Cop Universe

Chapter 83 The Case Reversed Again

Chapter 83 The Case Reversed Again

In the interrogation room, He Jiahui hadn't started to ask, but Cai Mulin's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look at He Jiahui at all.

Obviously, this is an expression of extreme guilt.

Director Xue Chaohui before, although he was also very guilty, but he only spoke loudly on purpose to embolden himself.And cameraman Cai Mulin is obviously more guilty than Xue Zhaohui.

This may be because Cai Mulin's psychological quality is far inferior to that of Xue Chaohui, or it may be that Cai Mulin's crimes are much greater than Xue Chaohui's.

He Jiahui stared at Cai Mulin, and asked sharply, "Mr. Cai, why did you run away?"

"Who said I ran away? I left openly! I came to shoot commercials. Now that the heroine is dead and the director has been arrested by you, the commercials will definitely not be made. There is no point for me to stay. I might as well go home early." , and get a new job.”

While Cai Mulin answered, beads of sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and he was still surrounded by nervous emotions at this moment.

"Mr. Cai, if you didn't run away, why didn't you check out with the owner of the hotel? You don't want the deposit of the hotel? You don't want the house payment that hasn't expired?" He Jiahui sneered, and directly exposed Cai Mulin's lie.

Cai Mulin was immediately speechless when asked.

He Jiahui didn't give Cai Mulin a chance to think, he continued to ask, "Mr. Cai, where were you from [-] am to [-] am yesterday?"

"Did I tell you the last time I came to record a statement! That night I was taking pictures of night scenes until dawn. The time the photo was taken can prove that my camera is still with you!" Cai Mulin said.

"Those photos are taken automatically by the camera, right? Set the time and take one shot every minute. So the creation time of each photo is amazingly consistent."

He Jiahui snorted coldly, and continued; "And we found an electric slide rail and a 360-degree rotating bracket in your luggage. Using these equipment, even if you are not on the scene, you can complete multi-angle shooting.

We have recovered those photos you deleted. The time of taking the photos can prove that you used the function of timed shooting, and from the continuity of the photos, it can also be seen that you used electric slide rails and rotating brackets. "

Knowing that the police had obtained the information, Cai Mulin didn't try to quibble, but lowered his head, didn't speak, and responded with silence.

Facing the silent suspect, He Jiahui had a way to get him to speak.

He Jiahui said slowly; "In the early morning of yesterday, you brought your photographic equipment and came to the northeast coast, which is far away from the homestay. You mounted the camera on the electric slide rail and set automatic shooting at 1-minute intervals.

Then you returned to the homestay, killed Zheng Jiazhen, and processed the traces of the scene, then returned to the northeast coast, deleted some unsatisfactory photos, and the remaining photos were used by you to create an alibi!
We found a large-scale photo of the deceased Zheng Jiazhen in your computer. You tricked him into taking it many years ago, right? .And I also investigated, a few days before the deceased was killed, you had a fierce quarrel with the deceased, this is your motive for killing, right? "

He Jiahui directly pinned the hat of murder on Cai Mulin, he really couldn't keep silent, he just listened to him and immediately explained: "I had a fight with Zheng Jiazhen, but it was just a quarrel, I didn't kill him!"

"The perpetrator was an acquaintance of the deceased. When the deceased was killed, everyone else had an alibi. You were the only one who forged the alibi on purpose, and you planned to escape afterwards. All doubts point to you. You said you were not the murderer. , will anyone believe it?" He Jiahui snorted coldly.

Cai Mulin continued to argue: "Sir, you also said that these are all doubtful points, and you policemen have to prove the evidence in handling the case. Even if it goes to court, the benefit of the doubtful points will also belong to the defendant!"

"Who said we have no evidence? We found a bundle of rope in your suitcase, which is exactly the same as the rope that bound and hanged Zheng Jiazhen. The murder weapon was found in your suitcase. Isn't that considered evidence?"

He Jiahui slowed down his speech, and said earnestly: "The chain of evidence that our police have is very complete. Even a barrister will persuade you to plead guilty after seeing this evidence, so you should confess your crime as soon as possible. !"

However, Cai Mulin showed a surprised expression: "The rope used to hang Zheng Jiazhen is the same as mine? How is this possible! My rope is used to hang Wia."

