Cop Universe

Chapter 82 Fake Alibi

Chapter 82 Fake Alibi

He Jiahui handed a cup of coffee to the director Xue Zhaohui, and said at the same time, "Mr. Xue, don't be nervous. Regarding the murder of Zheng Jiazhen, do you know who the murderer is?"

"Yes, the murderer is Cai Mulin!" Xue Zhaohui said with certainty.

"Cai Mulin, is that the cameraman from your crew?" He Jiahui then asked, "Why do you say he is the murderer?"

"Because Cai Mulin had the motive to kill Zheng Jiazhen!" Xue Zhaohui paused, and then continued; "Cai Mulin is not only a cameraman, but also a famous photographer.

But he is very lecherous, and he often tricks girls into taking some large-scale photos under the guise of taking free photos, and even tricks girls into having sex with him.

Zheng Jiazhen was one of the victims. More than three years ago, when Zheng Jiazhen was still a part-time model, she was also tricked by Cai Mulin into taking a photo shoot, and was also tricked into having sex with Cai Mulin.

At that time, Cai Mulin said that he knew many producers and had the resources to let Zheng Jiazhen act in movies. Zheng Jiazhen was not experienced in the world, so he believed it. Later, Zheng Jiazhen found out that Cai Mulin had no resources at all, and he was a liar. "

"How do you know this?" He Jiahui asked.

Xue Chaohui opened his mouth and replied: "Cai Mulin told me personally. Before accepting this commercial, I had dinner with Cai Mulin, and I told him that this time I found a model with a hot body to be the heroine. He asked Who am I, I will tell him that it is Zheng Jiazhen.

When he learned that the heroine of the advertisement was Zheng Jiazhen, he showed off to me that he had had a relationship with Zheng Jiazhen, and then told me everything about three years ago.

It was also for this reason that I thought Zheng Jiazhen was a more casual model, so I drank too much that night, so I harassed Zheng Jiazhen with the help of alcohol, and then she slapped me. "

"According to what you said, it was Cai Mulin who deceived Zheng Jiazhen, and Zheng Jiazhen was the one who suffered. It must be that Zheng Jiazhen resented Cai Mulin. It stands to reason that Zheng Jiazhen wanted to seek revenge from Cai Mulin, right?"

He Jiahui continued: "Cai Mulin is the one who took advantage. Since he took advantage, he shouldn't have any resentment towards Zheng Jiazhen, and it's unlikely that he will kill Zheng Jiazhen, right?"

Xue Zhaohui continued to explain: "This is because when Cai Mulin took photos of Zheng Jiazhen three years ago, he also persuaded her to take a set of very large-scale photos, which were more than enough to be used as the cover of the cavalry.

After I was slapped by Zheng Jiazhen that day, Cai Mulin showed off those photos to me again, saying that as long as he had these photos, he would let Zheng Jiazhen open a room with him at any time.

Later, on the first night when we came to the island, Cai Mulin probably slept alone and was relatively lonely, so he took those photos and went to Zheng Jiazhen, and the two had a quarrel, the sound was so loud that the whole hotel could hear it . "

"That is to say, apart from you, Chen Weiting, the assistant of the crew, also heard it?" He Jiahui asked.

Xue Zhaohui nodded: "We were all in our respective rooms at the time. If Chen Weiting was also in his own room, he would definitely be able to hear it."

"What are Cai Mulin and Zheng Jiazhen arguing about, did you hear that?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"I didn't listen carefully, probably Cai Mulin wanted to threaten Zheng Jiazhen with those large-scale photos, saying that if Zheng Jiazhen didn't spend the night with him, he would post the photos on the Internet. Zheng Jiazhen asked Cai Mulin to hand over the negatives, otherwise he would call the police , to bring out all the scandalous things about Cai Mulin." Xue Zhaohui replied.

"Scandal? What exactly do you mean?" He Jiahui asked again.

Xue Zhaohui shook his head: "I don't know exactly what it is, but Cai Mulin is lustful and has poor character, so he should have done a lot of immoral things over the years.

There are rumors that he seduced underage girls, and that he drugged models, but these are just rumors, I just heard, there is no evidence.Maybe Zheng Jiazhen knows something inside! "

"Why didn't you say these things when you recorded the statement for the first time?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"One more thing is worse than one less thing!" Xue Zhaohui continued with an innocent face: "And I was also worried at the time. The police found out that I stole the money, so I wanted to leave as soon as possible after recording the statement. Later, I heard your police say yes An acquaintance committed the crime, and after careful consideration, I realized that Cai Mulin was the murderer!"

