boy of science

Chapter 106 "Okay, okay, really, it's okay to call you 'Daling' from now on, rig

Chapter 106 "Okay, okay, really, it's okay to call you 'Daling' from now on, right?"

After finishing the work in early spring, Li left the branch and went to Mushan Chunsheng's residence.

"Tree Diagram Designer" is the most powerful supercomputer at present, and every computer expert in the world will probably want to see its existence with his own eyes, and it is best to be able to operate it himself.

But it is not so easy to see it, because the main body of the "tree diagram designer" is on the satellite.

This time, what Hatsuharu Shiri wants to visit is only its usage process.

Kiyama Haruno didn't have much interest in this kind of supercomputer, he just wanted to use it to find a way to save his students.

After Chuchun Zhuli came to the house, he sat and chatted with her first, then got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Let me go make you a cup of coffee."

"Teacher Mushan, let's go first..."

"Don't worry, there will be results soon."


Seeing Kiyama Haruno walking into the kitchen talking to himself, Uiharu Shiri could only nod yes.

Take a few deep breaths to calm down, then turn your head around and visit the residence of this teacher Mushan.

His eyes quickly fell on the piece of paper leaking from the gap in the drawer.

"That title..."

In early spring, Zhuli has doubts.

Touching the armband of the discipline committee member on the sleeve of his right arm, he stood up and walked over, opened the drawer to check the contents inside.

As far as I can see, there are all papers related to "sympathy".

"That won't do."

Just as she was thinking, Mushan Haruno came out of the kitchen and looked at her with calm eyes.

"How can you read other people's research results at will?"



The 177th Activity Branch of the Disciplinary Committee.

Bai Ye came here for the first time, and he didn't see Chuchun Shili, nor Gufa Meiwei.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko ignored him, turned on the computer and began to operate, preparing to investigate the brain waves.

"Now that the sample has been obtained, as long as we compare it with the information in the 'library'..."

Shirai Heizi, who was typing on the keyboard and said this, suddenly sighed: "It would be much easier if Chuchun was here."

It is not so easy for the discipline committee members to access the information in the "library", and they must first apply for permission.

The point is that this permission may not always be available.

If Uiharu had Lizai, she could directly use her technique to bypass this step.

As for whether it complies with the regulations...

"As long as you don't get caught."

This is what Uiharu Shiri thought.

That girl looks like a natural fool, but she is actually a dark belly.

Misaka Mikoto could also use the "mind hacking" skill to enter the "library", but she just glanced at the computer screen and didn't say anything.

After all, you can't throw yourself into the trap, and now is not an urgent time.

Bai Ye was visiting the furnishings here.

Suddenly the door was opened, and Gufa Meiwei, who had finished his patrol, walked in from the outside, and was stunned when he saw Bai Ye.

Of course she remembered Bai Ye, although she didn't have much contact with him, her impression was neither good nor bad.

The boy greeted her with a smile: "Chairman, you are back."

"...I am not the Chairman."

"Then the principal?"

"...I'm not the principal either."

"Then the president?"


Gufa Meiwei was probably very speechless.

Bai Ye waved his hand: "Okay, okay, really, it's alright to call you 'Daling' from now on, right?"

Also feeling speechless, Misaka Mikoto came over and poked his waist with her fingers.

"Don't interfere with other people's work."

"Oh, yes, work is important, Chairman, please start your micro-management."

The young man Chaogufa Meiwei made a "please" gesture.

Gufa Meiwei ignored his strange statement, but looked at Heizi Baijing: "Did something happen?"

"Need to enter the 'library' to look up information and compare the brain wave graphics."

"Brain waves?"

"Probably the brainwaves of the developer of 'Fantasy Hand'."

"I see."

Gufa Meiwei nodded in understanding.

No extra nonsense, just sit down in front of the computer and start micro-manipulation.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko stood behind her waiting for the result.

Bai Ye probably doesn't know what "politeness" means, so he consciously boils water to make tea, and only makes his own portion.

But none of the three girls complained about his behavior, but were discussing the issue of fantasizing about the hand.

While speaking, Gufa Meiwei had already obtained permission to enter the "library" and search for targets in the huge database.

When Bai Ye came over with hot tea, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who were still very calm, suddenly became nervous and anxious.

"It's Haruki Kiyama?!"

After saying this, Shirai Kuroko quickly took out his mobile phone and called Uiharu Shiri.

Misaka Mikoto explained to the puzzled Fubo Meiwei: "Chuharu-san went to Mr. Kiyama and said that he wanted to watch the usage process of the 'Tree Diagram Designer'."

After receiving the explanation, Gufa Meiwei nodded slightly.

Shirai Heizi quickly put down the phone: "No, I can't get through."

Without any hesitation, Gufa Meiwei, who has experienced many battles, directly gave the most appropriate instructions: "Contact the police immediately to apply for the arrest of Mushan Haruno, and remember to tell them that the suspect may have a hostage in his hands."


Shirai Heizi responded, and hurriedly called the security guard.

The security guard reacted quickly, and acted immediately after receiving the notification, going to Haruno Mushan's company and residence respectively, and at the same time using various means to determine her location.

Misaka Mikoto felt that it was not enough to just sit here and wait for the news.

"I'd better go and see for myself."

She directly presents her ideas.

Gufa Meiwei turned to look at her, thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

"Although I don't want to involve ordinary students, your words are another matter."

Although Misaka Mikoto is just an ordinary student in terms of identity, she is one of the very few Level 5 in terms of ability.

Now that the situation is urgent and the situation is unknown, it would be great if someone with superpowers is willing to help.

Shirai Kuroko didn't want Misaka Mikoto to be involved in such a dangerous thing.

But thinking about the current situation, it is important to ensure Uiharu Shiri's safety, so there is no objection.

He just opened his mouth and said, "My lord, Heizi, I'll go with you..."

Before she finished speaking, Misaka Mikoto patted her on the shoulder, making her uncontrollably let out a "hiss~" sound.

Dealing with those bad students who made trouble in the past few days left her scarred every day.

Bai Ye treated her before, so there was no problem.

But yesterday did not meet Bai Ye.

Misaka Mikoto knew she was injured, so she patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't force yourself like this now, just stay here and rest honestly, and act as my intelligence support by the way, and notify the police officer and Mushan Chunsheng at any time."

After speaking, he turned and left Branch 177.

She didn't call Bai Ye, because she thought she could handle things by herself.

Coincidentally, Bai Ye also had the same idea, so he was not prepared to make a move at all.

If even such a small matter requires him to do it himself, then why train a few subordinates?Are you keeping it as a vase?

If you really want a "vase", it's better to find Chuchun Shili, because she really has a lot of flowers, and she even has the title of "walking vase".

"But maybe you should study that fantasy beast?"

Bai Ye smelled the tea and began to think.

(End of this chapter)

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