My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 59 The Person Named "Emiya Kiritsugu"

Chapter 59 The Person Named "Emiya Kiritsugu"
"Miss Ilya? Miss Ilya is here..."

The shouting of the counter staff was interrupted by a low and hurried voice.

"Give me the roster, please."

"Ah, good, good."

No magic was used, but the expression on the man's face was so terrifying and hollow that the will of the counter staff was easily overwhelmed, and he handed over the roster in his hand in a daze.

Emiya Kiritsugu snatched it away, flipped through it quickly, and finally stopped at an extremely familiar name.

【Ilyasphil von Einzbern】

【Room 1986】

1986...Emiya Kiritsugu's fingertips began to tremble.

He remembered, he clearly remembered, that Eliasfiel, his daughter was born on a certain extremely cold night in 1986.

But how could she come here?From far away Winterlands?
Returning the roster to the counter staff, Emiya Kiritsugu looked in the direction of the Hyatt Hotel, closed his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

Then, move your legs.

If the daughter is also in this deadly building, then as a father, he should do everything he can to save her.

This is an obvious fact.

But this man is different. Before the love of a father, he has more important things to bear——

On the road to "father", the thorns of "ideal" made him difficult.

His legs were trembling, and every time the man with empty eyes took a step towards the hotel, his heart shook more and more, and the cracks on his calm face became deeper and deeper.

It seemed that every step he took was a betrayal of his wish, his ideal.

"Emiya Tomoken, is Emiya Tomoken here?" The counter staff kept shouting, the voice seemed to come from an unreal sky, making Emiya Kiritsugu feel light, like walking in the clouds.

Oh, father.

The father who devoted himself to studying time magic and was appointed by the seal.

The father who developed necromancers for magic research and used ordinary people as test subjects.

He still remembered the feeling of the dagger piercing into the magician's body, and that was the first time he raised the gun, completely cutting off the magician's life.

The scars of the past were torn, and the soul-piercing feeling supported Emiya Kiritsugu to move on.

"Xia Lei, is Miss Xia Lei there?"

Xia Lei...

Bright red blood flowed from the scar.

"What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?" The brown-skinned Southeast Asian girl smiled brightly, embodying Emiya Kiritsugu's first love.

But she was already dead, and she was cleaned up by the Church of the Holy Church and the Magic Association after taking the deadly disciple medicine made by Emiya Jixian.

The dead girl handed Emiya Kiritsugu a silver dagger, begging him to kill herself.

But Emiya Kiritsugu fled in shame.

Because he failed to kill the girl he loved, the whole village fell—a disaster that almost established the values ​​​​of the magician killer named Emiya Kiritsugu throughout his life.

"Ms. Natalia? Is Ms. Natalia there?"


This time, the man finally stopped.

The gap in the heart no longer bleeds, and the wind blows through it, echoing hollowly.

Natalia, the bounty hunter who adopted him after the dead village was wiped out.

She accompanied Emiya Kiritsugu through his youth, watching him transform from a little ghost into a gloomy and cold hunter with dry eyes.

In the last mission, in order to eliminate the Death Bee on the plane, Emiya Kiritsugu used the Blow Pipe portable surface-to-air missile to shoot down the death flight before the plane landed.

Even in this plane, there is his most beloved teacher, the woman he has been with for more than ten years.

After countless midnight dreams, Emiya Kiritsugu realized what he had lost belatedly.

——he already regarded Natalia as his mother.

"Strange, Emiya Jixian, Xia Lei, Natalia... don't they all come out?"

Yes, I killed them all with my own hands.

The ghosts of the past reached out to him, trying to drag him into the unfathomable abyss.

The thin man stood among the crowd, looking so lonely and precarious.

Fake, all fake, they are all dead, how could they be alive in this hotel.

Everything could only be someone's malicious mockery of him, or an arrangement to slow him down.

But even though he knew this, Emiya Kiritsugu could not change anything. He regarded himself as a scale to measure good and evil, but one end of the scale was constantly being weighed down, while the other side was firmly held down by the man himself. .

What is creaking is not just the balance itself?
The names turned into secret hints, as if foreshadowing some kind of tragic ending.

So, the next thing is...

"Miss Irisviel? Is Miss Irisviel von Einzbern there?" Death looked through the list and slowly read out the next name.

Yes, even his beloved wife would be killed by his own hands...

"Yes, I am here."

A melodious voice like a lark sounded behind Emiya Kiritsugu, Irisviel held her cheeks, her red eyes were full of doubts:
"Strange, I didn't book a room at the Hyatt Hotel? But this is my name again, um, is there a mistake?"

As if aware of Kiritsugu's unbelievable gaze, the beautiful woman stuck out her tongue and clasped her hands together in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Kiritsugu, I couldn't help but run over in the end."

Beside her, Saber in a suit took a step forward: "It's not Irisviel's fault, I came here on my own initiative, and I should be solely responsible for the fault."

But at this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu didn't care about this, looking at the woman he loved so much, his dead-silent eyes glowed a little.

Under the astonished gaze of Saber and Irisviel, Emiya Kiritsugu took a step forward, opened his arms, and embraced his wife actively, embracing one of the few bonds in this cold world.

After a long time, there was a muffled sound.

"Thank you, Saber."

Arturia raised her eyebrows, and the dull hair on her head flickered slightly.

This was the only time her Master thanked her, but Saber was not happy at all.

Her intuition told her what kind of bitterness and blood and tears were contained in this thank you.

This man... what has he experienced in the past?
On the other side, Irisviel also noticed something strange about Emiya Kiritsugu.

They also had a brief embrace before, but no matter what time, her husband just tasted it as if he was suppressing his emotions, as if he was afraid that he would be addicted to something and couldn't extricate himself.

But this was the first time he hugged her without hesitation and snuggled into her arms.

Kiritsugu, he is very fragile now,
Irisviel quickly came to a conclusion due to the unique sensitivity of the cyborg.

It is different from the fragility when Illya was born, saying "I am not qualified to hold this child" with a painful face, the fragility at that time was firm, because the person named "Emiya Kiritsugu" knew what the future would hold. What to do, what will happen, but the pain caused by irreparable.

But this time's fragility is nothingness, broken, like the kind of despair that even its own meaning has been denied.

It is precisely because of this that it is more profound.

"If I decide to abandon everything and run away now - Ellie, would you like to go with me?"

After a brief tenderness, the man raised his head, and the words he said made Irisviel stunned.

 Why are there no comments anymore, your comments are the source of my happiness, how can I fix it!

(End of this chapter)

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