Cop Universe

Chapter 101 Special Support Team

Chapter 101 Special Support Team
Speaking of the case, the two stopped laughing and laughing, Huang Qifa moved a chair, sat down straight, and then began to introduce.

"It started a month ago when a fire broke out at the Chinese University. The fire happened at night in a remote warehouse, so no one noticed it at first.

Fortunately, the rooms around the warehouse have fire protection systems, so the fire did not cause too much damage, it just burned down the warehouse.But at the scene of the fire, a charred body was found. "

"Charred corpses? Under normal circumstances, most people who die in a fire are suffocated by thick smoke, not burned to death. If the corpse is charred, there should be a combustion aid?" He Jiahui asked immediately key issues.

Huang Qifa nodded and answered, "It's gasoline."

He Jiahui frowned slightly. Gasoline is too common. Apart from regular gas stations, there are also many criminals selling gasoline on the black market. From the direction of the accelerant, it is impossible to find out.

"Then what is the specific cause of death of the deceased?" He Jiahui asked again.

There are mainly four types of causes of death in fires, the most of which is of course suffocation due to thick smoke, followed by carbon monoxide poisoning.

The third is mechanical damage, that is, the fire causes changes in the structure of the building, the softening and collapse of building materials, and the death of people.

The fourth is abnormalities in the organs and circulatory system caused by extensive burns.

Only to hear Huang Qifa answer: "After forensic identification, the real cause of death of the deceased was extensive burns, which caused damage to the body's circulatory system and caused organ failure."

"They were burnt to death! This is rare." He Jiahui said.

"We also detected heptachlorane in the body of the deceased." Huang Qifa went on to say.

"Inhalational anesthetic! That must be a murder case. The murderer stunned the deceased, then doused him with gasoline, and burned him to death. This method is also ruthless." He Jiahui paused, and then asked: "The deceased Has your identity been confirmed?"

"The body has been burnt beyond recognition. We spent a lot of time investigating the identity of the deceased, and finally confirmed through DNA that the deceased was Chen Zishuo, the president of the student council of the Chinese University.

During the day when the incident occurred, Chen Zishuo had appeared at the Chinese University, and his activities were normal. He was burned to death at night, so it can be confirmed that the murderer committed the crime on the day of the fire. "Huang Qifa said.

He Jiahui thought for a while, and said: "This murder method is worth discussing. Since the murderer can stun the deceased, why would he pour gasoline on the deceased and burn him to death?
He can throw people into the sea, or directly bury them alive, so the secrecy is much higher. Even if it is arson, there is no need to burn people directly. .

In my opinion, there are only two possibilities for the murderer to do so.Either there was a deep hatred with the deceased, or it was to hide the identity of the deceased and make it more difficult for the police to investigate. After all, the charred body would not be easy to identify.

However, if you want to hide the identity of the deceased, it is more convenient to just throw it into the sea or bury it alive. Why do you need to create such an obvious fire?The concealment of the identity of the deceased can be ruled out.

That's all that's left, the murderer has a deep hatred with the deceased, you can conduct investigations from this aspect, check the deceased's interpersonal relationship, relationship status and debt situation, and see who he has hatred with, or has disputes with. "

"We have investigated everything you said. The deceased was just a college student who had not entered society yet. His social relationship was very pure. He had a stable relationship with his girlfriend. He had no enemies or disputes over money." Huang Qifa said .

"Have you checked the beneficiaries? After the deceased dies, who will benefit from it? For example, insurance beneficiaries and the like." He Jiahui asked.

"The deceased did not buy insurance, so there is no way someone killed him to cheat the insurance." Huang Qifa paused, then continued:

"As an ordinary college student, the only thing special about the deceased is the president of the student union. After his death, the position of the president of the student union will be vacated, so the vice president of the student union should benefit!

So we also conducted an investigation in this direction. However, when we investigated Fang Moxuan, the vice president of the student union, he suddenly disappeared.

We all thought that the vice president, Fang Moxuan, was the murderer. When he found out that the police had found him, he absconded in fear of crime.Until ten days ago, we found Fang Moxuan's body.

At that time, the typhoon had just left. A group of photographers went to the Goudu Mountain next to the Chinese University to take photos of the rainbow. They saw a corpse buried upside down in the soil, with only the feet exposed. "

"Handstand buried in the soil? This crime is a bit strange." He Jiahui said rather puzzled.

