Cop Universe

Chapter 102 New Investigation Directions

Chapter 102 New Investigation Directions
He Jiahui stood in front of the office door, looking at the words "Special Support Team" on the door plate.

Huang Qifa next to him smiled and said: "Jiahui, this is your office, and you will be the leader of the special support team from now on! Go in and have a look, if you need anything, just tell me, and I'll get someone to arrange it for you. "

He Jiahui opened the door, walked in, and found that the room was not big, only enough for four desks.All kinds of office supplies in the room are ready, but there is only one set.

Seeing this scene, He Jiahui asked, "Sir Huang, how many people are there in my special support team?"

"Currently only you are the team leader! But in the future, I will transfer someone over!" Huang Qifa said with a calm face and heartbeat.

"Dare to be the only one in the whole team! I lied to me that I was in command of a team, but it turned out that I was in charge of myself! Be a brilliant commander!" He Jiahui felt like he was on a bandit.

"This is only temporary. The special support team was set up in a hurry, and I couldn't find suitable candidates for a while. When I slowly look for it, I will definitely gather a whole group of people for you."

Huang Qifa continued to draw a big cake, and then said: "If you need manpower, you can go directly to the serious case team A team next door. The team leader of A team is Senior Inspector Ma Jun, and he is very talkative! Come on, let me introduce you. He knows you."

As Huang Qifa said, he brought He Jiahui to Team A of the Serious Crime Squad, and met Ma Jun and Ma Jun's subordinates.

"This is Sir Ma, who is also the leader of Group A. Sir Ma is the No. Our first brother, Chen Jiaju." Huang Qifa explained.

"He is Ma Jun, the legendary police force's ceiling! I don't know who is stronger, he or Abu." He Jiahui thought to himself, and then stepped forward to say hello to Ma Jun.

He Jiahui has also heard of Ma Jun's name.

Ma Jun is recognized as the ceiling of the police force's combat power, and he is also the type who can do things and never beep.

The suspect he captured needs to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment before being sent to the interrogation room for interrogation.There were also suspects who didn't open their eyes and felt that they were good enough to resist Ma Jun, but Ma Jun beat him into a fool.

Huang Qifa pointed to an older police officer, and then introduced: "This is Uncle Hua. Uncle Hua is an old man. If you want to check old accounts, you can definitely find him."

"This is Yang Zai!" Huang Qifa pointed to a tall and strong young man, and introduced: "Yang Zai's father was a dragon and tiger martial artist back then, and Yang Zai also learned Kung Fu since he was a child, and his skills are also very good!"

"This is Da Pao, do you know why he is called Da Pao? Because his marksmanship is very accurate! He used to be a sniper of the Flying Tigers!"

"This guy who looks like a bad guy is Ah Chen. You don't think he looks like a gangster, but he was actually a gangster. Ah Chen was an undercover agent for three years before, and he has a lot of contacts."

Ma Jun's team is really full of talents.

After the introduction, Huang Qifa went on to say: "Now we all know each other. Jiahui, Ajun, and the case of Chinese University will be handed over to you. This case has been urgently urged by the higher authorities. I hope you can work together. Solve the case earlier!"

After Huang Qifa left, Ma Jun said in a strange way; "He sir, the commander asked me to cooperate with you in this case. What should the brothers do next, we are still waiting for He sir's instructions!"

He Jiahui knew that Ma Jun was upset because he had robbed his case.

Facing the ceiling of the police force's combat power, He Jiahui did not confront him. After all, he was just a polished commander, and he still counted on Ma Jun's men to handle the case.

So He Jiahui said, "I'm new here, and I still have a lot of things to ask Sir Ma. How about this, I'll be the host tonight, and invite the brothers from the serious crime team to have a light meal together. I don't know if Sir Ma will show his respect? "

He Jiahui knew that as long as Ma Jun agreed to such a thing as a treat, his subordinates would definitely not refuse.

However, Ma Jun shook his head: "There have been a lot of cases recently, and the serial murder case at Chinese University has no clues at all. How can our serious crime team have time to go out for dinner!"

"Ma sir, you will have the strength to solve the case if you are full of food! I know a restaurant that does a good job of stewing abalone wings with fire pupil chicken. The brothers have been tired for so long because of the case, so it's time to replenish your body." He Jiahui Then he said.

"Shark's fin for light meals? He sir is really rich." Ma Jun said sarcastically.

He Jiahui smiled slightly: "I don't have a family, I'm single, I don't even have a girlfriend, and I don't have anything to spend the money I earn, why don't I treat my brothers to a good meal! The fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields."

Hearing that abalone and shark's fin were available to eat, the police officers of the serious crime team all stared at each other, regardless of their standpoints, who doesn't want to eat something good these days!

"Well, since Sir He kindly invited us, if we don't go, wouldn't it be too disrespectful to Sir He!" Ma Jun nodded.

Ma Jun also knows how to be a man. He could see that his subordinates really wanted to enjoy this feast of stewed abalone wings with fire pupil chicken. If he stopped at this time, it would be tantamount to harming everyone's interests.

