My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 77 Meeting and Invasion of the Saber Group

Chapter 77 Meeting and Invasion of the Saber Group

Half an hour later, there was a tense atmosphere in the reception room, and the invisible oppression almost made Irisviel breathless.

The cause of everything was a few small cylindrical objects placed on the reception table.

It was a trigger bomb, a thermal weapon that was extremely vicious for humans.

Standing by the reception table, Emiya Kiritsugu had deep eyes, slightly moving his aching limbs.

In order to prevent his own random actions from causing an explosion, he insisted on maintaining a half-up position. By virtue of the contract with the servants, Saber called Hisau Maiya, and cut a hole in the wall to enter, so that he could safely Defused all bombs in the room.

"The analysis report came out. The trip wire of the bomb is connected to the door of the room. It is expected that the scope of the bomb will be small, and it will only destroy the bedroom." After dismantling one of the bombs, Hisau Maiya came to a conclusion.

"That is to say, the attack was purely aimed at me..." Even though he had just passed the death line, Emiya Kiritsugu's expression still did not change, but he began to think as if the matter had nothing to do with him, and asked:

"By the way, Ellie, have you mastered the enchantment technique of this forest?"

"Well, no problem. I didn't find any flaws in the barrier, and the alarm and patrol functions are also normal... I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, the bigger the enchantment technique, the more flaws it will have. If you concentrate on sneaking in, it's normal to be broken through." After casually comforting, Emiya Kiritsugu continued his thinking.

"The curse on Saber has not been lifted, so is it Lancer's master who came to take revenge? No, he is an orthodox magician. In his eyes, using the bomb itself is an insult, and so is Archer's master."

"Rider's Master? No, let alone that brat, Rider's personality doesn't allow him to do that."

"The identity of Berserker's master is suspected to be a member of the Matou family, but the Einzbern family has no enmity with the Matou family. The possibility of finding this castle and attacking me in this way is extremely low."

So, there are only two answers left...

Such an obvious result of reasoning caused shadows to appear on the faces of Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel at the same time.

Assassin's Master, Kotomine Kirei.

The Master of Caster, Sakuzuki.

It's funny to say that these two are recognized as weak jobs in the Holy Grail War, but they have brought incomparably heavy pressure to Emiya Kiritsugu who has the strongest job job Saber—whether he has the elusive Assassin, himself Kotomine Kirei, who is powerful in battle and almost captured Hisau Maiya; and Sakutsuki, who is also a Servant comparable to himself, mysterious and masters every move of Emiya Kiritsugu, is a dangerous enemy in the eyes of Emiya Kiritsugu .

Sakutsuki's stronghold is unknown, and Caster, who can barely be called his weakness, is also a girl who can kill Assassin with a single shot. Emiya Kiritsugu has not found a suitable opportunity to use his mobile phone yet, but Kotomine Kirei is different, he lied that Assassin was dead , blatantly hid in the Holy Church for asylum.

Assassin was captured, and the loss of the contract with Kotomine Kirei happened just a few hours ago, and the Holy Church would not be so stupid as to take the initiative to announce that Assassin was "real" dead this time, so the Masters other than Sakuzuki They have been kept in the dark, and they still think that Kotomine Kirei has the trump card of the intelligence war, Assassin.

With a helpless and heavy sigh, Kiritsugu exhaled the purple smoke from his lungs.

What even Irisviel didn't know was that he and Maiya hid a tank truck being transformed in a rented garage in a neighboring town. As terrorists' favorite cheap lethal weapon, it was his To prevent Matou or Tohsaka from adopting the cage city strategy, as long as the thing rushes into the Fuyuki Church where Kotomine Kirei is hiding, no matter how powerful the agent is, he will be vulnerable...

Shaking his head, throwing the chaotic thoughts out of his mind, Emiya Kiritsugu's thoughts returned to calm.

The immediate priority is not these two potential rivals, but a more definite and dangerous fact.

"Ai Li, pack your bags and prepare to evacuate, our stronghold has been exposed."

"...Okay." After a short silence, Irisviel got up to leave, before walking out of the living room, she looked back at Emiya Kiritsugu with apology in her eyes.

In the end, she still didn't express her guess.

It has nothing to do with theory and logic, it's just a woman's intuition—the bomb was planted by Shuo Yue.

Not to kill her husband, but just a malicious reminder, like a hunter in the jungle who voluntarily lets go of his prey for a more interesting hunt.

You see, I have found you.

Keep running, keep running...until the moment I catch you again.

Before that, please spread your legs and run away with panic and fear.

That young man with golden eyes was, in a sense, as cold as Emiya Kiritsugu.

[Since they are also fighting for their own wishes, then both of them will use their best efforts, and there is no need to leave any leeway. 】

[It's just a gamble of life. Once that desire surpasses all life so far, then death is not worth fearing. 】

When the words that sounded passionate really came true, Irisviel once again felt deeply disturbed.

It's not because of my friend's uneasiness, but as a wife, I worry about my husband.

Kiritsugu...can he really survive the confrontation between Kotomine Kirei and Sakuzuki?
Before taking a few steps, the quarrel broke out in the meeting room and pulled Alice back.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, you are insulting the heroic spirits. I was summoned to shed blood on your behalf, to minimize sacrifices, to replace thousands of troops with one man's power, and to decide the outcome with fate... This It is the meaning of existence of our followers. But why are you unwilling to hand over the battle to me?!"

The blond girl asked loudly, her blue eyes were full of anger:

"The attack on Lord Lancer and Sakuzuki last night was the same. If something went wrong, it would have turned into an irreparable tragedy. Even if we don't use that method, Lancer has agreed to fight me again! Not to mention that Sakuzuki and his Caster won't be our enemies! Or Kiritsugu, don't you trust your own servants, don't you trust me!"

Facing the knight king's reprimand, the magician killer didn't answer, but just continued his behavior of packing his equipment silently—even if such a move would only further intensify the conflict between him and his followers.Irisviel was deeply disgusted by his expressionless appearance as if wearing a mask.

That was not the Kiritsugu she knew.

[If you have doubts, you must correct them. 】

[If a loved one does something wrong, he must be the first to stand up and fight against his fault. 】

You have clearly become an enemy, but your words are still guiding me, Shuo Yue...

Irisviel closed her eyes and was about to speak, but a sudden throbbing in her chest made her whole body tense.

She had just mastered the forest enchantment technique not long ago, and she repeatedly issued strong agitation in her magic circuit.

This is the alert.

Someone has invaded the Einzbern Forest.

 To be honest, I am quite looking forward to the plot of Kiritsugu PaPa fighting the magician with hot weapons... It's a pity that the combat power difference between the servant and the master is too great.

(End of this chapter)

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