My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 6 FATEZERO (1 year ago)

Chapter 6 FATE·ZERO (one year ago)

[Fate Illustrated Book has been updated]

【001: Angelica Ainsworth (Ms. Twinkle)】

[Character Information]: The doll (DOLL) of the Ainsworth family...

【Hidden Information】: B98/W62/H94
【Recording conditions (2/3)】

1. Escape from Ainsworth City (completed)
2. Successfully fled for seven days under her pursuit (completed)

3*. Take over the world and leave the star without dying (achieved)
[Condition 2 has been fulfilled, and rewards are obtained: leave this world and go to the origin of destiny. 】

[Hidden record condition 3* has been achieved, get a reward: Replace Magic·Change! 】

[Privilege activated, locking the world line... The lock was successful. 】

【Start transfer】

The aftermath of Tiandikai's confrontation between Pizhixing and Wuyuan Jianzhi (Tumu Karimuramasa) has dissipated. In front of Angelica, the figure of Shuoyue has disappeared, and only a few embers of burned fabrics are floating , disappearing in the sunlight rising from the horizon.

"Finally dead?" Angelica withdrew the weapon in her hand and cleared all the data about Shuoyue in her mind.

The hunting mission has been completed, and the next step is to return to Ainsworth City, waiting for the next use.

However, as if she didn't want her to forget on purpose, the caster was no longer there, but the seven-round magic circle arranged by Shuoyue rose again, and under Angelica's furious gaze, all the magic power absorbed , pouring out towards the same place.

That place is - located in the very center of Fuyuki City, Ainsworth Castle!

"Suoyue——!!!" A roar like a ghost resounded in the ruins in the early morning.

The young man's triumphant laughter seemed to echo in the air, but was quickly blown away by the wind and disappeared.


Germany, the Alps, the small town of Lauterbrunnen (Lauterbrunnen).

White, white hospital beds.

Golden, golden sunrise.

The calls of cattle and sheep, the singing of birds in the mountains, the soft singing of 72 waterfalls, and the aroma of coffee on the table.

This is the prototype of the elf city "Rivendell".

Every courtyard here is decorated with flowers.

Every house here deserves to appear on a postcard.

Half of his body was wrapped in bandages, and the young man half lying on the hospital bed looked up at the window, his short white hair was blown by the breeze, and even his eyes were stained with a warm luster.

What a quiet and nice town, isn't it?

It's a pity that this small town is in an undercurrent of panic at this time - it seems that an evil murderer has broken into the small town. In just three days, several murders have been committed, and the victim's death They are all strange and strange, but the only thing they have in common is that they are extremely miserable.

It's as if the murderer used the human body as a canvas to smear his imagination and creativity to his heart's content--it's such a bad joke that people can't laugh.

However, this young man didn't care about the name of Mr. Murderer, who was also an uninvited guest with him, and he didn't care about whose head the next death would fall on.

He just woke up this morning, immersed in the joy of being "alive".

"Illustrated book, unfold."

【The Destiny Illustrated Book has started】

A faint blue panel appeared in front of the young man's eyes.

【Heroic Spirit Panel】

Name: Shuo Yue (Damage being repaired)

real name: hidden

Sex: Male
Height·Weight: 175cm·65kg
Attribute: Chaos Neutral
【Ability parameters】

Muscle strength: E
Durable :D
Agility :D
Magic: B+
Lucky: B
Noble Phantasm:?
【Inherent skills】

Eye of the Heart (True): B
Clairvoyance: C
Enhanced Magic: C
Projection Magic: A+
Replacement Magic: B → Replacement Magic Change: A+
【Treasure Tool】:
Unlimited Blade Works

Class: E~A++ Type: ? ? ?
Those who are familiar with the settings can easily see the traces left by Emiya in this panel. The difference is that the original ability parameters of Emiya, except magic and luck, They have collectively lowered a level, and the original inherent skill [Magic] has also been further strengthened, split and changed.

The young man lying on the hospital bed traveled to the new moon of another world with the help of the [Destiny Illustrated Book] after confronting Angelica.

