My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 45 The Lost Emiya Kiritsugu

Chapter 45 The Lost Emiya Kiritsugu

Ward W2000 sniper rifle.

It was originally designed for the Olympic shooting competition, and its accuracy has reached the level of the semi-automatic PSG-1 sniper rifle. Since it has been discontinued and the output is only 176 pieces, each is worth about [-] US dollars.

For the magician killer who is already a freak, this weapon, which can be called a strange weapon, really complements him.

The 7.62 mm projectile hit Weber's forehead. If there is no accident, this immature magician will be easily pierced through the head.

Even Weber himself realized his own death at this moment.


Scenes of the past flashed by like a revolving lantern, but in the end, Weber had the urge to smile wryly.

My own past was really boring, boring, and childish enough to make people laugh.

Coming here to participate in the Holy Grail War just out of anger is like a person who ran away from home and broke into the war-torn Middle East - it is undoubtedly an act of courting death.

Maybe people can only realize something before they die, but it's too late.

The bullet pierced the air, and the kiss of death was only a step away from him.

And the silver light pierced through the air, blocking Weber's face first.


Amidst the sparks flying, the hard Cyprus sword knocked the bullet away, and he also slapped Weber on the head due to the reaction force, like a "gentle" finger snap of a certain king, which saved Weber from death. Waking up from phantom.

"What are you doing in a daze, brat, hurry up and defend!" Iskandar shouted while maintaining the movement of throwing the dagger.

"Ah, pain, pain, pain!" Weber clutched a red mark on his forehead, and had just cast his defensive magic, when the sound of a submachine gun with a silencer firing came from another place.

There was more than one assassin!
Although the bullets of the Steyr AUG are not as powerful as the penetrating power of the Ward W2000, the overwhelming barrage is enough to completely tear a person's flesh and blood.

"Why are you coming towards me alone!" Weber's face collapsed, but he did not give up resistance easily, but gritted his teeth and arranged a new defensive magic.

Although the magic compartment was easily torn apart by the bullets of modern thermal weapons, it also bought enough time for Weber.

"Boom." There was a loud noise like a weight falling to the ground. Obviously, this momentum was not something that Wei Bo, with his small body, could do.The next moment, Weber could only feel the wind whistling. Rider, who landed one step ahead of him, grabbed his waist and protected him in his broad chest.

At the moment of being protected by Iskandar, Weber felt unprecedented peace of mind, but soon he woke up and realized the problem——without using the Noble Phantasm, Iskandar is nothing more than more He was just a strong ancient soldier, how could he retreat in front of a modern gun!

"Rid——" As the words came to his lips, Weber's pupils shrank, and his mind was taken away by the splashing blood.

It is true that the sword of Cyprus cut off many projectiles for Rider, but after all Iskandar is a king who leads an army to conquer, not a warrior who is skilled in martial arts, and he couldn't block a full thirty bullets.

For the rest of the crisis, the red-haired brawny chose to block it in a simple way.

That muscular arm is thick enough, like a small shield, enough to block bullets that lack stamina.

As a result, flesh and blood splattered, and dozens of terrifying holes were left on the arm belonging to the King of Conquerors, and smoke was even blowing out.

This is definitely not the effect that ordinary bullets can produce.

After a moment of sluggishness, Waver hastily cast healing magic to heal Rider's injuries.

"R... Rider! How are you!" In the end, Weber, who was still a student, had already started to cry, "Idiot! You are a big idiot!"

"Why panic! I am a follower, and this injury is not as serious as the plague when I was marching and fighting!" Iskandar waved his hand, and the injury on his right arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he could even see the black air Spills overflowed, disappearing with residual resentment.

"It's a bullet enhanced with necromantic magic." Even though he was flustered for a moment, Weber was a top student at the clock tower after all, and he immediately recognized the source of the damage, "It seems that at least two bars have been added to break Rider's anti-magic power." The spell above... can you find the killer, Rider?"

"No, I'm not good at finding enemies." Iskandar lowered his head, looked at Weber who seemed to have matured in an instant although there were still tears in the corner of his eyes, smiled, and asked with some consideration, " So, what shall we do next, Master?"

Weber, who was thinking about it, didn't realize Rider's title. After pondering for a moment, he sighed helplessly: "Although I am very unwilling, let's retreat, Rider."

Perhaps because he was tempered in the face of death, Weber said frankly: "My existence will make you feel bound, and a cavalry (Rider) who has scruples can't gallop on the battlefield at all."

When it came to the end, the thin Master was still a little downcast: "I'm sorry, Rider, you must be very disappointed to meet a Master like me."

The heroic laughter interrupted his self-pity and self-pity. Wei Bo only felt his body lighten, and he was lifted up by Iskandar. away from afar.

"The King of Conquerors is leaving the stage for the time being. Heroic spirits, please continue to enjoy this wonderful night!"

Even if he left early, the King of Conquerors was still heroic, and the lights and swords in Warehouse Street froze for a moment, as if saying goodbye.

Then the fight resumed.


"Clear target failed. According to the original plan, it will be transferred to target point two."

Reported in a low voice through the Bluetooth headset, the woman named "Hyuu Maiya", the half body of the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu, quickly disassembled the AUG with a blank face, and then left with small steps.

It was just unavoidable to think back to the figure of the red-haired man, and the angry, lion-like eyes at that moment.

Heroic spirits... I am afraid that humans will not be able to defeat them.

Hisau Maiya calmly came to a conclusion.

Only she and Kiritsugu knew exactly what the bullet from the magazine that was fired earlier was proving.

The cause can be traced back to Winter City a year ago, when Maiya Hisau was out collecting information, and when she came back, that person named "Sakuyue" single-handedly destroyed the Einzbern family. The defeated youth has disappeared.

But the influence he caused still remained - Emiya Kiritsugu understood how powerless the ordinary bullets, the weapon he was famous for, were in front of the real strong in the communication with the youth.

Therefore, without Irisviel's knowledge, Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisau Maiya went out several times, and finally, with the help of a middleman, they found a freak who was both a mercenary and a necromancer—Shishi Zed Boundary away.

After paying nearly half of the property, Emiya Kiritsugu got a new magic dress besides the "origin bullet" - a magic bullet blessed with the resentment of the dead.

Judging from the injuries of the strong red man, these bullets could indeed cause some trouble to the followers.

This is enough—after all, the task of defeating the servants does not belong to the Master.

At this moment, Hisu Maiya suddenly realized something, and her figure suddenly became stiff.

"... Kiritsugu?"

Until now, working Bluetooth headsets have remained silent.

Emiya Kiritsugu.

no respond!

(End of this chapter)

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