boy of science

Chapter 102 "None of Your Business."

Chapter 102 "None of Your Business."

The world is full of contradictions.

From Shirai Heizi's point of view, Bai Ye is a very contradictory existence.

He would lift up the girl's skirt and take advantage of the girl. He looked like a bad guy, more like an idiot.

But such a "bad idiot" would kindly help her with treatment.

Neither good nor bad.

"Chuchun, what kind of person do you think that classmate Bai Ye is?"

"Classmate Bai Ye?"

Chuchun Shili, who was packing up her things, heard the question, stopped what she was doing, thought about it carefully, and then gave her own answer.

"He is a person who doesn't want to fit into this world at all."

"...Huh? Really?"

"Student Bai Ye is an 'abandoned child'. He probably feels that he has no family or relatives in this world, so he doesn't care about anything."

After Chuchun Shili finished speaking, she picked up her bag and waved to Shirai Heizi by the way.

"I'll go back first, goodbye."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Shirai Kuroko, who watched Chuchun Shili leave, thinks about Bai Ye again.

I don't want to fit into this world...

"I don't understand it at all."

Whether he wants to or not, doesn't he just live in this world, can he go to live in another world?
And do other worlds exist?


While thinking, Gufa Meiwei came back to the branch from the outside.

Look around after entering the door: "Has Chuchun gone back?"

"Yes, Senior Gufa."

"Then you go back too, just leave it to me here."

"Are you going to spend the night here again?"

"Now is an extraordinary period. Someone has to do things. Go back and have a good rest so as not to affect your physical development."


Shirai Kuroko aimed at Gufa Meiwei's chest.

So can you have breasts of this size just by resting?


Because they are "abandoned children", their thoughts and personalities are different from ordinary people.

That's what Teacher Dayu thinks.

So he took time out to do volunteer work at the "Luo Hanbai Garden" located in the No.13 school district.

Only by learning more about abandoned children can we find a better way to educate that classmate Bai Ye.

It is hard to say whether there is a way to find education.

But Mr. Dayu felt that he had found true love and an ideal marriage partner.

The gentle and considerate Miss Principal who "would care more about other people's affairs than my own" is his ideal type.

But there is a problem: Miss Katsuko Shigeno, the director of the school, is older than him.

So Teacher Dayu fell into hesitation.

While Teacher Dayu was hesitating, a certain dormitory supervisor who also came here to do volunteer work was secretly watching him.


Bai Ye's personality and thoughts have nothing to do with whether he is an "abandoned child".

Many teachers and students treat him as an ordinary person and demand him with the standards of an ordinary person.

To work hard, to be motivated, to be gregarious, to have ideals...

and so on.

But the problem is that he is not an ordinary person at all.

How can the ideology of Qi refiners be consistent with that of ordinary people?


It was already night when we returned to the dormitory.

I can see the moon tonight, but I still can't see the stars. The "sea of ​​stars" seems to be just an untouchable illusion.

There were several people gathered downstairs in the dormitory, none of whom looked like good people. One of them was probably more than two meters tall and looked like a gorilla, which made some students who lived in the same dormitory feel uneasy.

Fortunately, these people didn't do anything, and the students came in and out quickly, trying to avoid any contact with them.

Bai Ye hadn't planned to take care of them.

But suddenly found that they seemed to be looking at their dormitory room, so he stopped in front of them.

"What are you guys doing here? Are you looking for a fight?"

Bai Ye asked politely.

It's a pity that these people are all bad, and they don't know how to be polite to him at all.

"What did you say?"

"I think you want to be beaten!"


The three who should be the younger brothers were arguing and even gearing up for a fight with him.

But the gorilla held them back with his hand.

"Don't make trouble."

When others saw them, they hid far away. This young man saw that they not only did not dodge, but also dared to speak provocatively. It was obvious that there was something that could defeat them.

Of course, whether it can be defeated is another matter, after all, they are not vegetarians.

"We're just here to take a look, we won't cause damage, don't worry."

The gorilla explained to Bai Ye.

As scary as it may seem, he seems to be a good talker.

Bai Ye is also very easy to talk to, speaking kindly and politely.


It's really polite to just communicate with someone who is peeping at your dormitory.

To know that there are Frenda and Fremea in his dormitory...

and many more.

Thinking of Fremea, and then looking at the gorilla who is over two meters tall...

Could it be that Komaba Ritoku?

The one next to him with brown hair is Hamazura Shiage?
The little gangster with a stupid face seemed very annoyed at this moment: "You bastard wants to..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by the gorilla.

The gorilla seemed a little annoyed at the unfriendly response to good words.

"What we do here has nothing to do with you. If you want to go back to the dormitory, go back quickly and don't bother us again, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

"You stared at my dormitory room and said it had nothing to do with me?"

"I'm staring at your...well, that's your room? What's your relationship with those blond sisters?"

"None of your business."


The gorilla was silent for a while, because it really didn't have much to do with him.

The stupid-looking little gangster was so angry: "It's hard to say whether it's our fart or not, but if you dare to talk nonsense again, something will happen to your ass!"

"... Heh~."

Bai Ye chuckled, with a flat tone, as if without the slightest emotion, but also as if full of endless ridicule.

As a result, the little gangster's lungs were blown out again, and he clenched his fists and prepared to strike.

"You bastard, give it to me..."

"Stop it, Hamazura."

The gorilla stopped him again.

After comforting his little brother, the gorilla looked up at Bai Ye's dormitory, then looked back at the boy in front of him.


It seems that there is something to say, but I don't know where to start.

That he actually knew Fremea?Ask the boy in front of him if he can protect that little girl?

Opening his mouth and hesitating for a long time, he finally gave up on communicating and turned around to wave his hands at the younger brothers.

"Let's go."


The younger brothers responded and left obediently.

But the stupid-looking gangster still threw a harsh word at Bai Ye.

"Watch your ass, bastard."

Just leave when you're done.

Bai Ye looked at his back, with a half-smile, raised his hand and drew a circle in the air.

Then forget about it.

Turn around and enter the dormitory building, and walk back to your room.

As soon as I got to the door of the room and opened the door, the classmate who lived next door came out.

"Student Bai Ye, it's really great that you drove away those bad things."

After speaking, he gave Bai Ye a thumbs up, and then retreated into the room.

Bai Ye felt baffled, and didn't bother to think about it, but walked into his room.

Frenda came to meet her.

"Welcome home, Master."


(End of this chapter)

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