Instead of making everyone unhappy, it's better to be a favor and go to dinner together. Anyway, He Jiahui paid for it.

"Huotong chicken stewed abalone wings are quite expensive. If you dare to steal my case, you will be ruined by then!" Ma Jun thought to himself, and at the same time gave his subordinates a look.

The subordinates all responded with their gazes, expressing that they must eat with an open stomach at that time, order a few more dishes, and eat He Jiahui's credit card!

In the special support team, there is only He Jiahui, the brilliant commander. He occupies a not-so-small office all by himself, and the sheriff enjoys the treatment of the chief inspector.

The case file of the serial murder case was also sent to He Jiahui.

After reading the dossier, He Jiahui felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The content recorded in the dossier is similar to what Huang Qifa dictated. The relationship between the two deceased is relatively simple. There are no enemies, no debts, no emotional disputes, and no acquaintance with members of social organizations. The scope of daily life is limited to home and school.

At the crime scene of the two deceased, one was burned and the other experienced a typhoon. The traces have been erased, and no clues were found to help solve the case.

"It's no wonder that the case has been in Ma Jun's hands for so long, but he hasn't made any progress. It's hard to determine the direction of the investigation based on the information in his hands!" He Jiahui thought to himself.

To solve such a case without clear clues, the most important thing is to choose a correct direction of investigation, and this is also the most difficult part of the process of solving the case.

In theory, as long as everyone and everything related to the deceased are checked, clues will definitely be found.

But in the actual investigation process, it is impossible for the police to invest so much manpower to find out the details of every incident.

Therefore, the police often start investigations from key items, such as interpersonal relationships, emotional relationships, debt relationships, etc., which are most likely to lead to the occurrence of the case.

If no clues can be found in these aspects, it is necessary to determine a new direction of investigation, which is also the most difficult part.

If this new direction is chosen wrongly, it means that the time and energy spent will be wasted, and everything will have to start from scratch.

In the case of limited police force, every wrong investigation direction is fatal.

The police still have other cases to investigate, so it is impossible to focus on this case all the time, and they don't have so much time and energy to slowly trial and error.

For the same case, if the direction of the investigation is wrong several times, the resources invested in it will gradually decrease, and gradually the resources will disappear, and the case will no longer be investigated, and it will become an unsolved case.

Therefore, timeliness is the key to solving a case. The closer the case is, the easier it is for the suspect to be caught. The longer it takes, the more difficult the investigation and the lower the possibility of catching the suspect.

Not only because the time drags on, there will be fewer clues, and the suspect will have more time to escape, but also because the case has been delayed for too long, and sufficient police force cannot be guaranteed to continue the investigation.

Taking a murder case as an example, the diamond time to solve a case is 48 hours. During this period of time, more clues will be left on the scene, and even the murderer has not left the scene. Naturally, it is the easiest to solve the case.

Within one week after the incident, it is the golden time to solve the case. During this period, forensic medicine and forensic evidence can provide the greatest assistance, and the deceased's interpersonal relationship and debt problems can also be investigated. 90.00% of murders are solved within a week.

Three months is regarded as the silver period for solving a case. During this period, all investigative methods and technological means have been used, and all clues can be found. If the case cannot be solved, then this case is basically closed. hanging.

Within one year after the incident, it is the bronze time to solve the case. By this time, all the methods to solve the case must have been used, basically waiting for the goddess of luck to come.

If you're lucky, a clue comes up suddenly, and the case will be solved.Bad luck, there is still no new clue, just wait for the year-end assessment to be deflated!

In the current case, it has been a month since the first victim was killed, and more than a week since the second victim was killed, which belongs to the silver time period for solving the case.

At this stage, if you work hard, the case may be solved; and if there is no progress after a month or two, the case will become an unsolved case.

He Jiahui has rich experience in solving crimes, and at this time he has already thought of a new direction of investigation.


In the restaurant, the police officers from the Serious Crime Team A of the regional headquarters gathered around the table, each with a bowl of stewed abalone wings with Huotong chicken.

"It's so good, I'm sweating after eating!" Uncle Hua picked up a tissue and wiped the sweat from his head.

"Uncle Hua, the air conditioner is already turned on very low, why are you still sweating profusely after eating!" Yang Zai next to him said.

Uncle Hua looked at Yang Zai who looked normal, and said with a smile, "Yang Zai, after eating such a bowl of supplements, your face doesn't turn red, you must have kidney deficiency!"

"Nonsense, I can fight so well, how can I have a kidney deficiency!" Yang Zai said.

Ah Chen next to him laughed and joked, "Yang Zi is not suffering from kidney deficiency. He is young and needs to grow up!"

It has to be said that the dinner culture is really a good thing. After a luxurious meal, He Jiahui has become a lot closer to everyone, and the members of the serious crime team did not mention He Jiahui's robbery.

After all, he is short-handed and short-mouthed. After eating He Jiahui's Huotong chicken stewed abalone wings, no one is embarrassed to talk about him.

Ma Jun said, "He sir, this serial murder case is now entrusted to you. You have read the file all afternoon, have you decided on a new investigation direction?"

