My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 628 Wang Sheng’s Wish

Chapter 628 Wang Sheng’s Wish

Perhaps many people have forgotten, so I would like to mention here the nature of the treasure of our Emperor.

Treasure: An invitation to the heart-stirring golden theater.

She used magic to form and recreate the theater she built in Rome during her lifetime, and named the theater she designed Domus Aurea.

A great magic trick that temporarily creates a different world that materializes the landscape of her own mind, which is similar to the inherent barrier, and uses magic to reproduce the theaters and buildings she designed during her lifetime to create a battlefield that is advantageous to her.

When deployed, enemies that enter can be weakened, and if you customize the building, its shape and skills can be changed. In short, you can ignore the construction process and directly project the building, and if you are in it, you can activate the rules you set.

This golden theater was Nero’s absolute imperial circle.

When she calls upon this treasure in the enemy's inherent barrier, it will collide with it, just like a wrestling match. Only the one with the stronger effect and higher status of the two barrier treasures can seize the authority of this area.

However, Tong Yao's C-rank Noble Phantasm 'Eternal Mechanism - Empire of Girls' was obviously inferior to Nero's B-rank Noble Phantasm 'The Heart-Stirring Golden Theater'. The endless soldiers and knights were defeated by a simple comparison of size.

The golden and red phantom light flew across the sky, weaving a gorgeous theater. Roses and rose petals were scattered all over the sky. The poker soldiers stood still and turned into dust and scattered. Even the mighty and majestic four-color knights became visibly slow and soon became the souls killed by Nero's sword.

This time, they never resurrected.

If Alice and Tong Yao had disguised themselves better, if Hakuno hadn't been so perceptive, if Nero hadn't had such strong faith in the Master's courage and determination...

However, there are not so many ifs. The fact is that in this battle, Hakuno and Nero believed in each other, fought side by side, and defeated Alice and Tong Yao with excellent cooperation and trust.

"Ah... I lost all of a sudden." The barrier was broken, the soldiers were scattered, and the white queen seemed to have not reacted yet. She looked at the woman in a red dress rushing towards them and said blankly.

Nero did not respond to Alice's words. In order to prevent the servant Tong Yao from releasing any more skills, she swung her sword horizontally, beheaded the last knight, and then rushed towards the last two queens without saying a word. The red dress remained on her body in tatters, and she looked as if she was bathed in flames.

The edge of the primordial fire pointed directly at Alice.

But when Nero and Alice were only a few steps away from each other, a scarlet barrier descended from the sky, separating the two - this was not Tong Yao's ability, but the destined death brought down by the Moon Spirit Crystal after it determined that one side was completely defeated.

An invisible and murderous wind was howling, and the two small flowers, white and black, began to wither gradually.

"Tsk, even though I've seen it twice, I just can't like this scene."

Nero stood still beside the barrier. She stood in the world of the living, and the other side of death fell into her eyes, making the emperor even more unhappy: "It is better to use my beloved sword to send these two little devils away."

The swordsman who wields the blade will remember all the souls who died on the sword, carry their memories, and continue to move forward step by step.

But the Moon Spirit Crystal is different. It just mechanically processes data of 0 and 1, executing a rigid program, cold and ruthless.

This vast and cold moon world cannot remember anyone. Tiny hopes, the glitter of humanity, warm memories... these are all worthless items, the wear and tear caused by the meshing of gears, and the redundancy that is not helpful for calculation.

It was because she saw the true nature of this huge system that Nero sneered at the Moon Spirit Crystal's decision. However, when Nero turned around and saw Bai Ye running towards her breathlessly, the haze in her heart was swept away, replaced by a sunny smile.

Turning around, the Emperor, wearing his 'new clothes', pounced on his intelligent and lovely mistress and pushed her to the ground, not caring about exposing her beauty:

"As expected of a performer, what a beautiful reversal! I really admire you more and more!"

First there was a gust of fragrant wind, and then there was an intimate contact with the mud. Hakuno struggled hard, but unfortunately he was attacked by Nero's facial cleanser again. He felt dizzy. However, this helpless look somehow touched Nero's excitement, causing the ahoge on her head to shake desperately, and her favorability towards Hakuno increased by +1+1+1...

The Succubus of the Moon World, Hakuno, the fifth emperor of Rome,

I quickly stood up and looked towards the other side of the scarlet barrier. I never expected that the two little girls were holding their cheeks, watching this scene that was not suitable for children with great interest...

"I don't feel any fear of being eliminated at all." The spirit suit had been repaired with magic. Nero looked at Alice and Tong Yao, unable to hide his curiosity, "Are you guys going to disappear?"

“Yeah, I know!” Alice and Tong Yao were so excited, just like elementary school students answering a teacher’s question, not caring at all about the fact that they were about to disappear. “Is it because Alice and Alice (Tong Yao) felt that they couldn’t beat the sisters, so the Moon Spirit Crystal judged that we failed?”

"The Mad Hatter was right. The March Hare is pretty amazing."

"Yeah, although I'm very unwilling, but I lost, I lost~"

Mad Hatter...Shuoyue? Bai Ye caught the key words, and she immediately looked at the Alices who were talking to each other: "Wait, what did Shuoyue say to you?"

“Well…” Alice made a face at her, “It’s a secret~~”

"No, I (Alice)" Tong Yao pulled the Master's skirt, "The Mad Hatter told us about the March Hare."

"Oh, it's that time." Alice suddenly realized that the purple-black color of destruction had spread across her chest and was heading towards her face.

Even so, the Alices in Wonderland are still singing happily and repeating the words left by the young man.

