My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 629 The Last Supper

Chapter 629 The Last Supper
Aqua blue skirt, black skirt.

The girls lay on the cool floor, swinging their legs, flipping through colorful fairy tale books with great interest. On the table were crystal candies, which made people squint their eyes and enjoy the sweetness with satisfaction after peeling off the sugar coating and putting them in their mouths.

The cold moonlight and the warm light, the two kinds of light interweave and shine in the room, creating a unique beauty, as if in a dream.

Bai Ye was dazed. If the scene before him happened yesterday, it could be said to be warm and beautiful, but now it seemed a little scary.

She clearly saw with her own eyes that Alice and the others were killed by the Moon Spirit Crystal...but who were the two girls lying in the room intact?
When people die, they become ghosts. Then when ghosts die... what do they become?
Ghost of the dead?
Hakuno's mind was in a mess, even Nero had revealed himself, and he looked at Alice and the others in surprise, until the two girls seemed to sense something, turned around and looked at them.

"Hmph." It was Tong Yao who pouted and turned her head away.

"March Hare, let's come and play~~" The one who was polite was little Alice.

"Oh, well, welcome..." Bai Ye suddenly realized, "No, that's not the point, right?"

"You didn't die?" Nero couldn't help asking, "But the player and I saw you being wiped out by the Moon Spirit Crystal."

"Hmm, we are really good." Alice raised her little face proudly, "As long as the book has not been turned to the last page, we will not give up easily, right, me (nursery rhyme)?"

As soon as Alice finished speaking, she was stabbed by Tong Yao: "It's wrong to lie to others, I (Alice)."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Little Alice held her head and apologized obediently. Then she looked at Bai Ye and whispered, "March Hare, don't blame us. In fact, all this is the task of the Mad Hatter."

"In other words, it was Shuoyue who asked us to fight you, and told us how to fight." Tong Yao sighed. Compared to the happy Master, she was like a little adult, answering the doubts of Hakuno and Nero. "The resurrection was also thanks to his help. As for why he did this, we have to ask that person. We know nothing."

Do you want to go to Shuoyue to ask for clarification?

"Player..." Nero subconsciously looked at Bai Ye, but found that the girl was thoughtful for a moment and then smiled.

"No need, Nero. I already understand Shuoyue's good intentions."

Nero was stunned and realized that Bai Ye's tone was wrong. If it was Bai Ye before she experienced this battle, she would never talk about the young man who haunted her in such a calm tone.

"Player, are you okay?"

"Hmm? What can happen to me?" Bai Ye tilted his head cutely, "I just figured it out. Sakutsuki-san has done so much for me. I can't always hide under his protection."

Hakuno Kishinami looked at Alice and Tong Yao. The sight of the girls huddled together, laughing and making noises was enough to make people smile.

Sakutsuki's words, Leo's ideals, his encounters with Shinji, the old knight, Rin, Alice and the others... all of these have infused a certain kind of water into myself, who was originally an empty vessel.

Whether the water is clear or turbid is still unknown at this stage.

Despite this, I finally found the way, and the problems that troubled my heart suddenly became unimportant.

Because just by looking at them, you will find that there are so many solutions to this problem, as many as the stars in the sky.

"And every solution leads to the future." Whispering softly, Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Well, player, I have to remind you." Nero had never seen Bai Ye smile so brightly. After a moment of inactivity, he finally reacted and reminded him quietly, "This is a rare opportunity to meet the Governor... and Shuoyue."

"Shuoyue has already run away to someone else's house. Apart from fighting, there aren't many opportunities to find him."

Oh, yes.

Bai Ye was stunned. She was so used to being with Shuoyue that if she didn't pay attention, she would forget that Shuoyue had left. Now that Nero reminded her, she finally realized it and her mouth twitched.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

But she can't go back on her word, right?

"No, it doesn't matter. I just need to defeat Shuoyue and then tie him up!" Bai Ye clenched his fists and said stubbornly.

Hearing this, Nero showed a surprised expression. Alice and the others stopped reading and looked at the young lady who was saying strange things. They whispered to each other with strange eyes.

"Well, performer," Nero reminded quietly, "if we really run into the governor, the person who will be kidnapped is more likely to be you..."

