Cop Universe

Chapter 43 Conan Possession

Chapter 43 Conan Possession
On a broken ship by the sea, the big drug lord Lin Kun, the police undercover Ali, the lame master, and another core member of the Kun gang gathered here.

Lin Kun pointed at the lame master angrily, and cursed angrily: "How could you accept such an idiot apprentice! You went to set fire to his shop, but was caught by the police!
It's okay to be caught by the police, and he was taken to our factory by following the clues!Since he was caught by the police, he should be let to die!Why let him go back to the factory? "

The undercover Ali went to the factory for the first time the day before yesterday, but the factory was taken away by the police. Lin Kun would definitely suspect Ali.

In order to dispel Lin Kun's suspicion of Ali, the police directly announced the case information, saying that the long-haired man went to set fire to the shop and was caught by the police. Then the police followed the clues and took away the drug factory.

In this way, all the responsibility fell on the long-haired man, and Lin Kun naturally no longer suspected the undercover Ali.

The lame master also knew that he had done something wrong this time. He lowered his head and quickly apologized: "Brother Kun, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Lin Kun obviously won't be discouraged by saying "I'm sorry", that's 4700 million goods!
"Huang Mao has been caught by the police. I am worried that he will talk nonsense and bite us out. I have sent someone to tell him to shut up!" Lin Kun continued.

"Brother Kun, don't worry, he is my nephew, so he will keep his mouth shut." The lame master said quickly.

"I mean, he will shut up forever!" Lin Kun had a gloomy expression on his face.

After hearing this sentence, the lame master's expression changed suddenly. He knew what "shut up forever" meant.

Lin Kun continued: "The long hair that escaped, haven't you found it yet?"

"Brother Kun, don't worry, I will definitely find him. He is also my nephew. When I find him, I will definitely break his leg!" The lame master said eagerly.

"This incident was caused by this idiot who went to burn the store. He can't live. I want him to die!" Lin Kun roared.

The crippled master's expression widened. He hoped that he could exchange his nephew's life with one leg, but Lin Kun refused.

The next second, Lin Kun stared at the lame master, and said murderously: "You just said that he is your nephew. Since you can find him, then I will leave this matter to you. But should you not Wouldn't you be reluctant to do it because it's his uncle?"

The lame master trembled in fright. He knew that this was Lin Kun's test for him. If he didn't kill the long hair, he would be the one who died.

The lame master didn't want to die. He was a person with a strong desire to survive, otherwise he wouldn't have jumped out of the window on the eighth floor to escape.

When things got to this point, the lame master could only kill his nephew cruelly.

I saw the lame master gritted his teeth struggling, and said: "Brother Kun, don't worry, I will definitely get things done. I will find a 'photographer' to do this, and after I am done, I will show the video to you. you!"


Police Commissioner Chen Jiaju hung a Police Medal of Honor on Ho Ka-fai's chest.

The Medal of Honor is awarded to officers of the six major disciplined services and the ICAC at all levels in recognition of their dedication and valuable contributions.In terms of rank, it belongs to the ninth level of honor, which is one level lower than the bronze medal of bravery that He Jiahui received before.

In terms of the drug manufacturing factory's valuation of 4700 million, it is indeed a bit low to only give a police medal of honor.

But not long ago, He Jiahui had already been awarded the Bronze Medal of Bravery, and before he could warm it up, he took over the drug manufacturing factory and made great contributions.Naturally, the Bronze Medal of Courage cannot be repeated this time.

As for the higher-level medal, He Jiahui's qualifications are not up to the standard, so he can only be awarded the lower-level Police Medal of Honor.

Although it is one level lower, it may not be easy to get it. The entire police force has more than 3 people, and only about 20 people a year can get this honor.

Afterwards, Chen Jiaju presented another letter of commendation to He Jiahui.

"This is a letter of commendation from the chief executive on behalf of the Xiangjiang government, which contains the autograph of the chief executive."

Perhaps the police force also felt that it was a bit stingy to only give a police medal of honor to a drug factory with an estimated value of 4700 million, so Chen Jiaju specially reported to the Chief Executive and sent He Jiahui a commendation letter signed by the Chief Executive.