"Every time you win, it means trampling on the lives of others. This is the cold nature of the Holy Grail War."

"But there is no need to feel guilty, girl. The winner should carry the record of sacrifice, step by step, towards the stars."

"Look into the distance, winter is coming. Flowers that have stepped out of the greenhouse, it's time to face the wind and frost alone."

In the direction the girls were pointing, there seemed to be a figure walking away. When he looked back as if he had sensed something and looked at the beautiful jade that he had cultivated with his own hands, a smile flashed in his golden eyes.

"Keep winning, Hakuno. I'm looking forward to your performance."

————After finishing the battle with Alice, it was already dawn. Hakuno walked out of the arena, ignoring the awe-inspiring looks of the masters who were watching the King of Rolls, and walked towards his room with a bit of frustration.

"You look dejected, player." Nero followed her and whispered, "Are you sighing over the disappearance of those two little girls?"

Hakuno nodded and smiled sadly, "This is obviously the third time I've witnessed the end. I've already understood that this is the Holy Grail War, and this is the principle of fighting. But... Alice and the others will never come back here again."

Those conversations, laughters, and promises made in the room while pretending to have amnesia... can only be sealed as memories, silently waiting to be forgotten.

This fact made Bai Ye feel heavy.

"Are you mourning a death?"

Her sinking heart was touched by a warm voice. It was Leo, the uncrowned king of the Holy Grail War. The young man was standing in front of her, his clear green eyes looking sacred and dignified.

"The loss of life is a sad thing, especially in such a ruthless battle, because this is not revenge caused by hatred, but a battle with the same goal but incompatible."

"I identify with your mourning and pain, because this is also happening on earth (in the real world), where people are fighting and killing each other for their own wishes, repeating everything meaningless."

Seeing Bai Ye's inner hesitation, the boy slowly expressed his ideal in a gentle voice.

"So that one day no one will die in vain - that is why I am here to arbitrate this."

"My goal is complete management and order. As long as all materials are collected and distributed with the highest efficiency, there will be no war as long as people are not lacking in life. This will bring complete equality to people. This is the only solution that this world should have and the most ideal social form."

"Well, if it were you, Hakuno, you would agree with my wish, right?"

In order to prevent people from suffering from hunger and cold, and to create a world where everyone can have enough food and warm clothes——

It is for this ideal that the young Wang Sheng visits the Moon Holy Grail War.

In the face of such a solid and noble wish, am I really qualified to stop it?
If Leo gets the Holy Grail, will tragedies like Alice, the old knight, and Shinji never happen again?

Were the boy's words like poison, or were they a good medicine to cure the disease? The heart that was in pain because of Alice's death inexplicably agreed with his words.

But... there is still one thing that is unclear.

If it was Bai Ye who had never been taught by Shuoyue and guided by the wind of freedom, he might have supported Leo's words.

However, standing in front of Leo was the crownless Moon Spirit King recognized by Shuo Yue.

"Let me ask you, Leo, the young master of the Western European chaebol." After organizing his thoughts, Bai Ye asked, pointing directly to the crux of Leo's remarks.

"What exactly does the 'management' you speak of cover? What if the resources you monopolize are not just material, but also spiritual and mental?"

"Does your wish include the management of 'life'? Is the life of people from birth to death also included in your planning?"

Facing Bai Ye's questioning, Leo did not hide it, but admitted it boldly: "That's right, what I seek is a perfect world. Resource management should depend on efficient allocation. In order to ensure that people of different levels and classes can live in a stable world without dangerous factors, I will plan the most suitable life for everyone..."


Before Leo could finish, Bai Ye interrupted him and said seriously, "There is no future for such a world. People in such an environment are just surviving - no different from livestock being raised."

Once again, I thought of the new moon.

Did he foresee this, or was it just a careless statement? Why... is Leo's statement so similar to the stories about the 'Lostbelt' he tells every time before going to bed?

But no matter what, the ending of the Lostbelt has already announced the end of Leo's ideals.

"A stagnant world has no future. The so-called perfect society will hinder the development of mankind. Only imperfection means progress. All you do is just waiting for destruction to come."

"Leo, your ideal is destined to be unrealized."

A stag-like girl in red was hiding in the corner. After hearing Bai Ye's powerful speech, her beautiful eyes widened in surprise. Leo also looked at the girl in surprise, as if he met her for the first time. After a moment, he actually laughed freely.

"...Interesting, but I still think that a ruler is necessary, Hakuno. Although you and Rin share roughly the same opinion, unfortunately, I am the only one needed to illuminate everything on this planet."

That was a natural attitude of pride. Facing Bai Ye's wary eyes, the young Wang Sheng asserted so.

"If you can't become a lamb, then please die, just like the Asian world that is about to be destroyed under Rin's leadership. Ah, of course, my attitude of acceptance has not changed. If you want to protect the future of mankind together, we will always welcome you to join us."

The unwavering Wang Sheng left, and Lin, who was hiding in the corner, also disappeared silently. Only Bai Ye continued her unfinished journey. Leo's ideal did not stay in her mind for too long. Although she still did not understand her own wishes, Bai Ye knew in her heart that the young Wang Sheng was not ahead of her path.

After deliberately ignoring this episode, the death of Alice and others once again occupied my mind.

Although she doesn't approve of him, Leo is walking towards his ideal with his head held high.

So, what is my wish?
While lost in thought, Bai Ye pushed open the door of her room, and the scene that came into her eyes made her stunned and freeze in place.

"How could you--?"

(End of this chapter)

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