Xue Zhaohui was sure that Cai Mulin was the murderer, but Cai Mulin had an alibi on the night when the deceased was murdered.

"Perhaps it's time to re-examine, Cai Mulin's alibi is proof." He Jiahui thought to himself.


Cai Mulin's camera is still in the police station, and Liang Baojiang connects the camera to the computer again.

Sitting by the computer, He Jiahui began to check the creation time of the photos one by one.

Liang Bao said, "I've checked the creation time of these photos, and there is no problem. Between two in the morning and four in the morning, Cai Mulin has been taking pictures on the northeast coast, and he has no time to go to the hotel to kill people. I think it is That Xue Chaohui deliberately called Cai Mulin the murderer in order to reduce his sentence!"

He Jiahui did not answer, but continued to check the creation time of each photo.

As Liang Bao said, Cai Mulin took a lot of photos between [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] am, which means that during this period, Cai Mulin never left the shooting location.

"The creation time of this photo is 21:27, this one is [-]:[-], this one is [-]:[-], this one is [-]:[-]...Huh?"

Suddenly, He Jiahui discovered a problem, multiple photos in a row, the displayed creation time all have the same place, that is, the position of "second", and the display is "01".


"No, there is a problem with these photos!" He Jiahui checked the photos taken after 02:30, and the situation was the same.

Until 01:[-], all the photos created during this time period show the position of "second" as "[-]".

He Jiahui looked at the label of the photo again, calculated the numbers, and then showed an expression of enlightenment.

"I see! These photos were not taken by Cai Mulin himself, but were taken with the timer function of the camera!" He Jiahui said.

"Time-lapse shooting? How did you find out?" Liangbao asked.

He Jiahui explained: "Look at the creation time of these photos, the seconds are all 01 seconds. If you were a photographer, would you be stuck at the first second of every minute every time you pressed the shutter? ?

If only two or three photos are like this, it can be explained by coincidence, but if it is like this in dozens of photos here, it is certainly not a coincidence.Even if the photographer deliberately jams the time, it is impossible for every shot to be accurately stuck at 01 seconds.

Look at the serial numbers of these photos again, the one at 3402:3405, the serial number is IMG-3, and the next one at [-]:[-], the serial number is IMG-[-], the serial numbers are three digits different, and the time is also three minutes different .

The next photo at 21:3412, numbered IMG-7, is seven digits different from the previous one, and the shooting time is exactly seven minutes different.

If I'm not wrong, Cai Mulin has set up a 1-minute automatic shooting function, and the camera will automatically take a photo every 1 minute.

And because the imaging system of the camera has a delay, the generation of pictures will be one second slower than the time of taking pictures, and the position of the second of each picture will appear, and it will display 01 seconds.

Later, Cai Mulin deleted some photos he was not satisfied with, that is, those whose photo numbers were missing.The reason why he did this was to avoid being detected by us, and he used a 1-minute time-lapse shot. "

Guan Gong also came over, and then pointed to the photos on the computer and said, "Jiahui, your guess is wrong, if the person is not there, but the camera is set up and the timed shooting is used, then the shooting angles of all the photos should be the same Yes. But when you look at these photos, the angle has obviously changed, obviously someone is adjusting the angle of the camera, right?"

Liangbao next to him also said, "That's right, I just saw the different angles of each photo, so I didn't doubt Cai Mulin."

He Jiahui answered; "There is a kind of photographic equipment called an electric remote control stand, some of which can be rotated 360 degrees, some can be adjusted up and down, and some can even set a track route in advance.

The electric slide rail and the 360-degree rotating bracket are enough to shoot different angles.In addition to being a videographer, Cai Mulin is also a photographer. He should be very familiar with this kind of professional equipment. He can use this method to create an alibi!

Those photos deleted by Cai Mulin should be recoverable. If we restore all the photos inside and arrange them according to the numbers, we will definitely find the connection of the photos. "

"In other words, these photos of Cai Mulin were probably taken when no one was around, so Cai Mulin's alibi was forged by himself?" Guan asked openly.

"That's right, so now we need to call Cai Mulin in for another questioning, and we also need to search his luggage. If we find things like electric brackets or slide rails, we can find that Cai Mulin deliberately forged his alibi evidence!" He Jiahui replied.


He Jiahui, Du Xiaohe, and Taishan came to the B&B again, and this time he wanted to take Cai Mulin away for questioning.