Although this is not a medal, it can be regarded as a unique honor, and it can be worth He Jiahui's contribution this time.

"Thank you Director!" He Jiahui received the commendation letter and stood at attention to salute at the same time.

Chen Jiaju said, "It's the first time for me to award the same medal twice to the same person within a week! To be honest, when I saw the name of the person to be honored yesterday, I thought it was the same name. , I didn't expect it to be you again!"

"Report to the director, I'm probably lucky." He Jiahui said modestly.

"Luck is also a part of strength!" Chen Jiaju smiled slightly, and continued: "But I am very conflicted now, on the one hand, I hope you can solve big cases again.

On the other hand, I am worried that you will solve another big case.Because if you solve another major case, I really don't know what kind of reward I should give you! "


In the evening, He Jiahui came to Lan Kwai Fong, where the nightlife in Xiangjiang was the most prosperous, to attend the party.

The phone rang, it was Yu Xueli's call.

"Jiahui, where are you? Qiu Junxuan and I have already arrived." Ah Li's voice sounded from the phone.

"I'll be there right away. Is the bar you're talking about at the corner? The one with the green light sign?" He Jiahui asked.

"Yes, this is the family, come in quickly!" Ah Li said.

He Jiahui walked into this bar, and sure enough, he saw Yu Xueli, Qiu Junxuan, and several other classmates from the police academy were already waiting at one of the booths.

"Jiahui, we are here!" Ah Li stood up and shook his hand to He Jiahui, and He Jiahui also walked over immediately.

A Liding's position is an arc-shaped booth, a half-circular sofa, and a small table in the middle. Behind the sofa, there are wooden boards that separate other booths and give customers some privacy.

"The place you chose is not bad. There are not too many people, and it's not too noisy. Moreover, each booth is separated by a partition, just like a small private room." He Jiahui looked around and said.

"Party, it's not disco, why don't you find a quieter bar to chat and listen to music. Many bars in Lan Kwai Fong are too noisy, suitable for fun, but not for friends gathering."

As Li said, he pointed to the next door, and continued, "The people who come here are also gathering with friends. Listen, someone next door is having a birthday!"

Sure enough, through the partition board, the sound of singing birthday song sounded from the booth next to it.

Ah Li continued, "People are already cutting the birthday cake, so let's stop sitting around and order something to eat and drink, Jiahui, we've all read the menu just now, and you're the only one left!"

"Okay!" He Jiahui took the menu and ordered drinks and snacks casually.

Not long after, the waiter brought over the drinks and snacks, and took away the garbage bag in the garbage basket and replaced it with a new one.

Qiu Junxuan said with a smile: "Jiahui, last week I heard that you killed Brother Longhu among the top ten thugs, so I wanted to invite you out to celebrate. You said that you don't have time on the night shift. Now I finally have an appointment with you. Then I heard that you built a drug manufacturing factory!

Two big cases were solved in a row, it would be unreasonable not to celebrate!Today's meal is regarded as a celebration banquet for you, and it is your treat! "

"You hold a celebration banquet for me, and I have to pay for it myself?" He Jiahui smiled helplessly: "Okay, I will pay for it, and you can eat whatever you want!"

He Jiahui's father runs a factory in the mainland, and he sends tens of thousands of yuan to He Jiahui for living expenses every month. He can still afford the money for this meal of wine.

On the contrary, Yu Xueli said: "I invited everyone to come this time, how can I let He Jiahui treat you, let me come!"

"It's okay, if you are willing to celebrate with me, I wish for it. You can order whatever you want, and empty out my wallet if you can. Just have fun!" He Jiahui continued.

"Then we won't be polite!" Qiu Junxuan waved his hand at the bar like a big boy: "Waiter, bring the menu again, I want to order!"

"Didn't you see that the table is almost full? Where can I order it and put it? It's too late to order after eating!" Ah Li stopped.

Several people started drinking, eating and chatting, telling about the new things they encountered when they came to be a policeman these days, and found a lot of sympathy from them.

"Jiahui, what's your situation over there, I haven't heard you say a few words." Qiu Junxuan said.

