My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 61 Kiritsugu's Killing Game

Chapter 61 Kiritsugu's Killing Game
minutes before the explosion.

"Dilectus incursio (auto attack)!"

"The night is silent, my shadow will cover the world - "Satz-Mein Blut widersteht invasionen"! "

Negative emotions rose, and the shadow of the giant returned from nothing came here. After devouring all the demons and ghosts, it crossed with the poisonous mercury blade and rushed to the target they wanted to kill.

However, the slash comparable to a laser was blocked by the chaotic space, and the imaginary giants lost their positioning on the target, and their attacks fell through one after another.

After a brief respite, the two magicians performed their tricks again:
"Anfang (German: Start)!"

"Trace on!"

The bombardment of gemstones in the wind and fire and the random swords and halberds died together. The yin and yang swords shot out from the explosion pierced into the column-shaped mercury defense, unable to move.

"There is no need to defend, and it will attack automatically. It is really a way to take advantage of it. It is worthy of El Mello's supreme dress 'Moon Spiritual Marrow Liquid' (Volumen hydrargyrum)."

"To each other, imaginary magicians who can summon giants from different spaces, probably have already reached the level of brand (Brand) or even crown (Grand)."

"Ha, I'm just good at fighting."

Talking lukewarm words to each other, Shuoyue and Kenneth looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of confidence and will to kill each other.

In the long life of magicians, in addition to the persistent pursuit of the root vortex, at least there are secret exchanges with each other, which adds a little color to the life that can be seen at a glance.

It's a pity that you can't expect these guys who haven't attended the nine-year compulsory education to have the thinking of normal people-the so-called secret art exchange is not a salon attended by socialites, without warm music and delicious food for people to enjoy.

Want to exchange secret techniques?OK!
Then take your life as a bet, use your body to feel the power of magic, and those who survive the exchange of secret arts will definitely go one step further from their long-cherished wish!

It doesn't matter whether it's a sickness or raising Gu, everything is just a means to get close to the root vortex. Whether it is the mystery of magic or one's own life, in the eyes of orthodox magicians, they are all bargaining chips that can be traded at any time.

The so-called magician is such a creature.

In fact, Shuatsuki cannot be called a magician, he has no interest in the vortex of the root, and only regards magic as a useful tool (also like a certain Kiritsugu), such a person is just a mere magician—— That's how noble magicians often describe them.

But in any case, even though the magician Shuoyue and the magician Kenneth have different ideas, at this moment, they are indeed enjoying the charm and joy of the magic collision.

But a sudden explosion destroyed everything.

As if the earth had abandoned them, the sense of instability caused by the violent shaking of the floor rose from the soles of their feet, spread all the way to their bodies, and finally shattered like fragile glass.

"Rumble rumble..."

The magic-strengthened floors shattered in an instant, and the mysterious brilliance dimmed under the mighty force of the earth-shattering. But Shuoyue and Kenneth, who were caught off guard, faced a collapsed world.

In the face of mortal destruction, the two behave differently.

Kenneth breathed a sigh of relief in the slight shock, but quickly realized something and panicked, hastily spread out the Moon Spirit Essence, clung to the broken building materials, and rushed towards a certain room like a big spider.

On the other hand, Shuoyue sighed undisguisedly, her expression was full of helplessness that "my PaPa is disobedient again", and immediately took a step forward, and disappeared into the rhombus-shaped replacement space.

When he reappeared, he was already downstairs in the Hyatt Hotel. The two servants in front of him were waiting anxiously. After seeing Shuoyue appear, one of them showed a happy smile:
"Oni-chan, welcome back!"

"Yo, Miyu, I'm back." Shuoyue smiled and patted her little head, then turned her head and smiled at the anxious Lancer, "Director Ken should be fine, there is Yue Lingshui, he It must survive."

"Thank you, Shuoyue." After receiving an affirmative reply, Diarmuid relaxed, bid farewell to Shuoyue, and left in a hurry, apparently to help his lord.

The young man and his sister who stayed in place looked at each other and smiled, but before Shuoyue could say anything, an inexplicable chill suddenly climbed up his back.

Inherent skill mind (true), clairvoyance activates.

Eliminate distractions.

Lock the object, trace the trajectory, analyze the target, and complete.

It's a 7.62mm sniper rifle bullet!
The shooter was identified as Emiya Kiritsugu.

The caliber is the same, it is suspected... the origin bomb!

And the target of the shooting was——

"Meiyu!" Just in time to push away the girl beside her, severe pain came from Shuo Yue's palm.

There was no sound of bullets entering the body, and there was no blood spray, Meiyou's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the suddenly hollow palm, she forgot to breathe for a while.

But Sakutsu didn't care about Miyu's reaction, he pulled his sister behind with his still intact left hand, and immediately stomped his feet heavily, a broad sword that was like a shield descended from the sky, blocking between Emiya Kiritsugu and Sakuzuki.

Even he didn't expect that Emiya Kiritsugu would kill directly, obviously he cast a strong hint magic on the personnel list, and made the counter staff call those names that are extremely painful for Emiya Kiritsugu——in the absence of With other people interfering, Kiritsugu shouldn't have recovered so quickly!

However, facts are facts, and after the shock, you should try your best to make up for your mistakes.The young man endured the severe pain in his right hand, his golden eyes were sharp, and he quickly thought about the next move of the magician killer.

Because of his special physique, Sakutsuki couldn't confirm whether this bullet was Kiritsugu's ultimate dress, and because of this, he had to think from two possibilities.

If this is indeed the Origin Bullet, then Kiritsugu's goal is to abolish Miyu and weaken my combat power. Even if it is me, it will be difficult for me to survive this Holy Grail War without my followers... Then he must start Withdrew, Kiritsugu knew very well how terrifying I would be in a state of anger.

But if this is not the Origin Bullet... I know that the Origin Bullet will pose a threat to the magician. Even the servant Caster cannot be immune to the Origin. Miyu's dress sapphire is very important and must not be destroyed, so I must not dare Betting on that possibility... and Kiritsugu's target can never be a Servant, it can only be... me!

This man knew from the very beginning that I would stand in the way of Miyu!
Now that this point has been calculated, then Kiritsugu's attack is not that simple, and he will definitely use it to achieve his goal... The question is what is his purpose?
Recalling all the actions I did: block attacks with the palm wrapped in magic, protect Miyu, set up a defense line to block his sniper vision... There should be nothing wrong with this smooth and smooth behavior.

At night, there is a cool wind blowing, bypassing the defense wall built by Shuoyue, and blowing from the other three sides.

Shuoyue's defenses are not impenetrable.

And Emiya Kiritsugu is not acting alone, besides him, there is another woman who will definitely come here——

"Not good, Hisu Maiya!" Sakuzuki hurriedly turned around, but it was too late.

As if sensing Sakuzuki's panic, Emiya Kiritsugu showed a slight sneer.

Still too young, boy.

For a killer, even the exposed hole card itself can be used as a new killer.

He gave instructions into the headset.

"Maiya, do it."

Suddenly, dense gunshots came from the other end of the communication.

(End of this chapter)

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