"If you can hang Wia, of course you can also hang people." He Jiahui said, took out three photos from the file bag beside him, pushed them in front of Cai Mulin, and continued:

"This one is a photo of Zheng Jiazhen being hanged with a rope, the second photo is a photo of Zheng Jiazhen's hands being tied, and the last photo is a photo of Zheng Jiazhen's feet being tied. See for yourself, is it the same as the rope in your suitcase? !"

Cai Mulin looked at the photo carefully and found that the style and color were indeed the same as his own rope.

"Why did this happen?" Cai Mulin immediately sat on the scene.

He Jiahui continued; "Cai Mulin, someone can prove that you threatened the deceased with a large-scale photo of the deceased, and had a verbal conflict with the deceased. We also found the rope used to hang the deceased from you. Now witnesses and physical evidence All here, are you still planning to carry it to the end?"

"I really didn't kill people!" Cai Mulin still refused to admit it, and he continued: "When Zheng Jiazhen was a part-time model, I took large-scale photos of him and her, but I didn't force her at that time, it was her. I am also voluntary!

I did not delete the negatives afterwards, but those photos are all my works. As a photographer, is there any problem with keeping my own works?What's more, I didn't copy the photos to others. "

"But you showed the photo to others." He Jiahui looked at Cai Mulin with contempt.

"Showing your favorite works to others to enjoy together is the art of sharing! Art should be appreciated by more people!" Cai Mulin continued to quibble.

"You take a large-scale photo of the deceased and threaten the deceased to have sex with you. Is this also art?" He Jiahui continued to mock.

"But she also threatened me!" Cai Mulin continued to force his words.

"The photo is in your hands, what can she threaten you with?" He Jiahui asked.

Cai Mulin heaved a long sigh, and answered, "I took a photo of a young lady, and it was also a large-scale one. Who knew that young lady was married to a gangster, and recently that gangster also married Becoming the head of the club, the little sister-in-law also became the sister-in-law of the club.

Zheng Jiazhen has seen the portrait photos I took for Xiaotaimei, so when I approached her with her large-scale photos, she threatened me directly, saying that if I didn’t hand over all the negatives, she would take me for Xiaotaimei. About the photo shoot, I told the boss of the club, and the boss of the club chopped off my hand. "

He Jiahui sneered coldly: "Hehe, I think you are not just taking pictures for others, right? You must have done other indescribable things to her. You are giving a green hat to the big boss of the society, otherwise how could you I'm worried that the bosses of the society will trouble you!"

Cai Mulin didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

He Jiahui went on to say: "Are you worried that Zheng Jiazhen will go to the society boss to file a complaint, so you killed her, let's kill her?"

"No!" Cai Mulin still denied: "I told Zheng Jiazhen at the time, if you dare to go to the club boss, I will post all your large-scale photos on the Internet, and we will die together.

Then we compromised with each other, I will no longer mention the large-scale photos, and she will not go to the club boss to complain.We each hold each other's handles, and from now on, the road will be open to the sky, each side will go, and everyone will live in peace.This matter has been resolved, I don't need to kill any more! "

He Jiahui curled his lips with some disdain: "The story is wonderful, but it's all yours. In court, do you think the judge will believe your story, or will he believe witnesses and physical evidence?"

"I have an alibi!" Cai Mulin immediately argued.

"The alibi you are talking about is a photo taken automatically every minute?" He Jiahui mocked.

"No, I have a witness!" Cai Mulin sighed.

He knew that in this situation, he had to confess, otherwise he would really be charged with murder.

I only heard Cai Mulin say: "I admit that that night, I deliberately created an alibi. But the purpose of my alibi was not to kill people, but to go on a date.

I know a girl on the island, and I took a photo of her before, which is an ordinary photo, not a large-scale one.And this time I came to the island to shoot an advertisement, and I also contacted her.

The filming was finished ahead of schedule, and the director gave us another day off. I was bored, so I planned to ask that girl out. It would be even better if I could stay with me for one night.

So I lied to the girl that I know many great directors and I can help her get resources to play roles in movies.Then she believed it, and I asked her to come out at night and discuss it in detail.

In order to be able to act in a movie, in the early morning, she sneaked out while her family was asleep, and then had a tryst with me.I was with her from two in the morning until four in the morning. "

"Scumbag!" He Jiahui cursed inwardly, and then said, "A person like you should often use this method to trick women into dating you, right?
But this kind of behavior can only be regarded as lying and deceiving people. It is a moral problem, and you are a scum, I don't think it will violate your moral bottom line, but why do you still need to make an alibi? "

Cai Mulin hesitated for a few seconds, and finally replied: "Because that girl will only turn 16 in two months."

