My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 299 Another double stab in the back

Chapter 299 Another double stab in the back
I will not destroy the city for the sake of these ten—

That was the response from God Jehovah to Abraham when he prayed for Sodom.

Ten, as long as there are ten righteous people in this sinful city, God will not fail to punish.

But in the end, this great and abnormally prosperous city perished. Brimstone and fire fell from heaven on Sodom, destroying those cities and the entire plain, and all the inhabitants of the city, including everything that grew on the ground.

This is the end of Sodom, this is the end of sin.

And the human evil named after the sin city Sodom in the Book of Revelation, the beast of Sodom, Draco, is the aggregation of this viciousness, the incarnation of the seven deadly sins that swallows up all prosperity and accommodates all ruin.

A city-state filled with human desires, when such flesh is about to rot, it is the best meal for her.

So Draco has not had an attack since he showed up. After eating the pre-dinner snack of 'The Collapse of the Roman Empire', she is getting hungrier and looking forward to the ensuing feast of 'United Roman Empire' , waiting for Chaldea or Shuoyue to take the initiative to bring delicious food to her mouth in order to repair the singularity.

But the 'blessing' Romulus sent before disappearing shattered her dream.

For people, they will inevitably accept this destiny with joy and be included in the embrace of Rome. Even the fleeting Augustus is the pinnacle of power and power.

However, for Beast, inheriting the United Roman Empire, even if it is forcible, means some kind of shackles, some kind of seal.

If she came in her true form, this mistake would naturally not exist. Even if the divine ancestor admitted it, the successor of the empire could not be the evil of human beings or beasts.

However, at this moment, she was the little red dragon that woke up after occupying the magpie's nest when Nero's consciousness was sleeping.

——She also has the qualifications to be a successor.

It cannot grow further with the help of the United Roman Empire, because as long as she exists, it means that the United Roman Empire is still prosperous. Otherwise, it is a denial of the 'beast'. Draco cannot devour himself no matter what, and the endless cycle has been created.

The 'beast' can no longer grow, but the 'human' governance will become more prosperous.

"...This is Shuo Yue's plan." On the other end of the bracelet, the doctor told Shuo Yue's plan in detail, and finally couldn't help but admired, "At this point, there is no need to distinguish between the United Roman Empire and the Orthodox Roman Empire. What’s the difference? As long as Draco’s consciousness falls silent and His Majesty Nero awakens again, who can say that this is not the Seven Hills, or the great empire that spans the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa?”

The emperor's heroic spirits summoned with the help of the Holy Grail have all disappeared, and even Romulus returned to his seat freely after the battle with Shuoyue.

It was only now that everyone in Chaldea suddenly realized that without knowing it, Shuo Yue had killed Caligula, Alexander, Darius III, Caesar... and even the current god Romulus. .

So far, Haiyan River is clear, and the world is peaceful.

The proconsul, who was created by Nero himself, fulfilled his promise.

Even in this way that scares people to death...

"No, it's not over yet." However, the man who created all this was not satisfied. He looked at the Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers, the capital that he deliberately avoided even in the fierce battle with Romulus.

"Fujimaru, the Leif you are looking for and the demon beast He who still remains are all in this formation."

Ignoring Draco, who had an unhappy look on his face, Shuo Yue rubbed her blond hair, raised the Blood Demon Spear again, and signaled everyone in Chaldea to follow him forward: "Only by destroying these remnants can I take them away with peace of mind. Draco, fix this singularity."

Take Draco away and repair the singularity.

The two major problems plaguing Chaldea were mentioned by Shuo Yue in an understated manner, and he even promised to solve them as long as the last Master locked up a supporting position.

Hearing this, Fujimaru's eyes lit up.

I take back my preamble, Mr. Shuo Yue is a good person!
Realizing that this was the end of a story led by a big boss, and that as long as the OB passed the plot beside him, he could receive the Saint Crystal, Fujimaru suddenly became energetic as if he had been given a shot of blood, and he raised his arms and shouted:
"Come on everyone, I will support you mentally!"

"Oh!" A group of tool men responded loudly, and after receiving Shuo Yue's signal, Weber raised his hand and waved his feather fan, dispelling the eight formations of stone soldiers.


Within the Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers, unite the capital of the Roman Empire
It is said to be the capital, but where is the prosperity?

Only the ruins of the beast and the demonic god left behind after their impotent rage.

Several large tentacles that looked like twin brothers sat together in a row, and together with half of the body that looked like a dragon's head, they made the same movements.

Looking up at the sky, I feel the violent thunder and cold wind and rain contained in the innate eight trigrams.

It's like you can see the flowers.

——If they are human beings, full of creative human beings, then once the number of people is gathered together, they might be able to sit down and fight the landlord, play Ludo or something like that.

But they are the Demon God Pillar, the Demonic Beast He, one of the 72 pillars of self-discipline, and the split terminal of Beast VI/S.

They are a remnant soul attached to human history, a dreamy bubble with no future.