He Jiahui shook his head helplessly: "I really have nothing to say. On the first day I patrolled the streets, I encountered Brother Longhu robbing a gold store. I shot and killed my younger brother Wang Xiaohu, and then I was suspended from my job and received psychological counseling.

The case of the Dragon and Tiger brothers was finally settled. I went to work the night shift on the first day I was reinstated, but I met a drug dealer again and went to set fire to it. By the way, I set up a drug factory.The police department gave me a few more days off for solving a major case.

Calculated in this way, since I became a policeman, I haven't been working seriously at all. Either I was suspended or I was put on leave.How can I tell you so many new things! "

"Then just talk about it, you take over the drug factory!" Ah Li said.

Qiu Junxuan next to him also brightened his eyes: "Yes, please teach me how to find a drug factory! When I patrol the streets tomorrow, I will try to look for it to see if there is a drug factory in my block. !"

"Okay, let me explain to you in detail!" He Jiahui nodded helplessly, as expected, every rookie policeman was thinking about how to solve a big case.


"Sir, you ordered beer!" The waiter handed several bottles of cold beer to everyone, took away the garbage bag and put a new one on.

At this moment, several uniformed policemen walked in from the outside, and the owner of the bar immediately greeted them.

Of course the police don't come to drink in uniform, they must have something else going on.So the boss asked: "Sirs, I am the boss here, what do you want?"

"We received a report that there are minors coming to a nearby bar, so come and have a look." The leading police officer said.

He has three stripes on his shoulder and is a sheriff.

"Sir, there are absolutely no minors here!" The boss said quickly.

"Boss, don't be nervous. We are just doing a routine inspection. It will be soon. It will not disturb your customers or affect your business."

As the sheriff said, he led people into the bar and began to inspect the booths.

If the occupant of the seat looked older, obviously an adult, the officers simply ignored it.If the guest looks younger, the officer will have to look at the ID.

He Jiahui's table is full of freshly graduated police officers. Although they are all adults, they look relatively young on the surface, so when the police chief came here, he stopped in his tracks.

"Several gentlemen, routine inspection, please show your ID card." The sheriff said.

"Brother, one of my own." Qiu Junxuan took out his police ID as he spoke, and the others followed suit.

The police chief looked at the police ID and smiled at everyone: "It turns out that they are all our own people. You can continue, and I won't disturb you."

After the sheriff finished speaking, he walked to the side to press a birthday partition.

"Several, routine inspection, please show your ID card!" The sheriff said.Obviously, the birthday party at this table is also young people.

The young people at this table were also very cooperative and took out their ID cards one after another.Only one man sat there with his head down, indifferent.

"Zhenghuang, the police are here for inspection, quickly take out your ID card." The companion reminded.

The man remained unmoved.

"Are you drunk after just a few sips?" The companion beside him pushed him vigorously, and then said, "Wake up, the police are here to check!"

However, with just this push, the man fell straight down.

"I didn't drink much, I passed out anyway." The surrounding companions all had surprised expressions.

But the sheriff felt that something was wrong, he stepped forward and said, "Sir, please wake up."

Seeing that the man was indifferent, the sheriff raised his flashlight and took a picture of the man's face. Only then did he realize that the man's face had a painful expression.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" The sheriff cried inwardly. He pushed the man's shoulder and felt something was wrong, then reached out to feel the man's pulse.

"Dead!" The sheriff's expression changed instantly.

"What? He's dead!" The companions suddenly panicked, and one girl even screamed in fright.

This voice immediately caught the attention of He Jiahui and the others next door.

He Jiahui immediately stood up, walked to the booth next door, and saw the fallen man.

"Brother, what happened?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"He's dead." The sheriff replied simply.

"Why are people dead again!" Ah Li grinned, and then muttered in a low voice: "Sometimes I think, some of you must be possessed by Conan! When I am with you, there will always be dead people. It's the third time."

"Why don't you say that you are possessed by Conan? When I was not with you, I never met a dead person!"

Qiu Junxuan paused, and then said: "I think He Jiahui is Conan's possession. After all, he is the one who solves the case every time, just like Conan!"

 The case is coming again. After reading it, everyone, don’t forget to give a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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