Huang Qifa continued: "We confirmed the identity of the deceased. It was Fang Moxuan, the vice president of the Chinese University Student Union. When the body was found, he had been dead for three days.

The cause of death was suffocation due to lack of oxygen, and sevoflurane was also detected in his body.It is estimated that the deceased buried him in the soil after being stunned. Although his feet were still exposed, it was no different from being buried alive. "

He Jiahui nodded: "It's because sevoflurane was also found in his body, so you all concluded that this is a serial murder case."

"We also investigated the deceased's interpersonal relationship and financial situation as usual. Like the first deceased, Fang Moxuan's interpersonal relationship was relatively simple. He had no enemies, no debts, and no disputes with other people. He didn't buy accident insurance either. No one will kill him for insurance." Huang Qifa said.

He Jiahui thought for a few seconds, and then said; "The main purpose of killing people by burying them alive is to destroy the corpses, but the murderer buried the dead upside down in the soil, and exposed his feet, clearly wanting to be killed." found by others.

In this case, it would make sense that the first deceased was charred by the fire.The murderer killed so blatantly, because he didn't intend to hide his killing at all, he wanted people to know on purpose!

So why did he do it, what was his motivation?Is it to show off?In order to show their own existence?To warn someone?Or is it to provoke the police? "

Ordinary criminals will do everything possible to hide after killing someone, but this time the murderer is afraid that others will not know.He Jiahui sensed sensitively that this guy was difficult to deal with, and nine out of ten he had an antisocial personality.

He Jiahui asked again: "Are there any useful clues from the forensic evidence?"

"Not at all!" Huang Qifa shook his head helplessly, and then explained; "The first incident occurred at the scene of a fire, and after the fire, all traces were burnt away, and forensic evidence could not find any useful information.

Although the second incident took place outdoors, the body was not found until after the typhoon.You also know about the typhoon a few days ago. After so much rain, the traces of the scene have long been washed away by the rain. "

"In other words, the forensic evidence side can't help at all." He Jiahui also felt that the case was a bit difficult to handle.

In modern criminal investigation, both forensic evidence and forensic medicine have played a vital role. In many cases, a negligible discovery by forensic evidence or forensic medicine can become the key to solving a case and help the police catch the murderer.

In this case, the scene was completely destroyed, and forensic evidence could not obtain useful information.Without the help of forensic evidence, the difficulty of solving the case has also greatly increased.

"Just from your dictation, this case is really troublesome. How about it, I'll go and look at the case file, maybe I can find new clues." He Jiahui said.


Regional Crime Squad.

Senior Inspector Ma Jun passed by the door of the utility room, but found that the door was open and several workers were packing up the sundries inside.

Ma Jun shook his head inexplicably, then walked into his office, and asked, "I saw that the utility room of our serious crime team was cleaned up, does anyone know what to do?"

His subordinate, Uncle Hua, immediately answered: "Ma sir, you don't know yet! The serious crimes team is going to set up a new team, which seems to be called a special support team."

"Special support? If the serious crime team needs support, they can call the Flying Tigers directly. Why set up a separate team?" Ma Jun frowned.

"I heard that Inspector Huang specifically applied to the chief. If the office is located in that utility room, there are probably only two or three people in this department." Yang Zai, another subordinate, said.

At this moment, Huang Qifa came in from the outside and said to Ma Jun, "Ah Jun, come to my office and I have something to tell you."

After arriving at Huang Qifa's office, Huang Qifa signaled Ma Jun to sit down, and then said, "Ah Jun, is there any progress on the Chinese University case?"

"There are too few clues in this case, and no useful traces were found at the scene. We have also visited the family and friends of the deceased, and there is really nothing suspicious."

Ma Jun sighed helplessly, and continued, "Sir Huang, give me a little more time, and our team will definitely find the clue!"

"I have seen the hard work your team has put in these days. I know that the brothers have worked overtime all day long for this case. But after so many days, the case has made no progress. You can’t just wait and do nothing.”

Huang Qifa smiled slightly, and continued: "So after discussing with my superiors, I decided to find a helper to help your team solve this case!"

"Could it be the special support team?" Ma Jun asked.

"It seems that you have received the news. The serious crime team really can't hide things." Huang Qifa nodded.

Ma Jun frowned, and asked: "Sir Huang, you said that the newly established special support team is here to help us solve the case, so the case is still dominated by our team, and the special support team must follow my command. Right?"

"Well..." Huang Qifa hesitated for two seconds, and then said: "This case will still be solved by the newly established special support team."

