My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 349 The real name reveals New Moon and Christmas Eve

Chapter 349 The real name is revealed·New Moon and Christmas Eve
The fishing process went smoothly, except for the elder Cu Chulainn's speech, which caused Tamamo to say, 'Hey!You should say this to Miss Scathach!Then go DIE! ’ and other angry words, Meiyou unexpectedly gained a lot, and everyone else also gained something.

"Huh... It's almost time to rest." Shuo Yue pulled up the fishing rod, and a fish jumped out of the water, crossed a perfect arc and fell into the basket. The young man stood up and handed the small half of the basket of fish to Ritsuka who was scratching his head. , smiled and patted her shoulder, and left gracefully.

" leaving now?" Tamamoae moved his fox ears and asked curiously, "It always feels like he is asking you to pay a favor, Master?"

"That's right. After all, I dragged him here." Li Xiang smiled and hugged the fish basket as if he was holding today's dinner. "He is different from us. We arrived because of the accident where the spirit son was transferred." Here, he came here on his own initiative, and his mentality is completely different."

"Mr. Sakuzuki came here on his own?" Miyu was startled, ripples appeared on the water, "But why? Because of Miss Draco?"

The relationship between Draco and Shuo Yue is so close that anyone with a discerning eye can see it, so did Shuo Yue come to this world for Draco?

"No, how is that possible?" Ritsuka waved her hands repeatedly, looking at Miyu with a different meaning, "Why do you think that someone who doesn't need to sleep or eat... has a faint aura that even makes Miss Artoria wary? Do you need Mr. Shuo Yue to worry about you?"

She, Fujimaru Ritsuka, is the master who saves humanity. If anyone really thinks that she is just a passionate girl, that would be too stupid.

Those invisible reasonings and arguments had already gathered in her actions like spring breeze and rain. Five days were enough for the clever Li Xiang to figure out something.

Without covering up, Ritsuka spoke straightforwardly:

"I'm here for you, Miyu, and your companions. Haven't you noticed it yet? If Shuo Yue is really hostile to you, you won't be able to escape from this island even with my protection."

A cold breath rose from the bottom of her heart, Miyu couldn't help but shudder, and finally saw the truth behind the warm atmosphere.

Ritsuka once asked Sakuzuki about his magic level, and Sakuzuki's answer was A+.

That is a power comparable to that of magic, a power that even the top heroic spirits must face seriously.

Displacement magic can transfer them away without anyone noticing, and projection magic has unimaginable lethality. Once a large number of Noble Phantasms are projected, not even magical girls can resist.

Not to mention Sakuyue's indescribable magical power.

"So, Ritsuka-san, when you and Tamamoae-san asked about Sakuzuki magic..."

"Migu~ That's right, little Meiyu. Although it was a last-minute idea, Master has cooperated well with me, right?"

Tamamo proudly made a "yeah" gesture. As a fox who is best at deceiving others, how could she be trusted so easily?What's more, the unknown figure showed terrifying fighting power and cut the demon pig in two.

But precisely because of this, there is something Ritsuka doesn't understand.

"Miyu, I remember Illya said that there are two Shuoyue in that world, right? Can you tell me the identity and appearance of the other Shuoyue?"

"Huh?" Miyu said without doubting that he was there, "That is a priest with the body of a child, white hair, golden pupils, good at using black keys, and the clothes he usually wears are black robes..."

"Stop! Do Father Shuo Yue's eyes have vertical pupils?"

"Yes, yes...ah!" Ritsuka's words were like a fog, clearing away the truth that Miyu had not yet discovered.

Miyu has always taken it for granted that one moon is different from the other due to his body shape. Especially when it comes to the class card Heroic Spirit Caster, the appearance of Father Shuoyue and the young man who transformed into Saber in the same frame further deepened this understanding.

But how could she ignore the identical white hair and golden vertical pupils... as well as the personality, or state, of that mysterious man who was very similar to the current Shuo Yue?
In the world of magic, changing your body shape is not difficult at all!

"I'll tell Illya right now!" Miyu jumped up, not even caring about the fish, and hurried towards the camp.

Looking at Miyu's back, Tamamo-mae swung the fishing rod casually: "Speaking of which, Master, how did you find out? After all, I was a Caster at that time, so I could see that Sakuyue was giving me the extremely fast speed. He cast a magic spell and became suspicious, but you probably didn’t notice it, Ritsuka, right?”