Almost greedily admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window, after a long, long time, the young man withdrew his gaze and took out a blank card full of cracks from his pocket.

"Although I have made enough preparations, at the last moment, I really almost thought I was going to die... Thank you very much, Mr. Muramasa."

As if the final mission had been completed, the card that once carried the power of a heroic spirit was shattered and dissipated into dust.

The young man watched the cards dissipate quietly, then closed his eyes, as if immersed in the aftermath of that battle.

Injured Angelica's left hand, consumed her magic power, covered it with a great magic mystery, and finally fought with the god-made Amacongyun sword, and was able to be equal to the deviant sword (Ea)—and Shuoyue herself also because of the magic power The explosion caused the body (container) to collapse. If the stalemate continues, this much weaker body will probably shatter first.

"It's still not strong enough..." the young man muttered to himself, his magic power was running, and two black and white sword blades appeared in his hands, like Tai Chi wheels.

As long as you hold them, you will feel a sense of peace in your heart, which is the self-confidence that Heroic Emiya (Emiya) has naturally gathered in countless battles.

However, the foundation of this "confidence", the basic quality of the body, is already crumbling.

"What should I do to restore my original strength..." the young man whispered in distress.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a man with orange hair and a cheerful temperament walked in, wearing a leopard print costume.


What exactly is death?

As a human being, Ryunosuke Yusheng is doomed to not be able to understand death thoroughly in this life. Even if he can understand the meaning of it at the last moment, all the feelings that emerge at that moment will be accompanied by the man named "Ryunosuke Yusheng" , sinking into the endless Huangquan River.

Human beings are proud of their "wisdom" and are afraid of "unknown" things, so no matter how much the object of fear is, as long as they accumulate "experience" and "understand" it, they can overcome fear and conquer it with reason.

But only "death"... people can't experience "death" from life, and can't really understand it, so human beings have to observe the death of others to imagine the essence of death, and try to experience death in a simulated way.

Even though it is so difficult to experience death, Yusheng Ryunosuke can't restrain his curiosity. He really hopes to understand what "death" is, the conspicuous red color when arteries bleed, the touch and temperature of those things in the abdominal cavity, The pain they felt and the screams they composed after their internal organs were ripped out and shortly before...

For Ryunosuke, this is his lifelong pursuit and lifelong enjoyment.

When a person's curiosity swells to an uncontrollable level, secular morality and laws are hard to restrain him.

At the moment when curiosity broke through the shackles, the man named "Ryunosuke Yusheng" found the meaning of his life.

Time to reintroduce him—

Ryunosuke Yusheng, an animal lover, a good young man with strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, enjoys life seriously.

At the same time, it was also a murderer in the Alps, in the small town of Lauterbrunnen (Lauterbrunnen).

 Eye of the Heart (True): B
  Insight cultivated through practice and exercise.

  At the end of the road, you can still calmly grasp your own situation and the ability of the enemy,
  Find a way to survive the battle theory.As long as there is still a 1% chance of reversal,

  It is necessary to find a way to seize the opportunity to execute the operation.

  Clairvoyance: C+
  Good eyesight.Both static vision and dynamic vision have been improved.

  It is effective for capturing distant targets.If the class is higher, it can even achieve perspective and future vision, but it cannot reach this field when the class is C.

  Enhanced Magic: C
  It is a magic that is very difficult to master even though it is an entry-level magic. It is a magic that injects magic power to "enhance the existence of the target".The meaning of improving existence is that if it is a knife, it will increase its sharpness, food will increase its nutrition, and a maid will increase its cuteness (?)
  Projection Magic: A+
  Magic that uses magical power to materialize mirror images and imitations of objects that exist (exist) in reality.Since it is formed with magical power, it cannot be realized for a long time.And when the illusion has a flaw, it will also disperse.Believed to be terribly inefficient - as it should be.

  Different from ordinary projection magic (Gradation Air) that can only create empty objects, in the hands of this man, projection magic is essentially a deterioration of the infinite sword system, which violates the principle of magic equivalent exchange and creates fantasy out of thin air. , is a forbidden magic that erodes the world.

(End of this chapter)

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