boy of science

Chapter 101 "You can't let my elder sister see this appearance."

Chapter 101 "You can't let my elder sister see this appearance."

Bai Jing Heizi who was attacked pushed Bai Ye's hand away together with the popsicle.

"Don't like it? Then I'll eat it myself."

After saying this, Bai Ye put the popsicle with her saliva in her mouth again, seeming to eat it with gusto.

Shirai Heizi opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He just walked into the convenience store to buy drinks.

When I came out, I found that Bai Ye was still here.

Shirai Heizi paused for a moment, then chose to ignore him, walked along the road, and continued his patrol mission.

As a result, Bai Ye immediately followed up.

Not only did she follow her with a sullen face, but she also chattered beside her, and occasionally said some strange things.

Shirai Heizi really didn't want to bother him, but he was a little annoyed by the nagging.

In the end, I couldn't help but say, "Student Bai Ye, Heizi is still on patrol. If you have other things to do, please go get busy first."

It was obliquely asking him to leave.

But the boy pretended not to understand, and had no intention of leaving at all.

"I'm fine, I'm free."

"... Heizi thinks it's better for you to find something for yourself, such as studying and struggling for your ideals."

"What I'm thinking about right now is going on a date with you, can you help me make it happen?"


Shirai Heizi was speechless for a while.

Suddenly the phone rang, making her seem to have found a savior, and quickly took out her cell phone to answer the call.

"Chuchun, um, where is it? Alright, I know, Heizi."

The conversation is over, put away the phone.

"excuse me."

Tell Bai Ye very politely, then use space movement to leave directly, and rush to the scene to deal with the troublesome students.

Bai Ye shook his head watching her figure appearing and disappearing in the distance.

"The disciplinary committee really worked hard."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Seventh Mist in the right direction, because the bunny girl outfit he had ordered before was ready, and he had to bring it back for Mai Ye Shen Li to wear it for him to see.


A hotel, a room rented by Item.

Bai Ye came here with a brand new bunny girl outfit, and handed it directly to Mai Ye Shirley.

"Wear it for me when you're free."


Mai Ye Shenli looked confused.

Open the bag and look, it is easy to recognize the style of clothes inside.

bunny outfit...

I still have time to wear it for him to see...

Could this be the last time he couldn't help but want to do something indescribable with her?
Mugino Shirley squinted at Bai Ye.

The boy had already walked in front of Takitsubo Riku, looked at her sportswear, and sighed helplessly.

"After treatment, can you change into your school uniform next time? It's always the sportswear that tells me how to lift my skirt."

Takitsubo Rihou, who always looked very listless, raised his head and looked at him: "Is this an order?"

"That's not true, it's just a suggestion."

Bai Ye waved at her.

Then he turned his head and looked around: "Where did my favorite go? And the autumn sand I brought over two days ago?"

"Kuanhata went shopping, and that Himegami-san said that he was going to transfer to another school."

"That's it."

Bai Ye nodded.

Find a place to sit down and watch the two girls hiding in the room blowing on the air conditioner.

Mugino Shirley put aside the bag containing the bunny girl outfit, and turned to look at his "master".

"Don't you have any other orders when you come to see us today?"

"Other orders..."

Hearing the question, Bai Ye thought about it carefully, and then shook his head lightly: "Not really, why, why not take it easy? Just want to do things that much?"

"I just find it strange that you don't let us do anything, so what's the use of us men?"

"I want to be an RBQ."

The answer Bai Ye gave made Mai Ye Shenli feel ashamed for a while.

Without waiting for her to say anything, Bai Ye smiled and explained: "Actually, I didn't want so many subordinates, but who just sent you to my door? It would be a waste to kill you directly, so I just took all of you. .”

Speaking of that night, Mai Ye Shenli's mood became very complicated.

It would be nice if you didn't take that task.

It would be great if you are willing to heed Prison Cai Haimei's reminder to "run away".

in case……

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Bai Ye didn't care about her mood, and said to herself.

"And don't do so many irrelevant things. After all, this is a world that will be destroyed at any time. One day those demon gods will give you a 'restart', and all your efforts and efforts will burst like bubbles."

Bai Ye told them about the magician and the demon god. After all, they may become enemies in the future, so they are not unfamiliar with the comparison.

Mai Ye Shenli felt that Bai Ye's mentality of "playing bad" was not advisable.

"The more this is the case, the more we should protect the world we are familiar with?"

"Protecting the world under the hands of the demon god? It's not that easy. Anyway, I'm just doing my best to obey the destiny. When the time comes, I will take you away immediately. If you run to another world, you can live on. What's the big deal? .”

What kind of situation is "seeing the situation is not good"?
Of course, when some demon gods want to destroy and restart the world.

Bai Ye didn't want to be destroyed along with him, because he couldn't be sure whether the restarted world would have him.

After all, he is a foreigner who came through time travel.

And even if there is, how can you be sure that the self reshaped by the demon god is the real self?

It's as if the current Dolly is not the same Dolly as before after all.

Although everyone thinks she is.

"Other worlds? Are there really other worlds?"

Mai Ye Shenli was curious about this.

But Bai Ye just smiled at her and didn't answer the question.

In fact, of course there are other worlds, otherwise where did he come from?


After staying in the hotel room for more than two hours, Mugino Shirley and Takitsubo Rigo answered many questions.

Kinuhata's favorite also came back later, but he couldn't see Jigami Qiusha.

It was already afternoon when we left.

Walking on the bustling street, I thought about it and bought some snacks, preparing to make Fremea happy.

Speaking of which, that little girl seems to like a cup of hot chocolate before going to bed?

Shirai Kuroko, who went around to suppress the troublesome students, was physically and mentally exhausted.

Today, she also suffered a lot of injuries, and even her clothes became dirty, and she completely lost her usual elegant appearance.

As long as she doesn't stay with Misaka Mikoto, she still looks like a young lady.

"You can't let my sis see you like this."

Heizi Shirai, who was about to rush back to the 177th branch, looked down at his dirty clothes.

When I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Hei Zijiang, we have met again, it seems that we are very destined."

Shirai Heizi stopped and turned around to look, and it was indeed Bai Ye who came out of the alley next to him.

"...Student Bai Ye."

No matter what, you still have to say hello, which is the basic quality of being a lady.

Bai Ye sized her up a few times: "You look a bit embarrassed, have you been beaten a lot?"

Shirai Heizi was not in the mood to chat with him, left a sentence of "I'm sorry" and continued to rush back to the 177th branch.

As a result, Bai Ye was by her side again like in the morning.

Not only that, but he directly held her hand.

"Come on, let me help you fix it."


Fantasia Yushou's investigation failed to make substantial progress, and she might have to face all kinds of troublesome students tomorrow. It is necessary to adjust her state, so she did not refuse Bai Ye's help.

Just walking, I felt strange: "Didn't it be cured yesterday, why did it take so long today?"

"Yesterday was yesterday, today is today, Hei Zijiang, remember to look at problems from a developmental perspective."


Shirai Kuroko stared at the holding hands.

The real purpose is definitely this, do you just want to hold the girl's hand?

(End of this chapter)

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