Cop Universe

Chapter 44 Death by Poisoning

Chapter 44 Death by Poisoning
The news of someone's death spread quickly in the bar, which immediately caused a commotion.

Facing so many commotional customers, those uniformed police officers were obviously a little bit powerless.

The sheriff who led the team saw this situation and immediately called for backup.

He Jiahui also stepped forward and said, "Brother, let's help maintain order!"

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, brothers." The sheriff nodded.

Everyone brought their police ID cards and began to help maintain order at the scene, and the sheriff also walked to the stage of the resident singer and picked up the microphone.

"Hi everyone, I am PTU Sergeant Li Wensen. Please don't panic, don't move around, stay where you are, don't leave for the time being, to avoid accidents.

After a while, my colleagues will register everyone's identity, and then everyone can leave.Please wait patiently, and thank you for your cooperation!
Our police are always here. If you have any questions or urgent needs, you can contact the police nearby, and we will help you solve the problem. "

And just as the police chief comforted everyone, He Jiahui had already looked at the deceased.

The deceased was a young male, about 24 or [-] years old. At this time, his expression was a little distorted, and his eyes were slightly protruding. It seemed that he was in pain before his death.

Looking carefully, the man's lips were bright red, and there was something like white foam around his mouth, as if the liquid had solidified.

"This man was poisoned to death! Judging from the appearance, there is a high probability that it is cyanide." He Jiahui was startled, and immediately said to the deceased's companion: "Don't touch the food and drink on the table, it may be poisonous!"

Then He Jiahui found the sheriff again.

"Li sir, I found that there was an unknown substance left at the corner of the deceased's mouth, so the deceased was probably poisoned to death." He Jiahui said.

"You can just call me Brother Sen, that's what everyone calls me." The police chief then asked, "You said the deceased was poisoned to death, but was it poisoned by someone, or accidentally poisoned?"

"This is not known yet, because the source of the poison cannot be determined, so it cannot be ruled out that other people's food or drinks are poisonous. I suggest that the kitchen should be closed immediately, the chef should be controlled, and all customers should be told not to eat the food and drinks on the table. drinks."

"Okay, I'll send someone to seal the kitchen right away." Sergeant Senge said.

He Jiahui continued: "Judging from the situation at the scene, the friend of the deceased did not discover the death of the deceased immediately, which means that the deceased died suddenly within a short period of time, and there was almost no struggle during the process.

I judged that this was most likely caused by cyanide. In addition, the deceased's lips were red and his eyes protruded. These are all signs of death from cyanide poisoning.Of course, we have to wait for the forensics department to confirm.

Therefore, we have to notify the forensics department to bring more poison detection reagents. It may be necessary to test a lot of samples to confirm the source of the poison. "He Jiahui continued.


In Lan Kwai Fong at night, the police force was very abundant. It didn't take long for the PTU mobile unit from another patrol team to come to support.

Later, people from the serious crime team and the forensic department also arrived.

"I am Chief Inspector Huang Qifa of the Serious Crime Unit! Where is the deceased?" A familiar voice sounded.

"There's an old acquaintance here!" He Jiahui looked at Huang Qifa with a smile.

Brother Sen brought Huang Qifa to the deceased. At this time, Huang Qifa also saw He Jiahui beside him.

"Why is it you!" Huang Qifa recognized He Jiahui at a glance.

Huang Qifa was really impressed by this student policeman who could solve the case.

The key point is that the case in the police school cafeteria was obviously solved by He Jiahui, and Huang Qifa was lying flat the whole time.But when Huang Qifa wrote the report, he took all the credit for himself, a typical shameless act of grabbing credit.

Therefore, when Huang Qifa saw He Jiahui again, he was naturally a little guilty.

"Inspector Huang, we meet again!" He Jiahui said with a smile.

Huang Qifa looked at the police officer's ID on He Jiahui's chest, and asked, "Have you graduated?"

"I just graduated not long ago and was assigned to the Sham Shui Po Police Station in West Kowloon." Ho Ka Fai replied.

"West Kowloon? Then what are you doing in Central?" Huang Qifa continued to ask.

"Come over for dinner, and happened to encounter this incident, so I came here to help maintain order!" He Jiahui continued to answer.

Sergeant Senge asked, "Inspector Huang, so you guys know each other!"

"Of course I do." He Jiahui chuckled, and continued, "Inspector Huang and I are old acquaintances."

He Jiahui didn't mention the school cafeteria murder case, and the more this happened, the more guilty Huang Qifa felt.

So Huang Qifa hurriedly changed the topic: "Let's chat again when we have a chance, let me understand the case first. Can the cause of death of the deceased be confirmed now?"

"There are some unknown substances around the mouth of the deceased. The initial judgment is that he died of poisoning. The poison is probably cyanide." Brother Sen directly repeated He Jiahui's conclusion.

"Is it cyanide poisoning? It's very likely that someone poisoned it." Huang Qifa turned around and called the people from the forensic department over, asking them to determine whether the deceased died of poisoning as soon as possible.

Then Huang Qifa began to ask the deceased's companions to obtain the personal information of the deceased.

The name of the deceased was Yu Zhenghuang, a graduate student at Chinese University.Besides him, there were six other people eating at the same table.

The first person to be questioned was a short girl who wore a pair of glasses and was weak in writing. At this time, she was crying miserably and looked very sad.

This woman's name is Liu Wei, and she is also a graduate student of Chinese University. She is in the same department as the deceased, but one level lower than the deceased. The deceased is her senior.

The second one is a man with a short stature and a shrewd appearance.

The name of this man was Lin Zhijian, who was also a graduate student at Chinese University. He and the deceased were classmates when they were in college. Later, they were in the same department and the same supervisor as graduate students. The two were classmates and friends for many years.

And today is also his birthday, because he is usually familiar with the deceased, so he invited the deceased to his birthday party.

The third person to be questioned was a muscular man.

Lin Youqiang, Lin Zhijian's cousin, came to celebrate his cousin's birthday today. It was the first time for everyone present, except Lin Zhijian, to meet him.

The fourth person is also not tall, has an ordinary appearance, and looks very introverted, stuttering when speaking.

His name is Ma Minghao, and he also graduated from Chinese University. When he was in college, he was classmates with Yu Zhenghuang and Lin Zhijian. However, he did not go to graduate school and started working after graduating from university.As an old classmate, Ma Minghao was also invited to the birthday party.

The fifth is a man wearing glasses, about 28 years old.

This person was Xue Youlin, who was a teaching assistant at the Chinese University, and was from the same department as the deceased.As a teaching assistant, he usually has more contact with graduate students and is familiar with each other, so he was invited to Lin Zhijian's birthday party.

The sixth is a girl, the girlfriend of teaching assistant Xue Youlin. She was not familiar with the deceased, and she came here entirely to accompany her boyfriend.

Huang Qifa had just found out the identity of the deceased and his friends, and the forensics department also had results.

The forensic doctor said, "Inspector Huang, I extracted the residue from the deceased's mouth and tested it. It was indeed cyanide, so it can be preliminarily determined that the deceased died of cyanide poisoning. More detailed information needs to be dissected later. to report to you."

"He was really poisoned to death!" Huang Qifa took a deep breath, and ordered: "Immediately test the food and drinks on the table to find the source of the poison!"

 Don't forget to give a ticket after reading it, everyone!Thanks for passing.

(End of this chapter)

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