"Mr. Cai lives in this room." Aunt Xian, the owner of the homestay, pointed to one of the rooms and said.

He Jiahui stepped forward, knocked on the door, and said at the same time, "Mr. Cai, are you there? We are the police."

However, no one in the room responded.

He Jiahui leaned on the door and listened, but he didn't hear the slightest sound, so he said, "Aunt Xian, open the door, we want to go in and have a look."

Aunt Xian immediately took out her room card and opened the door of Cai Mulin's room.

Cai Mulin was not inside, and the room was empty.

Not only that, in addition to not being there, even the luggage was gone.

"Aunt Xian, didn't Cai Mulin bring any luggage?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

Aunt Xian immediately replied: "Why didn't he bring any luggage, but he brought a lot of luggage. There are two big boxes, and it is said that there are shooting equipment inside."

Du Xiaohe looked at the empty room: "There is no suitcase in the room, so he moved all the luggage away? Could it be that Cai Mulin has already escaped?"

Tai Shan said: "We must have arrested the director Xue Chaohui and made a surprise attack. This is terrible. As long as people leave Changzhou Island, it will be difficult to catch him again."

He Jiahui was very calm. He walked to the TV, touched the back of the TV, and said, "The TV is still gentle, so he shouldn't have gone far. Let's go to the pier now, maybe we can catch him!"

Everyone rode their bicycles and arrived at the pier, but the ferry had just left.

"It's still a step late!" Du Xiaohe said in frustration.

He Jiahui said calmly: "It doesn't matter, people are in the sea, they can't escape, call the marine police, let them send a speedboat to intercept!"


How could the ferry be faster than the speedboat of the marine police?
Moreover, the police station on the outlying islands was originally under the jurisdiction of the Marine Police Headquarters, so this murder case was also a case of the Marine Police, so after the Marine Police received the notification, they immediately dispatched a speedboat to intercept it.

An hour later, the marine police sent the suspect Cai Mulin back to the Changzhou Island Police Station, together with Cai Mulin and his suitcase.

He Jiahui put on his gloves and opened Cai Mulin's suitcase.

The box is full of auxiliary tools for photography, and among them, I found a telescopic electric slide rail for shooting and a 360-degree electric rotating bracket.

With this set of equipment, coupled with the timer shooting function, it is indeed possible to complete photography from different angles without people.

Immediately afterwards, He Jiahui found another bundle of ropes in the suitcase. The color, size and material of the ropes were exactly the same as those used to bind and hang the dead.

"Bring the evidence bag." He Jiahui ordered immediately.

Then he put the rope into the evidence bag, and then said: "The rope that hanged Zheng Jiazhen and bound Zheng Jiazhen's hands and feet probably came from this bundle. I will contact the forensic side in a while and send this bundle of rope to the police." to test.

If the forensic results show that the rope found in Cai Mulin's suitcase is the same as the one used to hang Zheng Jiazhen, then the chain of evidence will be complete, and this bundle of rope can also be used as evidence to convict Cai Mulin. "

Next, Liang Bao started to check Cai Mulin's computer again.

"Come here, I found something in the computer!" Liangbao shouted, and everyone rushed over immediately.

Liang Bao clicked on a folder, and it was full of large-scale portrait photos of women. There were seven or eight hundred of them, and they should all be Cai Mulin's photography works.

"Let's look for the deceased Zheng Jiazhen." He Jiahui said.

"Okay." Liangbao nodded and began to browse quickly.

He Jiahui handed Liang Bao a tissue.

"What are you giving me a tissue for?" Liangbao asked subconsciously.

"Sexy guy, watching this kind of thing, I'm afraid you'll get a nosebleed, so prepare in advance." He Jiahui joked.

"Aren't you a young man? You're younger than me! Keep it for yourself." Liangbao snorted coldly and continued with her work.

Soon, Liangbao found a large-scale photo of the deceased Zheng Jiazhen in it.

"In this set of photos, Zheng Jiazhen looks younger than she is now, so it shouldn't be taken recently. Since Cai Mulin really has a large-scale photo of the deceased in his hand, it is not impossible for him to threaten the deceased with this."

He Jiahui paused, and then said: "The director Xue Chaohui did not lie, the clues he provided are consistent with the evidence we found. There are all witnesses and evidence, and Cai Mulin is eager to escape. It seems that he killed the deceased. murderer!"

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(End of this chapter)

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