My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 60 Timed Explosion, Hotel Collapses

Chapter 60 Timed Explosion, Hotel Collapses

Irisviel had never seen such an expression from her husband.

The desperate expression is like that of a hurt and terrified child, as if he is about to burst into tears.Standing there was not a highly skilled magician killer at all, but a weak and timid man.

"Kiritsugu, you—"

Irisviel could feel that his chest was trembling, and her husband's strong and reliable wrists were now as weak as a child holding a loving mother.

"If I—" Kiritsugu hugged Irisviel in pain, and asked in a hoarse and weak voice next to her ear: "If I decide to abandon everything and run away—Ari, are you willing to walk with me?" ?"

This is probably the most unlikely question Emiya Kiritsugu could have imagined for Alice Viel.

"Illya...what about that child in Winter City?"

"I will go back and bring her out, and kill anyone who gets in the way." The man's answer was urgent and concise, proving his firm will.

"In the days to come... I will put everything I have on ourselves. I am willing to use all my life to protect you and Illya..."


At this moment, Irisviel finally understood how far the man in front of her had been pushed.Before they arrived, it seemed that someone used a mysterious method to completely destroy the warrior's steadfast body and mind.

He was not the Kiritsugu nine years ago, not the killing machine that was as sharp as a hound, as ruthlessly sharp as a bullet blade, and trained himself to the limit.He had changed so much that it was worryingly fragile.

Irisviel knew what had changed him - that was his wife and daughter, impurities that were absolutely impossible to get mixed into Emiya Kiritsugu's life.

Before coming to Winter City, Emiya Kiritsugu had nothing to lose, not even the heart to feel pain, that's why he was so ruthless and cold, in order to pursue the unattainable dream of saving the world, Decisively give up and sacrifice.

What Kiritsugu needs to do now is to allow himself to go back to the past.But turning back time made his soul wail. Ten years of changes were too profound. The existence of Irisviel and Illya allowed Emiya Kiritsugu to find his ties in the world again.

The original killer who gave everything for his ideal wholeheartedly was gone, replaced by a man who had a weakness and could no longer remain ruthless.

Emiya Kiritsugu's resistance to Saber was revealing his weakness.Right now, he has already tried his best just to maintain himself, and he has no spare energy to accept Saber, nor does he have the heart to think about how to coordinate the relationship with the King of Knights.

Irisviel felt tightness in her chest, and she couldn't save her beloved man from suffering such pain.Because the one who tortured Kiritsugu was none other than himself.

If they agree to Kiritsugu, then their future will definitely develop in a different direction, whether it is good or bad.

However, Irisviel just smiled gently, as if piercing her husband's soul-like opening:
"Can we escape?"

"I can escape, there is still time to leave now." Kiritsugu replied immediately.But this sentence did not come from the existing firm belief, but just to force myself to believe in an extremely slim hope, so it was turned into words.

"—You lied." So Irisviel refuted him, denying him gently but cruelly.

"This sentence is a lie. Emiya Kiritsugu, you will never escape. You will not forgive yourself who abandoned the Holy Grail, and yourself who is powerless to save the world. You will definitely be the first and last judge, strangling 'Emiya Kiritsugu Si' this existence."

The man in his arms fell silent.

Is he crying?Or a silent whimper?

Because he himself knew very well that he had no other choice.

The Iron Curtain had fallen, and the moment they stepped into Fuyuki City, there was nowhere to escape.

Upon realizing this, it was as if something broke.

Instead, new beliefs condensed in Emiya Kiritsugu's heart.

"Ah, yes, we can't escape."

Gently and irresistibly pushing away her embrace, what was revealed in front of Irisviel was that cold and careful "Magician Killer" again.

"At least before Fate arrives, please allow me to struggle a little more."

Speaking in an extremely mocking tone, Emiya Kiritsugu asked Saber to take Irisviel away, and then took out a BB machine, but this old-fashioned machine neither vibrates nor rings, and the receiving signal goes through A modified line feeds the detonating fuse attached to the C4 bomb.

He pressed the last button without hesitation.

Accompanied by a thunderous rumble, dazzling clouds of fire suddenly enveloped the hotel.

Although the scale of the explosion was small, the sound of the explosion did not even spread outside the unmanned restaurant.

But what replaced the sound of explosions in the night sky was the strange whine of steel and concrete rolling against each other.

The hotel has collapsed!

The high-rise hotel with a total height of more than 150 meters, maintaining an upright posture, collapsed as if being sucked in by the ground.Because all the outer walls collapsed inward, not a single piece of debris burst out, only the dust from the collapse obliterated the surrounding streets.

Under Emiya Kiritsugu's brilliant blasting technology, by destroying the load-bearing walls and key pillars, the Hyatt Hotel was pressed inward due to its own weight, achieving the goal of complete destruction.

There were no redundant arrangements, the impact on the surroundings was minimized, and even the sound was barely emitted—only the collapse of a 150-meter-high building could prove how skilled and terrifying Emiya Kiritsugu's blasting technology was.

However, the man who caused all this didn't take a second look at the explosion. His coat was blown up by the strong wind from the falling building, and he walked in the crowd, surrounded by the sound of frightened children crying, and the mother on the side hurriedly comforted her. child.

But such a scene could no longer shake Emiya Kiritsugu's footsteps.

He walked forward indifferently, watching the crowds running to and fro, and when the wind pressure finally subsided, he lit the cigarette in his mouth and dialed the phone.

"Maiya, how is your situation?"

"There was no movement on the 32nd floor until the end, and the target did not escape outside the building."

"very good."

Emiya Kiritsugu walked to the foot of another building, and took out a cello-like piano case in a hidden corner at the entrance of the corridor.

"Get ready to snipe, Maiya."

Open the piano box, and the well-maintained gun parts lay quietly inside, quickly assembled by the magician killer, and turned into a dangerous killer.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Emiya Kiritsugu raised his sniper rifle and asserted coldly:
"Even if Kenneth is dead, Sakutsuki, the master of Caster, can't simply declare the end."

"At that time, it's up to us to penetrate his head ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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