred-meter defense line made by the blood demon, but also the ethereal sky and the heavy earth could not hold up, and they whined and shattered, making room for this aurora.

"This... this..." Elizabeth stared at this scene in stunned silence and screamed, "This is no longer the level of dragon steak, there is simply not even ashes left!"

"It is not surprising that the supreme god of Rome, who is as famous as the god of war Mars, has such power, but..." Stheno stood behind Fujimaru with a solemn expression, "I still can't help but sigh that this is too unconventional!"

"That's it, meow!"

Fujimaru listened to the conversations of the servants and knew without asking how powerful Romulus was in his incarnation.

The romantic arms that tear apart the world and open up civilization, as if they will one day reach the universe of stars, are like spears of light - this is not only a manifestation of the arrogance of the people who dominate the world, but also the glory of mankind who dreams of tomorrow's continuous progress. Performance.

If used as an attack, it will cause huge damage.

He quietly turned his head and looked at Draco furtively, but the latter's expression was still calm, but his red pupils that were as intoxicating as wine kept flickering.

It turns out that even Beast would be scared... That's right, after all, the crowned servants are the weapons used in decisive battles with them...

Fujimaru was thinking like this, but little did he know that Weber was standing behind them, staring at Draco as well. The lenses were covered by white light, making it difficult to see his expression clearly.

The exclamation grabbed everyone's attention.

"Look, Shuo Yue is still alive!"

Fujimaru looked at it subconsciously, and couldn't help but be stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face.

That man is not only alive, it can even be said that he is living well!

Romulus' attack did destroy the blood crystal layer, but Shuo Yue also gained a fleeting chance of survival, dodged sideways, and barely avoided the attack!

The Holy Grail continuously provided magic power to repair the general's left armor. He looked at Romulus high in the sky with a grin, and slowly clenched his intact right fist.

"It's not disrespectful to reciprocate, so let me use all my blood evil to retaliate against you!"

In the shrill voice that cut through the air, the blood-red evil energy rose up, turned into a tsunami, turned into a storm, smeared the background of the battle wantonly, and finally turned into a scene like a mountain of corpses and a river of blood!
Use your own power to change the world!

The holy golden wings spread out in this hell. Romulus looked calm as he watched the man hold the bodyless Bloody Spear, throw it out with a standard and tense posture, and split it in the air. Come!
One divides into two, two divides into four, four divides into eight...

In the sound of gasping for air, the overwhelming blood-colored spears were poured towards Romulus. At the same time, Shuo Yue yelled angrily, and a tall and mighty bloody colossus rose behind him, holding a big sword and slashing at the enemy. Smash it down!
A loud roar of thunder erupted from the sky.

Facing the opponent who was going all out, the Divine Ancestor also responded with a loud shout. The golden and red wings vibrated again, and the Divine Barrier unfolded to forcefully block the surging spears. Then, more solemn power emerged from the human body. , the handsome face became more and more clear-cut, and the pair of red eyes became more quiet and profound.

Romulus is burning.

Pure light condensed from his arms, and the majesty of civilization and pioneering burst out from them, slashing down!

Unmatched sharpness.

The indestructible Guandao was resisted by these hands and shattered inch by inch. Even the giant-like soldiers' bodies shook violently, and cracks bloomed, looking fragile and tragic.

With just a movement like stretching his limbs, Shuo Yue's attack was broken. The golden-red god roared loudly and finally left the high sky. He spread his wings and pursued him, his arms burning with bright divine light.

"Nine Lives——"

The moment Romulus read out his true name, Shuo Yue summoned the black bird flag without hesitation and planted it on the ground.

The sound of desolate and simple ballads sounded, and countless warriors came back to life, mounted their horses, shrank their battle formations in the cold evil aura, and turned into a perfect defensive wall under the protection of the blood evil.

And the meteor that fell from the sky finally arrived with a loud laugh.


Like the scorching sun, the bright sunshine turned into fists and flashes, bursting into bright light in the starry sky.The battle information passed down by the military god Mars, who witnessed the whole process of Hercules' heroic battle - or the inheritance of Romulus that "hercules is his father" has been sublimated in the new world. product.