"March Hare, shame on you~~" Alice made a face at Bai Ye, obviously thinking she was bragging.

What’s even more frustrating is that... Bai Ye himself feels so.

But the girl who just said that she has grown up will never give in easily.

"You...don't believe me, forget it! I, Hakuno Kishiba, will make Sakutsuki kneel before me helplessly, and let him know what "thirty years in the east, thirty years in the east" means. Ah!"

There was a crackling sound of air being pumped behind her, and before Bai Ye could react, a thick rope fell and tied her up tightly. Then, the young man's voice with a smile sounded:
"Even if I told you this story, you can't use these lines carelessly... You're just a girl, and you start talking nonsense after reading a storybook."

The rope began to tighten, and the friction through the fabric made the girl whimper, her cheeks flushed, and it was unclear whether it was because of shyness or panic. The bad student who was caught by the teacher looked at her Servant Nero for help, but Nero shrugged, gloating, and could do nothing to help.

"I have reminded you, Master." The Emperor said with a wicked smile, "When you said 'Tie him back', the Governor was already standing behind you, and he kept listening to you... Now the Governor's eyes don't look good."

When Bai Ye heard this, she swallowed hard. Her face turned pale and she slowly turned her stiff neck to look behind her.

Then, a smiling, chillingly handsome face came into view.

"Shuo, Shuoyue..."

"Okay, drag her away—" Shuoyue didn't intend to listen to Bai Ye's explanation. He dragged out the sound, pulled the rope, and led the weak, pitiful and helpless girl to the kitchen, "Since you have become much braver, I will treat you well."

After a pause, Shuoyue looked at the shivering Bai Ye and slowly revealed a devilish smile.

"—my dear student."


Although Bai Ye was frightened, Shuo Yue was just talking, and she was tied to the kitchen just to use her as a tool to help. What kind of female body *, kitchen play, such a crazy thing... Yueling Crystal is not a place without law.

Besides, even a greedy dragon will get full and not want to move. Now, Shuoyue only needs to appreciate the treasures in the cave and occasionally play with the crown inlaid with gems, and he will be satisfied.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, seemed a little disappointed... ahem, I won't explain the reason.

While busy, Bai Ye heard Shuoyue talk about the reasons for this visit - one was to send back the resurrected Alice and Tong Yao, and the other was to find a place to cook dinner.

"My little red dragon fell asleep after playing too much. I don't want to wake her up, so I can only use your kitchen, Baiye." Shuoyue opened the oven and took out the prepared snacks. Baiye came forward to help. Hearing this, he asked curiously, "Speaking of which, Shuoyue, how did you manage to bring Alice and the others back? They have been erased by the Moon Spirit Crystal, right?"

"I am no longer your Servant, Hakuno. You have to learn to find the answers yourself." Sakutsuki did not answer, but changed the subject. "Okay, the dessert is ready. Tell everyone to prepare for dinner."


When Shuoyue finished cleaning up the kitchen and walked out, the delicacies on the table had already been destroyed by the girls. No matter if it was the once-powerful emperor, the undead wandering in the cyber world, or the servants who appeared in person because of the girls' dreams... In front of Shuoyue's skills, they were all easily captured.

"Mmm~ This baked pie smells so good."

"The pizza is good too. I took a bite and it was so delicious!"

“Cake, cheese, grilled cheese, ice cream~~”

The dining table was bustling with noise, like an impromptu symphony orchestra, but Shuoyue, the instigator, did not take a seat immediately. Instead, he leaned against the door, quietly admiring the scene. The warm light outlined his slender figure, and there was a light in the young man's eyes.

"What are you doing, Sakutsuki-san~~"

Bai Ye quietly appeared behind Shuoyue, looking at the young man's pensive face. Shuoyue came back to his senses and looked at Bai Ye, who had shed his childish appearance of "dependence" and became mischievous in front of him. The corners of his mouth curled up.

"I'm enjoying it just like them, Hakuno."


"Yes, I enjoy this 'fate' of meeting you." A platinum light flowed in the young man's eyes. He saw the magnificent colors of the soul and was slowly filling in the last piece of the magic puzzle.

