My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 7 The Murderer of the Alps (please bookmark, please recommend tickets!)

Chapter 7 The Murderer of the Alps (please bookmark, please recommend tickets!)
Pushing open the door and entering, feeling the cold killing intent on the young man and the bloody smell that was so thick that it couldn't be dispelled, Ryunosuke Yusheng couldn't help being happy, and a big smile hung on his face.

It was three days ago, he was hiking around the beautiful scenery of the Alps, looking for the enthusiasm and freshness that had gradually faded during the execution and torture, but accidentally found this young man half leaning on the hillside, bleeding all over the ground.

The tragic atmosphere that hit the face made Ryunosuke Yusheng, a drifting ship, find his own harbor.

"Ah, it's really..."

The joy in his heart made Ryunosuke almost forget his words, and after standing there for a long time, he made a very moved voice:
"so cool!"

In his eyes, although the young man was weak, he was still haunted by a terrifying murderous aura, as if he had just experienced life and death, witnessed the scenery of Santu River with his own eyes, turned around without nostalgia, and returned to the world.

Like a cheetah, arrogant and ruthless.

Ryunosuke Yusheng has never encountered such a noble existence in his life so far. Even if he traveled all over the war-torn Middle East, all he saw were war hyenas without aesthetic feeling. A gun can turn into that disgusting appearance.

He originally thought that he could not find his kind in this world.

He thought he could only enjoy this unique beauty alone.

However, the existence of this young man allowed him to find the happiness of his confidant.

Ryunosuke Yusheng couldn't wait to share his happiness with his "companion" - in a very pious way, he used his coolest methods of torture, killing, and dumping corpses on his "companion".

However, the moment after Ryunosuke Yusheng made his voice, the white-haired young man raised his head like lightning, the cold light in his golden eyes froze, and the murderous aura almost overwhelmed him.

When he found that the person in front of him was just a mountaineer carrying a backpack and looked harmless to humans and animals, the murderous look on the white-haired youth dissipated, and he murmured:
"Such a decoration, is he also a person who likes cheetahs..."

and also?
The young man's last words made Ryunosuke Yusheng change his mind.

Perhaps, they still have time to chat about aesthetics for a while before they enjoy each other's final "death".

With this thought in mind, Ryunosuke Yusheng bent down, picked up Satsuki who was on the verge of death, and walked towards the hospital in a nearby town.

This is the origin of the murderer that appeared in the small town.


Let's go back to the morning three days later.

Not long after Yusheng Ryunosuke opened the door and found that Sakuzuki had awakened, the two young people left the town together and walked towards the mountains of the Alps.

The invitation to climb the mountain was proposed by Ryunosuke Yusheng, and Sakutsuki, who was still injured, agreed to this abrupt request for some reason.

After being introduced to each other, the two young people seemed to get on well with each other very quickly.

"Speaking of which, you said 'you also like cheetahs', right, Sakuzuki?" During the climb, Ryunosuke Yusheng said casually, "I'm curious, this 'also' refers to you, Or someone else you know?"

He didn't care why Sakuyue appeared there, and he didn't care how Sakuyue was injured so badly—for Yusheng Ryunosuke, all he needed to know was enough.

Following him unhurriedly, Shuoyue, who was admiring the scenery along the way, heard the inquiry, and slowly moved her eyes to this young man who was considered a lifesaver.

Male, orange hair, claiming to be "Uyu Ryunosuke", likes leopard print.

If two or three of the conditions are met, it may be considered an accident, but if all four of the conditions are met, then it can no longer be determined by coincidence.

"Fate zero point..." Shuoyue murmured, and finally understood the prompt of the 'Fate Illustrated Book'.

[Condition 2 has been unlocked, and rewards are obtained: leave this world and go to the origin of destiny. 】

Origin of Fate, Fate Zero.

The secret story of the Fourth Holy Grail War, the tragic story of seven groups of magicians fighting each other.

The heroes of the past reappear under the influence of mystery, and fight in groups.

Lonely king, heroic king, holy king;

Mad knight, noble and unfortunate knight;

Blasphemous marshal, assassin of many faces;
The seven masters fought independently, devoting themselves to killing for their own wishes.

A killer who delusional to save mankind, and a priest who pursues pleasure;
The scheming head of the family, the young and frivolous magic apprentice;
A dying man for revenge; a child prodigy for honor; an innocent murderer who strays into this battle.

Seven groups of masters (Master) and servants (Servant), galloping and fighting on the stage of the entire city, in order to capture the supreme miracle (Holy Grail).

This is the origin of a series of Fate stories, after which countless world lines, countless situations, and countless miracles were born.

——Since then, there has been no such prosperity.

Shuoyue came back to his senses, and looked at his "savior", Yusheng Ryunosuke.

He is one of the masters in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the spoiler, the enjoyer, and the victim in this war.

Facing the orange-haired youth's question, Shuo Yue just smiled, and answered lightly:

"It's someone I know."

"What kind of person is he, can you tell me?" The innocent murderer asked, the expectation in his eyes was extremely real.

Shuo Yue replied obediently:
"He is bright and cheerful, and he can see the subtleties of other people's moods without sticking to the details."


"Keep an optimistic and constructive mood at all times. Don't throw in the towel when you fail."

"oh oh!"

"I am still an animal lover, and I really like hunting parks or natural science specials. But my interest in cruel objects is limited to the appearance of hominins. Although I have longing for sharks and carnivores, I never thought about becoming they."

"Oh oh oh!"

Every time he said a word, Ryunosuke Yusheng's eyes lit up a little. In the end, he simply ran over and grabbed Sakuzuki's hand, and shouted as if he was afraid that he would run away:
"Who is he? Where is he? Can I visit him?"

Shuo Yue smiled politely, and withdrew her hand indistinctly: "Unfortunately, he can't come to see you, because—"

"Because of what?" Ryunosuke's face twisted with tension.

"Not yet." The white-haired young man showed a faint smile again, "He asked me to tell you that as long as you reach the top of the mountain, you can meet him."

"This is really cool!" Sakuzuki's concealment didn't annoy Ryunosuke Yusheng, but instead made him shout excitedly:

"That's exactly what I want to say! My God, is he the roundworm in my stomach? Why does he always know what I'm thinking? Cool, so cool! Let's go! Go, go!"

In the ecstasy that almost made him faint, the murderer almost forgot everything, struggling to swing his legs, only the seductive luster of the mountain was left in his eyes.

Because of this, he didn't notice that Shuo Yue, who was following him unhurriedly, looked at him, the savior, with extremely strange eyes.

It was the look of looking at a strange, disappearing object.

【002: Yusheng Ryunosuke】

[Character Information]: Wugou is a murderer who is extremely sensitive to the truth and falsehood of death, a crazy performance artist who wants to understand death and is proficient in death.

[Hidden Information]: not open

[Recording conditions (1/1)]:
1. Kill Ryunosuke Yusheng (unfinished)

 ——Since then, there has been no such prosperity.

  It’s not that it’s difficult for other works to reach such heights, but it means that such a story can never be repeated. This is a story unique to FATEZERO.

(End of this chapter)

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