"That is to say, let me hand over the case? It's impossible!" Ma Jun suddenly got angry, and he said loudly; "Huang sir, this is a case of our team, I will not hand it over !"

"Didn't you find a clue to solve the case for the time being?" Huang Qifa continued: "Besides, your team is not completely irrelevant to the case. After the special support team has determined the direction of solving the case, whether it is time to investigate or arrest people , it's all up to you!"

Ma Jun hesitated for two seconds before realizing what Huang Sir meant.

"Huang sir, according to what you said, we not only have to hand over the case, but also listen to other people's orders! It's better to hand over the case directly!"

Ma Jun snorted coldly, and continued, "Sir Huang, how many major cases have I solved in these years! In the entire police force, how many people can solve crimes as fast as me? You actually asked me to obey other people's orders!"

"Ah Jun, don't get me wrong. This is a case of cooperation, not someone directing anyone. To solve a case, it is all about brainstorming. If you exchange ideas, maybe there will be a new direction to solve the case. It is all for the purpose of solving the case. If someone It is indeed helpful to solve the case, so why not listen to it!" Huang Qi said with a smile.

"That's not someone commanding me!" Ma Jun snorted coldly, and continued: "Then who is the new inspector, let me tell you first, maybe I still know it."

"Anyway, he's coming tomorrow, so it's okay to tell you in advance. The newly transferred person in charge of the special support team is Sergeant He Jiahui." Huang Qifa said.

"Sheriff? I want to follow the command of a sheriff? I'm a senior inspector!" Ma Jun's expression changed immediately.

"I've said it all, this is a collaborative case!" Huang Qifa smiled, and then continued: "Don't underestimate this Sergeant He Jiahui, although he has just been a policeman for more than a year, but in the past year , He has repeatedly solved major cases."

"What? I have only been a rookie policeman for a year, and you want to teach me how to solve crimes? Sir Huang, you are right!" Ma Jun was so angry that he almost threw the table over.

Huang Qifa quickly persuaded: "Ah Jun, don't worry, let me introduce He Jiahui to you, and you will know how powerful he is!"

"How powerful can a rookie policeman be?" Ma Jun snorted coldly.

"The Dragon and Tiger brothers, the photographer Bart and Lei Wang among the top ten thugs were all caught by him, and he also solved the case of Ma Ye." Huang Qifa said.

"It's him! I thought it was a senior police officer who caught these thugs! It turned out that he was a rookie, so lucky. Why didn't I have such good luck to meet so many top ten police officers?" Bandits!" Ma Jun said enviously.

The "good luck" in Ma Jun's mouth does not mean that He Jiahui was able to arrest the ten thugs because of good luck.

What Ma Jun meant was that He Jiahui was really lucky to meet so many top ten thugs!And Ma Jun's tone was full of envy, and he was also envious of He Jiahui's ability to meet the top ten thugs.

With Ma Jun's skill, if he can meet the ten big bandits, he can also catch them.In the eyes of others, the top ten thugs are awesome, but in the eyes of Ma Jun, the top ten thugs are babies of experience.

Huang Qifa nodded noncommittally. If it were someone else, Huang Qifa would feel that saying this was bragging, but when the same words came from Ma Jun, it was just stating the facts.

Ma Jun's skill can be called the ceiling of the police force. If he meets the top ten thugs, he will really be caught by him.

Seeing that Ma Jun couldn't be restrained by capturing the top ten gangsters, Huang Qifa went on to say: "Besides that, he also solved six murder cases!"

"Huang sir, are you joking? After being a policeman for one year, he solved six murder cases? He is not in the crime squad, how can he solve so many murder cases! Could it be that he started solving cases in the police academy? ?” Ma Jun expressed disbelief.

"You guessed it right. He Jiahui solved two murder cases when he was a student police officer in the police academy. He solved the police academy murder case last year, and he also solved the hospital murder case a few days ago. !” Huang Qifa replied.

Ma Jun was stunned, and asked subconsciously: "Huang sir, you are the one who broke these two cases..."

Having said that, Ma Jun stopped talking abruptly, he had already realized that Huang Qifa took credit for others.

It is really hard to say that a dignified Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Squad steals the credit of the student police.

Huang Qifa smiled awkwardly, changed the topic and said: "But I always feel that this guy is possessed by the god of death. Wherever he goes, he will die! Maybe after he comes, our serious crime team will have more to deal with." case!"

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(End of this chapter)

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