boy of science

Chapter 104 "The students here are all experimental mice, and they can be discarded after use.&

Chapter 104 "The students here are all experimental mice, and they can be discarded after use."

"Pretty, cute and charming..."

Waking up and sitting on the bed in the morning, Misaka Mikoto remembered the boy's compliment to her, and smiled unconsciously on her face.

As a result, I suddenly heard the voice of the perverted junior: "My lord, you seem to be in a very good mood today."


Misaka Mikoto was taken aback, put away her smile and turned to look at Kuroko Shirai, who was already fully dressed, and greeted with a little guilt: "Kuro, Kuroko, you're still there."

In the past few days, Shirai Kuroko has been leaving early and returning late, because he has to investigate and deal with the matter of "Fantasy Royal Hand".

Before, when I woke up and opened my eyes, I couldn't see Shirai Heizi, but I didn't expect that she was still in the dormitory today.

In fact, it was because I didn't receive Bai Ye's treatment yesterday, and I was physically and mentally exhausted, so I got up late today.

Seeing that Misaka Mikoto seemed very happy, she didn't care too much, she just thought it must be some kind of sweet dream.

Or just plain happy.

"Heizi is going out now, sorry for your impoliteness."

Didn't say much, didn't ask much, just said hello and left.

Misaka Mikoto looked at the door of the room that opened and closed, thought of Shirai Kuroko's hard work, and quickly made a decision in her heart.

"Let's visit a class today."

Moreover, the matter of "Illusion Royal Hand" also made her quite concerned, so she just went to see if the investigation made any progress.


"Fantasy Master".

For many powerless people, this is a fantastic item, because it can allow them to increase their ability level.

In Academy City's ability system, if you want to develop abilities, you must first understand your own "personal reality".

This is the foundation.

In addition, there is another very important indicator: computing power.

Simply put, it is like a computer (computer), the stronger the computing speed, the better the performance and the more tasks it can perform.

The higher the computing power of the ability user, the stronger the effect of the ability can be exerted.

Even if the "personal reality" has not been developed, as long as the computing power is strong enough, the ability can still be used.

The main effect of "Fantasy Hand" is to enhance the user's computing power.

But it is not improved out of thin air, it is actually a "networking mechanism".

If one student's computing power is insufficient, what about ten?How about a hundred?Or even one thousand and ten thousand?
Think of students' brains as computers and developers' brainwaves as "network protocols" to form a "brain network" that can share computing power.

Students with strong computing power will naturally be able to use their hidden abilities.

But they are all scattered "subroutines", and the "main program" that really uses these computing power is actually the developer of Fantasy Master: Haruo Kiyama.


"The students here are all guinea pigs for experiments, and they can be discarded after use."

A researcher said so.

Many researchers think so, so they show no mercy to students and carry out various inhumane experimental projects.

About two years ago, Haruno Kiyama, who has a teacher qualification certificate, was entrusted by Gensei Kihara to take over a group of "abandoned children" who were about to participate in major experiments in the Advanced Education Bureau as a teacher.

At first, she was not used to those children.

Because they are all bear children, not only are they noisy all day long, but they also like to play pranks, and there is no logic in what they say or do.

But as the saying goes: long time makes love.

Under the influence and help of a female student named "Edase Kinnari", Kiyama Haruno gradually changed his mind, and his relationship with the children gradually became closer.

Time passed slowly in a calm and happy state.

About a year ago, the so-called "major experiment" was finally launched under the auspices of Kihara Gensei.

From her point of view, the experiment undoubtedly failed. Not only did it lose control halfway, the students also fell into a coma and became a "vegetative" state.

But Kihara Gensei seemed to think he had succeeded, because he got what he wanted.

Mushan Chunsheng, who didn't know the inside story, begged the other party bitterly, trying to wake up the comatose children.

The result is "it's just an accident, don't worry about it", "for the advancement of science, some sacrifices are necessary", "they are just guinea pigs" and other answers.

Unable to get help, Mushan Chunsheng could only think of a way by himself, coming up with treatment plans one by one, and wanted to apply for the feasibility of the supercomputer "tree graph designer" plan for deduction and verification.

But all 23 applications were rejected because neither her proposal nor the children were of any value to the top brass.

From then on, Kiyama Haruno was completely disappointed in Academy City.

Helpless, she came across a "network" formed by clones by chance, and then had the idea of ​​"building a similar 'network' to obtain super computing power to perform deduction by herself".

"Fantasy Royal Hand" is the tool she developed, with the goal of borrowing the "computing power" of at least [-] students.

Will this be able to deduce the way to save those children?
Kiyama Haruki didn't know.

But beyond that she was at her wit's end.

Kiyama Haruno, who was drinking coffee and waiting patiently in the residence, suddenly heard his cell phone beeping.

After answering the phone, it was discovered that it was the disciplinary committee member Hatsuharu Shiri.

The little girl called mainly because of the new progress in the investigation of "Fantasy Master".

To be precise, it's a guess: Is the reason why "Fantasy Master" can work is related to "sympathy"?
"...There is such a possibility, so it is because I have neglected it."

"We would like you to investigate this possibility."

"I see."

I didn't expect the disciplinary committee to make such fast progress, and I already guessed this possibility.

But they still don't know who the developer of "Fantasy Royal Hand" is.

If so, maybe try again?

"If this is the case, a license for the 'Tree Diagram Designer' should be issued."

Kiyama Haruno seemed to be talking to himself, more like he deliberately said it to Uiharu.

To treat students who fell into a coma due to the use of "Fantasy Hand", and there are discipline committee members and even security guards involved, the higher-ups can no longer refuse the application for the use of "Tree Diagram Designer".

"Tree diagram designer?!"

Uiharu Shiri over there seemed very excited, probably because he was very interested in that supercomputer.

"If that's the case, can I come to your place? I'd love to see the 'Tree Diagram Designer' in action."

"Well, of course you can."

"Thank you. I'll go over after finishing my current work. Please wait for me."

"It's okay, anyway, it takes time to apply for a permit, and I still have to make some preparations, so don't worry."



Kiyama Haruno put down his phone, thought about Uiharu Shiri, and then thought of the tea-haired girl.

According to rumors, that experiment seemed to be ended by her own hands.

To be able to defeat the darkness imposed on oneself is truly remarkable, that girl.

But those children couldn't fight back the darkness on their own.


"The mistakes I made have to be resolved by myself, now it's my turn to help the children break through the darkness!"

 Because I want to write female characters that are not so fancy

  So when they encounter problems, let them solve them by themselves.

  Leading to the male protagonist wandering outside the plot...

  The solution is simple

  One is to cut the various abilities of female characters
  The second is to increase the difficulty of the original plot
  how to say……


  Anyway please don't mind

  It's the author's soliloquy
(End of this chapter)

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