"Of course I didn't see it. After all, I don't have any magic talent, but Shuo Yue's magic is just a blinding trick. As long as I comb through it a few times when I have free time, I can discover Shuo Yue's careless disguise. ."

"Hey, I didn't realize that Master, you are also very handsome in this aspect."

"What are you talking about, Tamamo-chan? Master, I am always handsome! Of course, Teacher Kong Ming taught me well, hehe..."

Sakuyue, who had become addicted to fishing, naturally didn't know that Ritsuka had revealed his identity by dividing two points three times, five by five, and maybe he wouldn't care if he knew.At this moment, he was experiencing the dull pain that he would experience sooner or later with the idiots, or rather... the taste of the Knights of the Round Table.

"I see. That's why you called me. After all, it will be difficult to deal with too many prey."

On the way back to the camp, he was called away by Dai Mao and came to the jungle. Shuo Yue looked at Mashu, Qing Ji and Artoria who were present, and nodded thoughtfully.

"If you want to be self-sufficient in the local area, what comes to mind is hunting. So what should we do? Let Mashu chase the prey, and let me snipe the prey when it escapes?" Qing Ji said after seeing Shuo Yue, she started from the snake Degenerated into a little white sheep, huddled behind Ma Xiu and shivering. As a last resort, Shuo Yue could only take the initiative to shoulder her responsibilities.

"No, let me give it a try here. I want to warm up after a long absence from hunting." Arturia rejected Sakuyue's suggestion.

My king wants to take action himself?
Because it had been too long, Shuo Yue had forgotten most of the plot. Before he realized the danger, he still had the same lazy posture and casually leaned against the tree trunk.

"Then please, my king."

"Hmm." Even though she was prepared, Artoria still had a feeling of being overcharged, but she could feel that she did not resist such a call, so she slowly pulled out the holy sword, "Hunting is a knight's hobby. Especially now that I am Archer. I will not let go of any prey."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic: "Although it would be more foolproof if my reliable horses, Ramray, East Stallion and hound Cavas were all here."

"Don't worry, my king, there are only ordinary wild beasts here. Look, there happens to be a deer at the foot of the mountain over there." Shuo Yue said lazily, so Arturia drew her sword with a 'bang', just when Shuo Yue thought she When I was about to chase him, I heard Da Mao Ying read out the true name of the Noble Phantasm with great awe:




"What's the problem?" Arturia obediently disarmed the Noble Phantasm with a curious look on her face.

This time even Matthew couldn't help but complain: "Is there any problem? What is Miss Artoria planning to do!"

"Huh? It's just that I think the view at the foot of the mountain is not very good, and it is easy for prey to hide in the forest. It would be better to shoot first to broaden the surrounding view." Daimao still had the same confused expression, "I don't Isn’t it like this every time? I just think it should be done sometimes... Is this approach rude or is there any other problem? "

"This is no longer a matter of etiquette! Why didn't anyone around you tell you?!" Shuo Yue was completely speechless.

Seniors of the Knights (Cowherds), what on earth are you doing?Were the plains in the southern part of the British Isles originally created by idiots? !

"How is it possible? Is it already so serious?"

Artoria said in a daze: "Agguiwen, who accompanied me when hunting, always stared with a pair of dead fish eyes and praised, 'As expected of your Majesty. He really tried his best', and kept clapping his hands. Could it be that they were just polite words?" ?"

"It's not so much polite should I put it..." Mashu also stared with dead eyes, his expression was exactly the same as that of the secretary back then.

"Excalibur Hunting Ground..." Kiyohime huddled behind her and whispered.

It's a pity that Arturia once again showed that invincible expression, and no one could bear to point out her mistake.

"No, it's okay." Shuo Yue twitched the corner of her mouth, "As expected of His Majesty the King, the pomp is great."

Thus, amid the excitement and frequent incidents, the daytime on the first day of the holiday came to an end.

At dusk, a bonfire was burning under the notice board that said 'The venue for the first magical girls and servants and Master Fujimaru's BBQ gathering'.

Everyone gathered together after a busy day, and there was a bit of solemnity hidden in the laughter.

Just because now is the time for the Holy Grail to reveal the status of the Werewolf game last night.

"Ding." The prompt sounded, and soon a light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

[Result of the first night: Christmas Eve]





(End of this chapter)

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