My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 44 Magician killer, snipe!

Chapter 44 Magician killer, snipe!

The weapon in the treasure house can be shot without even touching it—this is why Gilgamesh became an archer (Archer).

But the way he treats the treasures is too casual, the rough throwing method is like throwing stones, throwing the most important treasures of the heroic spirits at random.Even so, his attack destructive power is still extremely powerful.The road surface turned up as if it had been blasted, and the asphalt that was broken into crumbs turned into dust to obscure the view.

Everyone held their breaths because Berserker, like the new moon, used shields and other weapons to defend.

But when the dust cleared, a slender black figure loomed, proving that Berserker was still alive.

At his slightly shifted feet, a large hole in the shape of a crater had been dug deep into the road.This was the result of the slow-flying lance that missed the target among Archer's spears and swords.

However, the long sword, which should have hit the target earlier than the spear, did not cause any damage.Because that sword is now in Berserker's hand.

How many people can clearly see this offensive and defensive battle that unfolds at lightning speed?At least Irisviel and Weber didn't even know what happened.

The actual situation was - Berserker easily grasped the sword fired by Archer's first attack, and just used the weapon he just obtained to block the spear of the second attack.

"...That guy, is he really Berserker?" Lancer whispered nervously, and Rider responded with a grunt: "For a madman who lost his mind, his skills are really superb."

Even Shuoyue, who had expected it for a long time, couldn't help admiring: "It's worthy of endless martial arts, and it's worthy of being a knight of the Yangtze River."

Infinite martial arts training is the complete integration of mind, skill, and body. Known as the unparalleled superb martial arts, it can display [-]% fighting ability under any mental control (including madness).

As the flower of the knight who tops the round table in martial arts, Lancelot's martial arts are still powerful even in the incarnation of Berserker.

"Really, even I have a fighting spirit." Shuo Yue licked her lips, and suddenly made a move with both hands, and the yin and yang swords appeared in her hands.

Even if it only inherited Wei Gong's ability, the husband and wife sword known as "Gan Jiang Mo Xie" is still the most convenient weapon in Shuo Yue's opinion.

The white robe was raised, and the kimono was replaced by a concept dress made of holy skeletal cloth. The young man smiled and tied a red hair band on his forehead.

With fierce murderous intent, he rushed towards the handsome man holding the magic gun, Lancer without hesitation.


"what happened?"

Weber and Irisviel stepped back one after another, hiding under the protection of the servants, looking at Shuo Yue with shock in their eyes.

Long live!A traitor has risen among us!
There is a master here who is eager to try and wants to beat the servant!

Even Diarmuid didn't react, he was actually invited to fight by a master, he was stunned for a long time, and then he laughed angrily:

"It seems that I have been underestimated. Hey, I don't know which heroic master it is, you still have time to apologize before I get completely angry?"

Shuoyue, who was fully armed, also smiled back, and elegantly gave a knightly salute: "Please."

Invited by the etiquette of a knight, Diarmuid has no reason to refuse, not to mention his master Kenneth also issued an order to him:

"Kill him, Lancer."

"Obey, my lord." Diarmuid's smile became bloody, and his two guns drew a beautiful arc in the air, then raised his legs, took a step, and swooped towards Shuoyue!

Except for "muscular strength", Shuoyue, whose other attributes have been restored, is not afraid, swinging her double blades, and facing Lancer head-on!

"How did it become like this..." Wei Bo looked sad, watching the situation suddenly become chaotic.

Taking Assassin's re-exit as the trigger, the golden king and the black-armored knight confronted each other, and the mortal master swordsman and the double-spearman fought with the servants. As for the rest...

"There is no reason for us to fight, right? Conqueror?" Sensing Iskandar's malicious gaze, Artoria took a step back and protected Irisviel, seemingly submissive but threatening Said.

"Well, although I'm very tempted, but now is not the time to fight with you." The red-haired man shook his head and comforted the divine bull under his command, "Besides, it's not the act of a king to throw stones into a well."

Saber silently let go of the long sword when she heard this. Although the wound on her left hand was no longer bleeding, she still felt powerless, making her unable to swing the long sword freely.

What's worse, her trump also unusable because of this.

Rider and Saber, whose master and servants were both present, tacitly suppressed their desire to fight, silently observed the two battles, and collected necessary information.

But since he is in the middle of the battlefield, how can he retreat completely?
The flames of war between Archer and Berserker first spread to the Rider team on the side.

At first, Archer's shot was easily deciphered by Berserker. Adhering to the spirit of coming but not reciprocating, the black knight let out a low growl, and suddenly pulled out a sword.

"This is..." the blond king frowned unhappily, "a counterfeit?"

The sword was in a twisted spiral shape, its original color was stained by Berserker's magic power, and red lines flowed in the pitch black.

Without waiting for Gilgamesh to say more, Berserker swung his sword silently, and a torrent of black-red magic power rushed out, turning into a beam of light and rushing towards the golden figure on the street lamp.

Gilgamesh jumped up slightly before the iron pillar broke, and landed on the ground as if nothing had happened.

Ignore the direction of the dark beam, or even if you know it, the goal of the King of Heroes will not change.

"Damn let me, who should look up to the sky, stand on the same ground as you!"

At this point, the anger finally reached its peak, and the deep vertical lines between Gilgamesh's eyebrows made his beauty extremely fierce.

"Such a disrespectful act, even if you die, you can't escape the blame. You bastard, this king will definitely let you be wiped out!"

When Archer issued the proclamation of killing, another group of servants was also facing a crisis—I don't know whether it was intentional or not, at this moment, Rider was on the same line as Gilgamesh and Lancelot. !
The pitch-black light cannon easily engulfed the street lights, and attacked Iskandar's chariot unabated.

"Be prepared to fall, kid!" Rider didn't even have time to explain, and Rider waved his hand violently, and the wheel of divine power turned into magic power and dissipated, and they who were in midair began to fall.

If it is purely for Rider, in the face of this kind of attack, as long as the divine thunder is activated, it can be offset, but there is still a small oil bottle beside him - Weber.

The impact of the light cannon and the thunderbolt was not something that Weber's small body could bear, not to mention that Weber was caught off guard, and Weber didn't even release the basic magic barrier.


And Rider was in the state of stiffness caused by the instant release of the Noble Phantasm and stagnation in the air, unable to protect this immature Master.

This is a fantastic opportunity!

As a knight king who has experienced hundreds of battles, Saber naturally caught this opportunity, but she just moved her palm, and turned her head away with a flat face as if she hadn't noticed anything.

However, being Gao Jie as a follower does not mean that her master will also give up the opportunity to make trouble.

"The crosswind is strong, the front sight is corrected by three squares to the left, the wind from the building, the whirlwind from three wind directions... the front sight is corrected by one square to the right, and the target is locked."

Hiding in the dark, with three Command Seals branded on his right hand, Emiya Kiritsugu, Saber's real master, aimed at Weber's head and pulled the trigger.

Sparks shot out from the muzzle of the Walther WA2000.

 I won’t say which episode is neta here (hey)

(End of this chapter)

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