My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 78 The Berserker Group that Arrived First

Chapter 78 The Berserker Group that Arrived First

The wind of battle blew into the forest earlier than expected.

The black-armored berserker raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, squeezing out broken words from his chaotic soul.

"...Ar... thur..."

Whose name is he speaking of?From the consciousness that distorts the intellect?

No matter how resourceful a strategist is, it is impossible to draw conclusions from fragmented clues, but his (Berserker) Master knows this all too well.

Abandoning nobility and dignity, tarnishing the soul and personality, not hesitating to turn into this ugliness, is nothing more than chasing that figure.

"As expected, we are really similar..." Kariya Matou, who was wearing a hoodie and concealed his face, sighed, stretched out his hand, and gently pushed the black armored knight forward.

"Go ahead and do what you want to do."

The master's strength is so insignificant, but the servant's eyes lit up red, and it pierced the air like a shell fired, and rushed towards Einzbern Castle.


The Master behind him turned around silently and disappeared on the way he came.


"found it."

Everyone from the Einzbern camp gathered again in the living room—in front of Kiritsugu, Maiya, and Saber, Irisviel projected the invader's image captured by the barrier on the crystal ball.

The silent black armor leaves danced, and the black mist dyed on the armor seemed to have absorbed enough resentment, entangled in the branches and leaves.

"Berserker, are you a participant of the Matou family..." Emiya Kiritsugu frowned.

This is completely inconsistent with his expectations. It should be one of Sakuzuki and Kirei who saw through the Einzbern stronghold. It doesn't make sense for the Matou family and the Einzbern family to be the creators of the Holy Grail system. It's right to be an enemy from the beginning.

Or is Berserker's master allied with someone?

"Berserker has entered the interference range of the Area Effect." Irisviel's quiet voice sounded,
"Hold the intruders before we evacuate."

"Understood." Irisviel understood, "Saber, defeat Berserker."

"Of order." The Knight King's answer was extremely short.When the others heard her voice, Saber's figure had already disappeared from the living room.Only the lingering wind blowing up behind her speaks of her faith.

The moment after Saber left, Emiya Kiritsugu, who had been silently arranging weapons, said:
"Maiya, take Airie and leave the castle. Go in the opposite direction from Saber."

Maiya received the instruction, and nodded in agreement without saying anything.Irisviel couldn't hide the surprised look on her face.

"Can't I... stay here?"

"Since Saber is fighting at a distance, this castle is not safe anymore. Because there may be guys who have the same idea as me."

After Saber left, there might indeed be someone who would want to attack the Master who stayed in the castle and reap the benefits.If you want to kill the master, the best time to do it is when the master and the servant act separately.

Which one is easier to deal with, the Master under the protection of the servants or the Master who is guarding in his own workshop - if it is up to Kiritsugu to decide, he chooses the latter.If other magicians came to the same conclusion, as long as they saw that Saber was fighting alone, they would come to Irisviel who stayed in the city.

After succinctly stating the reason, Emiya Kiritsugu stuck all kinds of grenades and the small bags containing the clips of the cursed bullets on the suspender buckle under the coat one by one.It didn't look at all like a magician ready for battle.

But when seeing Kiritsugu's formal attire and the single-shot magic gun holstered in the holster on his waist belt, those who are familiar with him will understand the degree of psychological preparation this magician killer has made.

It didn't take long for her husband to leave to act alone after meeting her, which made Irisviel feel uneasy, especially after she knew that Kiritsugu was hiding her unstable state of mind.But she also knew that even if she walked with Kiritsugu, she would only be stumbling.

But in addition, there are other factors that lead to uneasy feelings.


After calmly examining her inner thoughts, Irisviel finally understood.The reason why she was worried was not because she was separated from Kiritsugu, but because she wanted to act with Maiya.From Kiritsugu's standpoint, he probably wanted Maiya to protect Irisviel.But deep down in her heart, she still couldn't completely get rid of the sense of resistance to Maiya.

Yes, this is what she felt from the very beginning—whether it was the woman in black who didn't say a word before or now, leaving everything to Kiritsugu.This person was another cause of Irisviel's melancholy.

In today's meeting, the cold-blooded and ruthless appearance of her husband Emiya Kiritsugu made even Irisviel, who had been with him day and night for nine years, feel fear and even loathing.

There is no human ethics, and no obligation as a magician, only the tactics calculated according to the equation of the jungle, which is like a hunting machine——After abandoning the warmth she was nostalgic for, this magician killer showed Everything she said and did made Irisviel feel strange.

But at this meeting, Hisau Maiya remained unmoved at all and kept silent.For her, the current Kiritsugu is probably the original one—the Emiya Kiritsugu she is most familiar with.

Could it be that the person closest to this man, Emiya Kiritsugu, is not himself as a wife, but Hisau Maiya...

Does she have such thoughts similar to jealousy in her heart?
Having said that, of course Irisviel wouldn't be so naive, because this kind of personal feelings were against Kiritsugu's opinion.

"I see."

Just as she nodded dejectedly, a new tingling sensation flashed through the magic circuit.

This is a new feedback signal from the forest watch enchantment.

"What's the matter, Ellie?"

"...Kiritsugu, someone else has come in."


Saber turned into a silver gust, galloping through the trees.

The dispute with Kiritsugu has been left behind by her now.Once on the battlefield, her spirit is like a sword.A pure and flawless long sword that cuts gold and cuts jade, without a trace of confusion or hesitation.

Even though the injury of her left hand has not recovered, the weapon she relies on most has never been a Noble Phantasm, but faith.

The girl always has honor in her heart, and has fought all the way to this point with her reputation in mind.

Maintaining such a proud belief, even the white dragon entrenched on the island of Great Britain would be killed by the holy sword in her hand.

The foot strength of the servant allowed her to run several kilometers in a few minutes, and Berserker in black armor came into view.

The thick and flexible armor brought her an incomparable sense of familiarity—it was a kind of honor and a kind of identity proof that only those who fought with her in the battlefield and killed each other would wear.

That is the knight, the noble man of the field.

But only this figure in front of him, Saber, the king of knights, would not recognize him as the name.

The so-called knights must behave noble and mighty, and illuminate the battlefield with their own light.The honor and dignity of the people who have fallen into the ghosts of hell must be regained in their hearts, and they must be human again.This is the responsibility one must fulfill as a knight, and this responsibility is more important than one's own anger, sorrow, pain, and suffering.

The Berserker in front of him was, at best, a beast bound under the armor of a knight.

As if hunting a monster, the girl-like King of Knights didn't give her name, let alone the desire to communicate. She just raised her holy sword and shouted awe-inspiringly:
"Come on, Berserker!"


Then the wild beasts in black armor galloped from afar, and the knights with fluttering blond hair galloped out of the castle.

Compete against each other, decide together!
 Please follow up, and please turn to the last page to end, so that you can follow up the data, please! (My king is cute.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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