"Beast!" He Jiahui cursed directly this time.

Cai Mulin didn't care about being called a "beast". He said to himself: "The reason why I ran away was because I was worried that you would find out that I had a tryst with that girl. I don't want to go to jail, so I planned to run away quickly and find a place to hide." Take shelter from the wind. Wait for a period of time when the weather calms down, and then come out."

According to Article 124 of the Hong Kong Crimes Ordinance, having sexual relations with a child under the age of 16 is a criminal offense, and the maximum sentence is 5 years in prison.

Even if the child agrees to have a relationship, or the defendant believes that the child has reached the age of 16, it cannot be used as a reason for defense, and the sentence will still be imposed.

This law is similar to Article 236 of the Criminal Law of the Mainland. There are two main differences. One is that Article 236 of the Criminal Law stipulates that the age is 14, while the Criminal Offenses Ordinance stipulates that it is 16 years old.

The second is that the object described in Article 236 of the "Criminal Law" is "young girls", while the object described in Article 124 of Xiangjiang's "Criminal Offenses Ordinance" is "children", without distinction of gender.

After understanding this law, one can understand Cai Mulin's intentional fabrication of an alibi and his motives for escaping.

It is illegal for Cai Mulin to have a tryst with a girl, so he prepared an alibi in advance. In case the incident happens and the girl denounces him, he can also take the photo and say that he was shooting a night scene at the time.

In this type of case, proving evidence is inherently difficult. In addition, the benefit of doubt belongs to the defendant, so Cai Mulin can easily be exonerated.

However, beyond Cai Mu's expectation, Zheng Jiazhen was killed that night.When the police interrogated the alibi, Cai Mulin had no choice but to show those photos as his alibi.

After the director Xue Chaohui was taken away by the police, Cai Mulin began to panic. He was worried that the police would follow the clues to discover his criminal facts, so he chose to escape in a guilty conscience.

Director Xue Chaohui confessed to Cai Mulin in order to reduce his sentence. He Jiahui quickly saw through Cai Mulin's forged alibi, and then arrested Cai Mulin.

Murder carries a life sentence, and the other charge carries a maximum of five years in prison. If you find a good lawyer, you may be able to reduce it.

So Cai Mulin decisively chose to confess.


Cai Mulin confessed the girl's identity, and Du Xiaohe and another policewoman went to find the girl to check the situation. Considering that girls also need face, it is more appropriate to send the policewoman.

When it was time to get off work, Du Xiaohe returned to the police station and brought back the news.

"We have asked that girl in detail, and she can prove that Cai Mulin was with her from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am that day." Du Xiaohe reported.

"Then we can use Section 124 of the Criminal Offenses Ordinance to prosecute Cai Mulin, and the case can be transferred to the Department of Justice." He Jiahui said.

Du Xiaohe reminded: "But in this case, Cai Mulin has an alibi again, so he cannot be the murderer of Zheng Jiazhen."

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the police station seemed to have lost the battle, and they all looked downcast.

At first, it was found that the alibi of the actor Zhang Shaoyu in the ad was fake. He thought he could solve the case, but after careful investigation, he found out that he was going on a date with his old lover.

Then it was found that director Xue Chaohui's alibi was fake, and he thought he could solve the case, but after investigation, it was found that Xue Chaohui had gone to steal money.

In the end, it was discovered that the alibi of the cameraman Cai Mulin was false, and even the same type of rope used to hang the deceased was found in his suitcase.It turned out that another case was involved, and Cai Mulin still had an alibi.

After several rounds of tossing, the case returned to the starting point, and everyone had an alibi!
Guan Gong couldn't help asking: "Jiahui, you're the only one who handled a murder case here, what should you do now?"

He Jiahui spread his hands: "So far, we have done everything we can. Next, let's see what clues the medical doctor and forensic evidence can give us!

Didn't we find a bundle of ropes from Cai Mulin's suitcase?Tomorrow I will take this bundle of ropes and go to the forensics center in Kowloon in person, hoping to get clues from them! "

 Going home from Qinghai tomorrow is still a full day of travel, so I can only ask for leave tomorrow, and I hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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