boy of science

Chapter 103 "Why am I always able to attract this 'pervert'?!"

Chapter 103 "Why am I always able to attract this 'pervert'?!"

Fremea knew Komaba Rito, and even a little admired and depended on him, because that gorilla once handsomely defeated the mob who attacked the elementary school with a crossbow.

The city is always full of various dangers.

Ordinary students will be attacked by bad people, schools, research institutes and various facilities will be attacked, and many people even want to blow up Academy City.

When Misaka Mikoto attended an event in a giant shopping mall in early July, she shattered some people's plot to flatten Academy City by the way.

Not only are there people outside who want to destroy Academy City, but there are also people inside, and there are quite a few of them.

But these need not be said for the time being.

Bai Ye didn't discuss with the blond sisters about Ritoku Komaba, and started teaching them after dinner.

Frenda mainly studies Qi refining, while Fremea studies foreign languages.

After they went to bed and rested, Bai Ye had to enter the dream world and teach Misaka Mikoto the spell to deprive others of malice.

"It feels like going back in time, even though it hasn't been that long."

The one who lived here at that time was Prison Saimi, a blond girl like the two sisters.

"Go on a date with her tomorrow."

Bai Ye made a decision in his heart.

Then he sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes, and went to the dream world.


Prison Cai Haimei is now in charge of taking care of the last work, if Bai Ye wants to date her, he will naturally have to bring that little girl along.

In fact, Bai Ye hoped that she would bring her older sister and younger sister here.

"Three blond girls, and they are sisters, this is really good."

Bai Ye expressed his expectation for this.

But prison Cai Haimei didn't discuss with him about his sister.

The last work blinked: "Does Bai Ye like blonde girls like Kaimi? Dei, Misaka asked curiously."

"It doesn't matter if it's blond or not, it's mainly beautiful girls, but blond hair really pokes my cute spot."

Bai Ye answered the question first, then squatted in front of the little girl, pinching her little face with his hands.

"From now on, you have to call me 'Oni-chan', or 'brother and lord', let's make a pair of brother and sister, hehe~."

"But my sis asked us to..."

"You have to listen to what your sister says, and you have to listen to what your brother says, understand?"


No further objections were made to the last work.

Prisoner Cai Haimei looked at Bai Ye and felt that this young man was probably a dead girl.

Fortunately, he has no sister.

"Come on, let's go on a date."

Bai Ye stood up and took the hand of the last work, and stretched out the other hand to Cai Haimei.

Prison Cai Haimei obediently handed her little hand to him.


There are many things happening in Academy City every day, such as many unscrupulous students doing things, magicians who want to destroy the city, and so on.

While Shirai Kuroko was dealing with problematic students, she also received an entrustment from Misaka Mikoto, asking her to help investigate the matter of a student named Chizumi, because Misaka Mikoto was entangled by that girl.

That was their freshman from Tokiwadai Middle School, she was a pretty and cute girl.

Chijuan Xiuwei approached Misaka Mikoto because she wanted to "duel".

Recently, Misaka Mikoto has been annoyed by "duels".

Judging by the thin silk, Huowei didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and she couldn't be shocked like a bad battery, so Misaka Mikoto ran to hide in another place.

In the end, he still couldn't escape.

There is no way, let's play a game.

Misaka Mikoto was going to do it casually, but there was an accident during the battle: the huge billboard fell down, and it was about to hit the thin silk.

At this time, there was no time to think about it, and a "super electromagnetic gun" directly blasted the billboard.

After it was over, he asked why Huanwei wanted to pester him, but he got an answer that made Misaka Mikoto almost collapse.

"Because there are rumors in the school that, Misaka-sama, you subconsciously desire to be protected, and whoever can force you to use all your strength will get your heart."

"...So that's why you came to me for a duel?"

"Yes, Misaka-sama."

The girl named Takumi Kyumi stared at Misaka Mikoto with wide eyes.

Misaka Mikoto was very familiar with that look, because it often appeared on Shirai Kuroko.

It was a look of admiration for her.

Obviously, this girl, like Shirai Heizi, is greedy for her body.

"Why am I always able to attract this 'pervert'?!"

Misaka Mikoto secretly complained.

Then he turned his back to the thin silk and raised his head to look at the sky.

"you are wrong."


"I'm not the kind of person who just cries and waits for a 'hero' to come and save me. I just try my best to make myself the hero who saves me."


Thin Juanxiu stared blankly at the back of the brown-haired girl, and then the admiration in her eyes became stronger.

As a result, Misaka Mikoto felt even more headache.


On the other side, Shirai Kuroko has also investigated the truth.

It's obvious: a rival appears.

But she couldn't find trouble with her classmates, and just received a notification that there were bad students doing things.

So those who are bad will be unlucky.


In comparison, Bai Ye doesn't encounter so many troublesome things, but occasionally encounters bad faults.

Today's date with Prison Cai Haimi also went well, although there is the light bulb of the last work, it is more like a brother and sister bringing a younger sister out to play.

Spend the day happily, and let prison Cai Haimei take her back in the evening.

Bai Ye went around by himself, bought some common materials, and then rushed back to the dormitory.

I didn't meet Shirai Kuroko today.

There were no bad boys gathered downstairs in the dormitory, and everything seemed normal.

Since I came back a little early, Frenda was still preparing dinner, so I sat down with Fremea and talked.

Fremea probably heard the news from her sister, so she opened her eyes wide and looked at Bai Ye curiously: "Oni-chan, sister said that you know Hatsune Miku, this is probably true meow~?"

"Of course it's true, why, you are also her fan?"

"My sister and I generally like the song "Song of Shaking Onions" meow~."

Both of their sisters have a habit of speaking.

Frenda likes to add words like "result" and "in the end" unconsciously when she speaks.

Fremea is "probably", "generally" and "meow~".

This blonde loli might be a good fit for a cat girl set.

"If you have time, I'll let you meet her, right here."

"That's great meow~!"

Fremea looked delighted.

Flanda, who was preparing dinner, glanced at them, thinking that this was not bad.

Anyway, it's better to be happy than sad.


Misaka Mikoto wasn't sad, just depressed.

In the world of the dream, he told Bai Ye about the smell of thin silk, and by the way, said that rant again.

"Why do I always attract 'perverts' like you?"

Bai Ye blinked, and then replied as if it was a matter of course: "Because you are beautiful, cute and attractive enough."


Misaka Mikoto was a little surprised to be praised suddenly, and then quickly blushed.

"Say, what are you talking about, all of a sudden, let's start the lecture quickly, I still have a lot of questions that I haven't figured out yet."


Bai Ye nodded in response.

No more nonsense, start tonight's dream lecture.

(End of this chapter)

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