My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 348 The difference between coming proactively and being forced

Chapter 348 The difference between coming proactively and being forced
Da Mao and Draco were in a good mood after eating the coveted udon noodles.

Sakusuki and Ritsuka also had lunch and were very full (although the latter was a surprise).

However, the magical girl and the servants who were thrown into free fall from a height of [-] meters were not so comfortable.

After nearly transforming into magical girls before touching the water to avoid being smashed into pieces by the water pressure, Illya and Miyu lay on the beach with lingering fear.
"As expected, I hate that guy the most!" The silver-haired girl bit her silver teeth bitterly.

"Ah haha... unexpectedly holding a grudge, that guy." The wet Xiao Hei laughed dryly and shook his hair, "How about Miyu? Is it okay?"

Speaking of Miyu, when she found herself a hundred meters high in the sky, she was extremely calm. She even had the time to grab Illya and try to comfort her. However, during the fall, her comforting voice turned into a scream. , the whole person hugged Illya tightly, almost forgetting to transform.

He's still vomiting his soul next to him now.

"Huh, this is bungee jumping. It's really refreshing!" Mordred was one of the few servants who didn't transform into a spirit body and jumped directly into the water with her high-profile physique. She shook off the water like a cat and then raised the surfboard, excitedly.

"Okay, enough fun, let's go back and eat udon!"

A few moments later...

"Ah?" Xiao Mo stared blankly at the neatly folded empty bowls, and then looked at King Da Mao who was sitting on the chair with a pretty face and a slight blush, and suddenly an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"That...Mr. Shuo Yue?"

"It's a pity that you guys are late." Sakuyue spread his hands shamelessly and smiled, "The summer limited edition udon noodles have been sold out."

Just kidding, from the moment this group of fun-lovers wanted to see his joke, they were already in the New Moon Notebook.

Still want to eat the udon noodles made by my little red dragon?Are you kidding me?
You must know that those who eat melons will one day become the harpoons in the melon fields, gentlemen!
There is no way, on this island, Shuo Yue, who controls the infrastructure, is undoubtedly the top of the food chain. Everyone can only swallow the bitter pill with tears and rummage for the supplies brought from Chaldea to satisfy their appetites.


Matthew walked out dejectedly.

"The hut has been built, and the water intake has also been built. I thought we should have made a lot of progress... The biggest mistake in Mash Kyrielet's life was that he failed to discover this problem."

Under the disbelieving gazes of the followers, Mashu announced a piece of bad news:
"The food is gone."

In Chaldea, food is not necessary for servants. Strictly speaking, it feels more like a tranquilizer.

But for the Master, Illya and others, it's not that simple.

"We have been very seems we still can't hold on." Ritsuka wiped the gloss from the corner of his mouth and tried to pretend as if nothing had happened. "In this case, the only way left is to be self-sufficient locally. We can't Ignoring the food problem is not only a matter of our survival, but also a matter of morale."

"Cheer up, everyone, let's take action now and look for something to eat!"

After building a house, everyone no longer had to worry about rest and prey storage, so Ritsuka's suggestions were answered instantly. Even the magical girls had to wave their wands and fight to fill their stomachs!
Then, not long after the group was dispatched——

"I'm sorry, Master. I really should learn more about survival."

Little Eggplant lowered her head in repentance, her red face almost buried in her chest: "My results are almost little that I can only carry back Fufu who happened to be walking nearby."

"...? Fu, Fu!?"

"Fufu seemed to suddenly realize something and started to struggle." Shuo Yue laughed.

Matthew also realized the ambiguity in his words and hurriedly made up for it: "Ah, no, no, Fufu! I brought Fufu just to relieve boredom, or to make everyone livelier! I definitely don't want you to become a calorie!"

Unfortunately, Fufu had already broken away from Ma Xiu's arms, and jumped into his arms at Shuo Yue's greeting.

"Oh, you're so good~~" Shuo Yue hugged the little white beast skillfully, and gently stroked its hair. The comfortable touch made him squint his eyes with a look of satisfaction on his face, "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I petted a cat. Although Fu Fu is not a cat either.”

While talking, Shuo Yue took out a snack from her arms, tore open the package and handed it to Fu Fu to eat.



Wait, something seems wrong.

"Mr. Shuoyue?!" Mashu's eyes widened, "Why do you have food!"

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?" Shuo Yue opened a bag herself and cast an innocent look at Ma Xiu, "Does Ma Xiu want it?"

"Please give me a copy... No, no, that's not the point, is it?"

"I'm just going back to get it. I'm not living on a deserted island like you, but I took the initiative to find this place, right?" The young man threw a bag of biscuits to Matthew and said with a smile, "Of course, compared to coming from the original world with big and small bags, Is it more fulfilling to have a picnic here, or to build everything from scratch, little by little?”

"Well, that's true..." Mashu was stunned by Sakuyue, but Ritsuka didn't take this trick. As an upright and awe-inspiring Master, she had already seen through Sakuyue's true nature.

"To put it bluntly, you just don't want to be an unpaid takeaway boy, delivering supplies for us all day long, right? What's more, it's really interesting to see the distressed appearance of the heroic spirits running around for a living, ah no, it's regrettable .”

"Isn't this the reason why you didn't expose me?"

"Correct answer, hey, come on, Shuo Yue, give me a bottle of vodka!"

"Minors can't drink. Don't look at me. I won't give you orange juice. Just go hunting with them."

"Hey, why is this—no, you have to go too!"

"That's a nice thought. I'm here for a vacation, isn't it... huh? Wait, don't come over!"

Amid the screams, Ritsuka grabbed the hem of Fate's clothes and dragged Sakuyue out of the courtyard with one hand.

Ma Xiu looked at it in a daze.

"Senior and Mr. Shuo Yue...when did their relationship become so good?"

"Perhaps it's because they have similar odors." Draco said quietly when he appeared.


"Anyway, Mr. Sakuzuki will go hunting with us, please take care of us!" Ritsuka clasped his hands together and smiled playfully at the servants.

"The number of people suddenly increased...five people, but it doesn't matter. Fishing on the river, the more people there are, the less boring it will be."

Cu Chulainn carried the fishing rod like a spear, with an expression of indifference.

By his side were Ritsuka, Sakuzuki, Tamamozen...and Miyu.

"Why did Miyu come to fish too?" The mood that was not good at first suddenly became clear. Shuo Yue knelt down and tried to tease Miyu, but she mercilessly slapped her away.

"It's just about preparing food."

"Actually, it's because none of the three fruits Miyu picked can be eaten normally, and Illya couldn't stand it, so..."

"Blue, sapphire!"

"I'm very sorry, Miyu-sama, but I think this is information that must be provided to others. For example, fruits cannot be eaten freely..."

Illya must be miserable. According to Miyu's character, she must eat the fruits first.

As for Sapphire, although her personality tends to be quiet, she is exactly the same as her sister (Ruby) in terms of bad taste.

(End of this chapter)

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