It won't be long before 'he' can call himself a true third magician.

“When life meets life, new things will always be born, and this miracle is exactly what I look forward to.”

Before Bai Ye could understand the deep meaning of this sentence, the door of the room was opened again (without the owner's consent), and the little red dragon with golden hair walked in sleepily, holding a pillow.

"Shuoyue, you are really here."

"Oh, you're awake, my Emperor?"

The moment the little red dragon appeared, the atmosphere in the room became stagnant. She was obviously a petite and cute little girl, but for some reason she had an aura called "the queen", which made the guys with ulterior motives avoid looking at her.

Only Shuoyue squatted down with a smile and stuffed the snacks that had been prepared long ago to Draco.

"Here, try this, I made it especially for you."

Damn it, the treatment of the Master is just different... Hakuno felt sour.

Who was the one who stole the governor's favor? It was Yu! Nero opened his mouth, and a thousand Dumuzi ran through his mind.

"Hmm, what is this?" Ignoring the envious and jealous looks of the other two, Draco looked at the snack in his hand, a little puzzled, "It looks like a round cabbage."

"It's Puff, Draco." Shuoyue smirked, "I think you are very suitable for this."

Draco frowned and slowly broke the puff in half. A stream of milky white cream flowed out and the rich aroma rushed into his nostrils, making the little red dragon stand still.

This subtle sense of familiarity...

Could it be that? !

As the absurd and crazy memories came to her mind, the weariness between the little red dragon's brows disappeared. She instantly realized that someone was teasing her, even though other people might not realize it. But she still widened her eyes in shame and anger, gritted her teeth and pounced on Shuoyue.

"You bastard, I'll bite you to death!"

“Ahahahaha… You react quickly, your Majesty. Don’t bite here! I’m going to die, I’m going to die…”

"Shuo, Shuoyue! Are you okay?!"

Shuoyue who was knocked down by Draco, Bai Ye who rushed forward in a hurry, Nero who realized something, and the two little girls who were holding their cheeks and watching the show with a smile...

This is a precious silhouette captured in my room.


“Ahh~ I captured a precious CG image.”

Buddhist chants and Buddhist chants sounded like chanting its name. On the Jade Throne of Blazing Heaven in the distance, a figure sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes half closed: "Especially after knowing what will happen next... Hey, I'm telling you, if you do something like that, even you will be warned by the Moon Spirit Crystal, right?"

In front of the young man, the man in a white coat pushed up his glasses and was indifferent to the temptation: "It doesn't matter. If I can kill you, all this will be worth it."

"Hey, hey." The young man complained, "I've been dead and alive again, alive and dead again in the past few dozen days... I've been in such a miserable state, and you still won't let me go? Do you still have a conscience? Do you have any humanity?"

"For you, death is not the end." The man in the white coat lowered his eyes, cold and inorganic, "It is better to say that you are growing rapidly in death and rebirth, but - the other you is different."

"Even if you try your best to hide it, you can't hide your worries. In other words, he doesn't have the ability to revive infinitely. You only have one chance to bring the chance of turning defeat into victory here."

Even though this body was already a ghost of the Moon World, her excessive wisdom still did not forgive this man: "You did prepare a lot for the final comeback, gradually eroding the Mooncell authority, the killer weapon that was conceived in front of me, and the masterpiece that I had waited for countless years, but you gradually led me away from the path I set..."

Word by word, everything that Shuo Yue did in the Moon Holy Grail War was revealed, even though it was a secret that those closest to him never knew.

Then, he made a cold decision.

"So, even if I have to bend the rules, I won't let 'you' and her pass."

Facing the man who had revealed everything, the young man sneered and turned his head away as if he was bored: "Then just do it, Man of Peace (Piesman), I will not stop you."

"You can't stop me." The man called Pisman replied calmly, "You will never be able to defeat my Servant (Him)."

The Jade Throne of Seraph wailed mournfully, and the magnificent golden wheel slowly turned, absorbing all the light of hope. After a full rotation, Yue Haiyuan Academy became completely dim, and those beautiful, peaceful days quietly disappeared in laughter.

Instead, there is the never-ending Ashura Prison.

(End of this chapter)

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