boy of science

Chapter 105 "Don't worry about it, although it is very flat, there is still a little bit.&

Chapter 105 "Don't worry about it, although it is very flat, there is still a little bit."

Misaka Mikoto came to the 177th branch to chat with Shirai Kuroko and the others, and happened to think of something like "sympathetic sex".

Simply put, it is a situation in which the senses are stimulated in a certain way, so that the other senses are also stimulated.

After being reminded, Chuchun Shili immediately contacted Kishan Haruno, and by the way informed the guard of this guess.

Because I wanted to observe the use process of "Tree Diagram Designer", I quickly dealt with the work at hand after I put down the phone.

Misaka Mikoto did not disturb their work too much, but stood up and said goodbye and left, saying that she was going to visit a friend in the hospital.

In fact, he just wanted to see how those Misaka sisters were doing.

"Visiting a friend in the hospital?"

Shirai Kuroko felt strange when she heard this, because she couldn't remember any of Misaka Mikoto's friends who were in the hospital.

"who's that?"

"You don't know, anyway, I'll go first."

"Wait, my lord, it happens that Heizi is going to the hospital to find out about the comatose student, let's go together."


Misaka Mikoto didn't refuse, anyway, when she got to the hospital, she would have plenty of reasons to fool Shirai Kuroko over.

Shirai Kuroko spoke to Uiharu Shiri, and then left with Misaka Mikoto.


The weather is hot and the sun is scorching.

The students who didn't want to stay outside were in a hurry, wanting to find a cool place to stay.

The discipline committee members and security guards were not in a hurry, they couldn't rest anyway, they had to patrol the streets to maintain order.

Because there are still many bad students doing things today.

There are also many students who suddenly fell into a coma, probably because they used the "Fantasy Hand".

Similar situations exist everywhere, and it is impossible to hide them even if you want to, so there is no news control. Many people are discussing this on the Internet and in reality.

Fanfeng Runzi had heard other people's comments, but she didn't care.

Braving the scorching sun, he is not as impatient as others, and his posture is still elegant, which makes people can't help but take a few more glances.

Some teenagers who are just in love want to strike up a conversation with her, but looking at the Tokiwadai school uniform on her, they are very wise to give up their ideas.

Bad students don't have so many worries.

According to the rumors of Shachuan Middle School, the boy named Bai Ye is a bad student.

In some respects, this rumor is actually quite correct, and Bai Ye does appear to be "bad".

Mainly he likes to say some strange words and occasionally do some strange things.

For example, lifting a girl's skirt.

While strolling around, he saw Fanfeng Junzi walking in front, so he speeded up to catch up.

Although the speed is fast, it seems to be silent.

The girl found nothing unusual.

The boy kept approaching and approaching like this...

When he got behind the girl, he stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder, then squatted down directly.

Fanfeng Runzi stopped and turned around, but for a moment he couldn't see the person who patted her on the shoulder.

When I was wondering, I suddenly noticed that my skirt had moved.

Looking down, the boy had already lifted up her skirt.

"This fat time is really cute, and it's a cartoon pattern. Junko, you and Mikoto must have a lot of common topics."


The girl was stunned and slightly dazed.

Those young men who admired beautiful girls and wanted to strike up a conversation but didn't dare stared at Bai Ye, with emotions such as displeasure and envy in their eyes.

Many passing girls expressed their disgust.

Some well-meaning students even took out their mobile phones to report to the discipline committee or security guards.

Fanfeng Runzi came back to his senses, his face turned red, he pressed down the hem of his skirt with his hands, and took another step back to open the distance.

"Student Bai, Bai Ye, this kind of behavior is very bad, please respect yourself."

"I'm not teaching you a lesson."

"……Attend class?"


Standing up, Bai Ye nodded and explained with a smile: "You don't know what a 'crazy man' is, do you? So I'll let you experience it for yourself."

"...So 'idiot' refers to someone who can lift a girl's skirt?"

"No, this is just one of the idiotic behaviors."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he glanced at the girls who were on the phone.

Then make a suggestion: "Maybe we should get out of here quickly? Otherwise, the discipline committee and security guards will come."

Although he came, he was not afraid.

Hearing his reminder, Fanfeng Junzi also looked around, and then bowed to the girls who were calling.

He didn't say much, just left the scene with Bai Ye.


Mizuho Institution Hospital.

Taking advantage of Shirai Kuroko's opportunity to ask about the comatose students, Misaka Mikoto ran to meet her "sisters".

The younger sisters are still in good health and have no problems in life.

If there is any special situation, it is that Bai Ye took his last work out to play yesterday.

But this is not a bad thing, so Misaka Mikoto doesn't care much.

After staying for a long time, I ended this meeting, bid farewell to my sisters and went to meet Shirai Kuroko, and were about to leave here together.

As a result, the frog-faced doctor Mingtu Chasing Soul suddenly appeared and waved at them.

"Here is something that needs to be told to you. It is information related to those unconscious students."

Nether Earth Chasing Soul is basically responsible for patients who are about to die, and he doesn't care much about those who are not in danger for the time being.

But taking the time to observe, he still found valuable clues: the brain waves of the students were forcibly changed.

It's not that everything has changed, but one section is exactly the same.

"This should be the brainwave fragment of the developer of 'Fantasy Royal Hand'."

After letting the two girls read the evidence, Nether Earth Chasing Soul made such a guess.

Shirai Heizi frowned: "Who did it? What's the plan?"

"I'm just a doctor and it's your job to find out the truth."

"...Well, that's right."

Shirai Kuroko didn't actually ask him, but was talking to himself, but he didn't explain the misunderstanding either.

Because it doesn't matter.

"Heizi will go back and investigate immediately, my lord, you..."

"I'll go with you, anyway, there's nothing else to do now."


Shirai Kuroko didn't object.

So the two girls rushed back to the 177th branch together.


Fanfeng Runzi had something to go back to school, so he didn't stay with Bai Ye any longer, and left after chatting for a while.

Shiraya, who started to wander by himself again, soon met Misaka Mikoto and the others.

"Flat-chested guns, and Hei Zijiang, why don't you have time to hang out today, don't you need to beat those bad students?"

"...can you please call me by my name?"

Misaka Mikoto complained, her tone seemed to be full of resentment.

Shirai Heizi greeted Bai Ye with impeccable etiquette, one can only say that he is worthy of being a young lady.

She is a pervert only when facing Misaka Mikoto.

Bai Ye responded, and said to Misaka Mikoto with a smile, "Don't worry, although it's very flat, there's still a little bit."

"... Tsk~!"

This guy is still so annoying in reality.

But I don't bother arguing with him now.

"We still have important things to do, so I don't care about you, Heizi, let's go."


Shirai Kuroko was still very polite, and said "I'm sorry" to Shirai, and then followed Misaka Mikoto to continue on the road.

Bai Ye watched their backs as they left.

"Important things..."

Counting the time, is this "Fantasy Beast" coming out?
(End of this chapter)

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