Genre Heracles-Roman schism.

The 'Shoot a Hundred Heads' exercised by the ancestors of Rome has a different style and the same terrifying power!
Just like a powerful eraser smearing on the drawing paper, Da Qin soldiers were erased one by one and disappeared. No matter shields, armors, or blood demons, they could not stop this meteor shower of destruction!
The invisible air turned into a roaring tide of beasts. It was not just the battlefield where the two of them were fighting. In the tent where Fujimaru was located, the communication in Chaldea was completely shut down. Weber protected Fujimaru and stood at the front. He raised his right arm and said Bagua Turning around, he barely blocked the shock wave.

When the dust and smoke subsided, the majestic divine ancestor and the tall general stood opposite each other, with the distance between them less than three meters.

This is a fatal distance, but there is no longer any hostility between Shuo Yue and Romulus.

"——That's good. You've proven everything to me." As he spoke, golden spirit particles emitted from Romulus.

"Um, is it my imagination? This guy named Romulus, who looks very scary, is his body getting more and more shiny...?" Dragon Lady asked in surprise.

"No, no, you are wrong, Elizabeth!" Fujimaru exclaimed in disbelief, "This is the spiritual energy spreading, which is the summoning to leave!"

This is something he has already understood after experiencing several singularities - it is proof that the followers are about to return to the 'seat'!
"God Ancestor Romulus, what's wrong with you?!"

"It's nothing. It's just like a cell phone with an exhausted battery. It's just about to shut down." Shuo Yue slowly put away the spear and answered the question on behalf of Romulus.

"After losing the Holy Grail, the power of the masterless servant is already limited, let alone after a fierce battle with me."

"That's right." Romulus nodded, "This body originally came in the form of a human being. The reason why it can be converted into the spiritual base of the crown is just because we felt the appearance of the decisive battle and accepted it. It’s just a blessing of restraint.”

Having said this, the divine ancestor's bright red eyes finally looked at Draco who was sneering.

"It's a pity that Yingjie (Rome) stood in front of me, causing me to lose the opportunity to annihilate the enemy."

"Where is the mercy of you, Divine Ancestor?" Bai Qi's spirit base fell silent, and Shuo Yue's nature gained the upper hand again, smiling, "Even if this body is a top spirit base, but in terms of output, it is not as good as the first rank. Like Gao Tianyuan, not to mention Lord Wu An, all his strengths lie in leading the army."

"The fact that I can survive in your hands is the result of your mercy."

Romulus pondered for a long time and sighed helplessly: "Maybe so. As the founder of Rome, I really have a hard time making a choice."

"Ah, after all, Draco is the transformation of His Majesty Nero, right?" Tamamo Cat suddenly realized and told the truth frankly.

Faced with Tamamo Cat's words, Romulus remained unmoved, and Shuo Yue smiled and said nothing. Instead, Draco let out a "bang" and turned his head away in great displeasure.

Romulus withdrew his gaze and looked at Shuo Yue again.

"I am about to disappear, and the United Roman Empire is crumbling - you should know what this means."

Once the United Roman Empire follows in the footsteps of the Roman Empire, Draco will completely break away from the shackles and seals of Nero and become the true larvae of Beast.

In that case, even Bai Qi, who is at his peak, cannot be her opponent.

"Of course I understand, Your Majesty, the first emperor of Rome." Shuo Yue's face still showed a confident look, "Since you are about to pass away, please designate the next heir - even if the united Roman Empire is just a dream for a moment. .”

Hearing this, Romulus, whose lower body had disappeared, was stunned for a moment, and then showed a cheerful smile.

"Hahaha, it seems I don't need to say anything at all. You did a great job, my child (Rome)!"

Just say it, the supreme god of the Mediterranean opened his arms and completely disappeared into his own territory. Only a golden light fell and wrapped around a person.

"What...!" The young girl in the red dress and blond hair wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

The 'Destiny' belonging to the United Roman Empire has been generously given to her by Romulus!

 People celebrate the New Year at the Nanyang Midi Music Festival, so you know...

  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, friends!
(End of this chapter)

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