boy of science

Chapter 108 "Is this making a movie? It has to be such a big crisis."

Chapter 108 "Is this making a movie? It has to be such a big crisis."

In the end, Bai Ye still couldn't get JK's (underpants) with big breasts.

Shirai Kuroko grabbed his wrist and kept using space movement to rush to the scene.

"Spatial Movement" is a very convenient and practical ability, but she is only Level 4, the maximum moving mass is about 130 kg, and the farthest moving distance is about 81.5 meters.

In fact, Bai Ye also mastered many space attribute spells, but he had never used them in this world.

Because there is no need to use it.

While being led by the girl to move, observe her abilities by the way, and quickly find places that can be optimized.

But he didn't say it, he just slapped Shirai Kuroko's buttocks with his other hand suddenly.


Shirai Heizi, who was concentrating on his journey, was disturbed by his calculations and led him to stop on the roof of a certain building.

The girl looked at him very annoyed: "Student Bai Ye, can I ask you to be quiet at this time?"

Bai Ye didn't speak, just nodded to express his understanding.

So Shirai Heizi didn't say any more.

Shaking his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, he re-calculated the complex calculation of space movement.

At this time, the familiar ability appeared a little strange, and the subconscious told her that some adjustments were needed.


Shirai Kuroko felt strange.

But now that the situation is urgent, she can't allow her to think too much, so she continues to use her ability to rush to the scene.


The security guards were wiped out. Fortunately, they were mostly slightly injured, and there were no serious injuries or deaths.

The security robots brought in were all smashed.

Misaka Mikoto who rushed to the scene to deal with Kishan Haruo gave them time to regroup.

The fights of the ability users look more colorful.

All kinds of bricks and stones flew across, lightning flashed, and the highway was torn apart by the ability, allowing their battlefield to be transferred to the ground.

Although Kiyama Haruno is not a "multi-abilities person" but a so-called "multi-talented person", but it is rare to encounter such an existence, and Misaka Mikoto did not rush to defeat her, but fought several rounds to find out her reality.

It turned out that the ability used by Haru Kiyama was at most Level 4.

And she doesn't know how to control it delicately, she basically just uses her abilities.

After figuring this out, Misaka Mikoto didn't waste any more time, and approached her with the help of the smoke and dust produced by the "void explosion", and directly gave her a close-range electric shock therapy.

Probably the "frequency" just matched, allowing their brains to connect to each other, so Misaka Mikoto "saw" it.

I saw Haruno Kiyama getting along with the students, and seeing those students fall into a coma because of the failure of the experiment.

I even saw someone who proposed the "Evolution Plan for Absolutely Capable Persons": Kihara Gensei.

"It's that old guy again..."

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth with hatred.

I don't know where that guy is hiding, otherwise he will definitely be dragged out and struck by lightning for ten days and a half months.

After learning the cause of the incident, Misaka Mikoto decided to have a good talk with Kiyama Haruno.

The guard above didn't know what happened, but found that the battle between the two ability users below seemed to have stopped.

He poked his head out of the break and looked down, and found that they were talking.

What are you talking about?
The guards couldn't figure out the problem.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho directed his subordinates to arrange the wounded, and checked the weapons and equipment to continue to take action against Kishan Haruo.

As a result, a mutation occurs: a monster that looks like a baby emerges from Haruno Kiyama's body.

Misaka Mikoto couldn't figure out the situation of the monster, so she opened the distance after hitting it a few times.

But the monster didn't give chase.

It kept getting bigger and bigger, and then rose towards the sky, and soon reached the highway.

"what is this?"


"Biological weapon?"

The situation was once again beyond the expectations of the guards.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho frowned, looked at the buildings in the distance, and quickly retracted her gaze to give an order.

"Everyone active, live ammunition permitted, fire!"

"Da da da~"


When Shirai Heizi rushed to the scene with Bai Ye, the guards had already been wiped out again.

Fortunately, there is still no death.

The "fantasy beast" composed of the obsession of tens of thousands of students and the diffusion force field of AIM has become extremely huge.

It doesn't seem to be interested in killing people, but slowly drifts towards the distant buildings.

Misaka Mikoto has just rescued Tetsukuri from the tentacles of the fantasy beast.

After waking up, Shiri Uchiharu ran down below and started running up again after talking with Haruno Kiyama.

Shirai Heizi looked at the scene and found that the situation was completely different from before.

Enemies go from Haruno Kiyama to fantasy beasts.

"You guards should retreat first, at least cease fire, that monster will not fight back as long as it is not attacked."

Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth to remind.

Through the short confrontation, she has figured out some characteristics of the fantasy beast.

But Aiho Koizumikawa, who was sitting on the ground looking at the wall because of her injury, rejected the proposal.

"Even so, you can't retreat. Do you know what's over there?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the building complex in the direction of the fantasy beast.

"That's a nuclear test reactor."


Misaka Mikoto was taken aback.

nuclear reactor...

If this thing is destroyed, Academy City probably won't need people to live in.

Of course, before discussing whether people can live in it, we must first think about how many people will die and how many people will suffer from various diseases due to radiation.

"Is this making a movie? It has to be such a big crisis."

Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but complain.

Without wasting time, he directly grabbed Shirai Heizi who had just arrived on the scene.

"Heizi, send me over there to stop it."


Shirai Kuroko's ability was activated, and she took Misaka Mikoto to the front of the fantasy beast to stop the monster from moving forward.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho struggled to get up, but failed, and could only look at the girl not far away.

"Tie Zhuang, don't be in a daze, help me up quickly."

As he spoke, he saw Bai Ye thrown down by Bai Jing Heizi, and he was very puzzled: "Why are you here, kid?"

"Heizi brought me here, saying he wanted me to treat you guys."

"You don't even have ability development..."

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

Bai Ye waved his hand to interrupt her.

Looking at the iron decoration next to her, she found that she was not injured, so she walked up to Huang Quanchuan and squatted down in front of Aiho.

I used to eat and drink with them, but now I help treat them, it is considered a courtesy.

"Don't move around, I'll help you heal your injury."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and placed it directly on Aiho's chest.

It's a pity that I can't touch it because I'm wearing body armor.

But Huang Quanchuan Aiho still punched him on the head.

"What are you doing kid?!"

"Heal you, how can I use my ability without physical contact?"

"Do you have to touch there?"

"That's not true, if you don't mind, the next one is actually..."


"...Well, then what, anyway, let's start the treatment."

Bai Ye didn't continue to make trouble, but grabbed her hand to help her heal.

Soon Aiho Huang Quanchuan felt comfortable all over her body.

Looking at Bai Ye strangely, he got up and looked at the battlefield over there.

Can that tea-haired girl defeat this monster that suddenly appeared?
(End of this chapter)

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