He Jiahui knew that it was time to show off his abilities and convince Ma Jun, so he put down his chopsticks and said;
"The relationship between the two deceased was simple. They had no enemies, no debt disputes, and the scene of the crime had been destroyed. From the deceased's side alone, it was difficult for us to investigate new clues. Since there are no clues from the deceased's side, So I'm going to start an investigation from the murderer's side."

"We don't have any information about the murderer. We don't know whether he is tall or short, male or female, or how old he is. How can we investigate from the murderer's side?" Ma Jun asked immediately.

"We can start the investigation from the murderer's motive for killing. Killing is nothing more than a few motives, for money, for love, for revenge, and killing to silence the mouth."

He Jiahui paused for a moment, then continued: "The two deceased were ordinary college students, and their families were not wealthy, so it was impossible for them to be murdered by money. The relationship between the two of them and their girlfriends was also very stable, so love murder can be ruled out. As for vendetta murder, it is not yet possible. Rule out that possibility."

"We checked and found that the two deceased had no enemies, nor had any conflicts with others. Vendetta can also be ruled out," Ma Jun said.

He Jiahui shook his head: "If we only consider personal grievances, the possibility of vendetta can indeed be ruled out, but what if the student union did something and offended the enemy?

The Qiu family blamed the student union, so they planned to take revenge.One of the two deceased was the president of the student union, and the other was the vice president. They will definitely become the primary targets of the murderer's revenge! "

"The student union is just a student organization. What kind of enemy can you offend, and you need to kill to get revenge?" Ma Jun said.

"This requires us to investigate." He Jiahui paused, and then said: "The current university student union is actually quite crazy. It's independent to put it mildly, but it's independent to put it badly. Make trouble everywhere.

This group of college students has no brains. Once they are instigated by people with good intentions, only brave characters are left. These students don't know the dangers of society. When they offend people, maybe they don't even know it themselves! "

Ma Jun glared at He Jiahui, and said to himself, aren't you about the same age as those college students?Why are you pretending to be old-fashioned!
Ma Jun then asked, "Then what about killing people to silence them? Could it be that the deceased knew something he shouldn't know, so he was silenced?"

"It's possible, but there is a problem here, that is, the murderer's method of killing is too ostentatious. Especially the second deceased was buried alive on his head, with his feet exposed, for fear that others would not know."

He Jiahui went on to say: "If it's killing people to silence them, why did the murderer make such a big fuss? Kill people secretly, and just find a place to bury them.

Another point is that in addition to the two deceased, if the murderer has a third or fourth target to be silenced, then the murderer will make the incident known to everyone, which is tantamount to reminding other people who may be killed. silencer,

This person is worried that he will be silenced, and he will probably come to the police for help, and the murderer will be exposed by then.From this point of view, it is unreasonable to kill and silence.

But so far, no one has come to the police for protection, which shows that the possibility of the murderer killing people is not high. "

Ma Jun nodded, agreeing with He Jiahui's statement.

He Jiahui continued: "According to my analysis, the real target of the murderer is probably not the two deceased, but the student union of Chinese University. Next, we will also focus our investigation on the student union.

Check the membership of the student union, the activities of the student union in the past two years, the financial situation of the student union, and investigate whether the student union has had conflicts with other organizations or individuals, or has harmed the interests of others when the student union usually holds activities! "

Everyone looked at Ma Jun one after another, obviously asking if they should do what He Jiahui said.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ma Jun ordered, "Uncle Hua, take Yang Zai to Chinese University tomorrow, and bring back everything Sir He wants!"


Early the next morning, Uncle Hua and Yang Zai went to Chinese University to investigate the situation of the student union.

He Jiahui stayed in his office, holding a mobile phone in his hand, browsing the recent tweets sent by the deceased.

He Jiahui had already realized the importance of social media when he solved the homicide case in the hospital last time. If the police couldn't find anything, he would know everything by looking through social media. This is much faster than asking witnesses.

Moreover, the two deceased were both young people, and social media has always been relatively active. Through their social media, new clues may really be found.

Young people’s social media content can be described as diverse, including life, study, love, travel, food, all kinds of content, and of course, participation in student union activities is indispensable.

"College life is really colorful. The student council president, Chen Zishuo, went to Eason Chan's concert a few days ago. He was lucky enough to get a ticket."

A tweet by Chen Zishuo, saying that he went to Eason Chan's concert, has a feeling of showing off.

He Jiahui knew about this concert. When tens of thousands of tickets were released, they were sold out in an instant. At that time, Taishan wanted to invite Du Xiaohe to the concert, but complained a lot because he didn't get tickets.

He Jiahui continued to look at Chen Zishuo's social media, scrolled forward, and saw another tweet, saying that he spent 4000 yuan to buy scalper tickets for the concert.

"I thought you were lucky enough to get the ticket, but it turned out that you bought the scalper ticket."

Seeing this, He Jiahui frowned suddenly, and he flipped through a few tweets, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"This student council president, Chen Zishuo, is really not that simple."

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(End of this chapter)

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