After countless failed attempts, facing this ruthless little world, all they can do is reduce consumption, while constantly brewing malice in their hearts, waiting for the opportunity to burst out.

Even if one possesses the Holy Grail, the power of the Servant's Spiritual Base itself does not allow the Noble Phantasm to be maintained for a long time, and it is already at the end of its power to be able to sustain it until now.

Leif silently counted the time and sneered in his heart.

When this damn prison is lifted, it will be their time to take revenge.Wash my neck and wait, damn Zhuge Kongming!
In the seemingly endless waiting, the eight formations of stone soldiers that were running steadily froze slightly, and suddenly the clouds disappeared.

The next moment, pitch black color erupted, mixed with murderous intent and resentment that almost condensed into substance, causing the world to be smeared with thick ink. Dark magic danced wildly, spreading out on the bodies of the monsters, grinding their teeth and sucking blood. , watching with eager eyes.

You must, you must tear that damn servant into pieces!

With this determination, the big eyes on the Demonic Pillar began to move, and they locked onto Webb who was hiding behind with a calm expression at an extremely fast speed.

"I found you, Zhuge Kongming!" Leif shouted in ecstasy mixed with murderous intent, "I want you to know the consequences of betraying me! Disappear in misery, you mad dog who betrayed his master!"

But as he spoke, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The monsters and beasts did not move at all. The monsters and beasts who were also imprisoned in the cage, who were more furious and jealous than him, turned out to be like drowned dogs, whimpering and curling up, showing a weak look!

Wait...why is it said that Zhuge Kongming is in the 'rear area'?
Leif was stunned, and other people finally appeared in his vision that was obscured by anger.

Holding a microphone gun, Long Niang is posing as if no one is watching.

Tamamo Cat rubs the shoulders and back of the black-haired young man and enthusiastically sells the maid lap pillow service.

She looks like a goddess in a white dress with a leisurely posture on vacation.

A dragon swordsman with black armor and blond hair, holding a holy sword.

The majestic chariot queen holds a sword and shield.

And...the top evil star wearing Qin Mo armor, with evil energy rising into the sky——

The moment Leif appeared, these people's eyes were cast towards him, and then they looked at each other and reached a consensus.

This grandson is still so arrogant even when he is about to die, take him!

So countless attacks turned into raindrops and swarmed in, bombarding the Demon God Pillar wantonly.

"Shuoyue——!" She was as sad and angry as a little girl who forced a good girl into prostitution. The Demon God Pillar was shaking with anger, his hands and feet were cold, and tears were about to fall down.

What is happening to this world? How can we, the Demon God Pillar, do it so that you will be satisfied?

Did you agree to bring a helper?

No martial arts! ! !

Next to the beaten Demon Pillar, Fujimaru smiled, raised his drink, and clinked glasses with Weber who was watching the show.

The eyes that looked at Leif were full of teasing and pity.

Yes, according to the rules, there is only one assist position.

But who said that the Master who is assisting in the battle is not allowed to bring his own followers?

So, amid the cries of grief and indignation, one of the 72 Demonic Pillars, Information Room Floros, and the crowned bomber Leif, died.

It is very satisfying and gratifying.

After getting satisfied with the beating, Shuo Yue left the weak, pitiful and helpless Leif to the servants to play with, while he floated back and came to the side of the blond girl.

It was obviously a lovable face, but behind them, those creatures with the heads of worms or dragons bared their teeth and claws at Shuo Yue, not hiding the hostility in their eyes.

Facing the almost overflowing malice, Shuo Yue moved forward without changing his expression, squatted down, and was eye level with Draco. After looking at each other for a moment, he smiled and stretched out his hand towards her.

"Will you go back with me?"

The conflict between the two empires has ended, the Demon God Pillar has been destroyed, and the Demon Beast He is being watched by Shuo Yue and others, but he is completely unable to make a difference.

The 'beast', who was imprisoned in Nero's body and could not even break free from Shuo Yue's seal, has been on the road to death step by step like a frog being boiled in warm water, and there is no way to recover.

The stage has come to an end, and it is time for the heroine to throw herself into the arms of the hero, utter thought-provoking words of repentance, and finally bow out with the hero amidst cheers and flowers, exit the stage, and return to her original life trajectory.

That's how it's supposed to be, isn't it?
But even so, Draco remained unmoved, his face full of indifference:
"You know? Yu really hates this kind of behavior. Standing on a high point where victory is in hand, he talks to himself and offers mercy to the loser - completely unaware that he is the one who is about to fall."

The light of the Command Seal lit up in his left hand, Draco looked at the annoying white-haired general coldly, and spoke the final order.

"Kill yourself, Avenger."

So, "Pfft".

When the followers recovered from the joy of beating the Demonic Pillar, they were shocked to find Draco laughing loudly, and in front of her, Shuo Yue turned her hand over, pierced her chest, and held the spiritual core.

Then, crush it!
(End of this chapter)

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