boy of science

Chapter 109 That Girl Was Fishing? !

Chapter 109 That Girl Was Fishing? !

Facts have proved: Byakuya does not need physical contact to use the healing ability.

Because there was a flash of light when he waved his hand, the injured security guards got up like tigers and tigers.

Seeing this scene, Huang Quanchuan Aiho directly slapped Bai Ye on the ground.

"You brat is really taking advantage of my old lady!"

Bai Ye didn't make any excuses, but just turned her head and smiled at her, that look was very innocent and pure.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho didn't say much, frowning as she watched the battlefield flickering with lightning.

This is no longer a battle that the guards can participate in, because they did not carry heavy weapons at all in this operation.

Even if you bring it, it's probably useless.

Although both firearms and Misaka Mikoto's electric shock can cause damage to the fantasy beast, but that monster seems to be able to regenerate infinitely, and the smashed place will soon return to its original state.

What kind of method should be used to completely kill this monster?

Huang Quanchuan Aiho looked at the monster and fell into deep thought.

The security guards who had recovered as before looked at each other in blank dismay, also not knowing what to do.

Is it too late to run back and get the weapon now?
"Student Bai Ye, and two teachers..."

At the critical moment, Uiharu finally ran here, stretched out his hand out of breath, and revealed the MP3 player and memory card.

"I need to make this healing program broadcast throughout Academy City."

"...a treatment procedure?"

"That's right, the healing procedure of Fantasy Miter, this is what Mr. Mushan gave me."


In this case, there is no need to talk nonsense, let alone waste time.

"Tie Zhuang, come... help this classmate."


The iron decoration answered, and walked over with Uiharu Toshimo's undamaged duty vehicle.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho took out her mobile phone.

If you want the healing program to be broadcast throughout Academy City, you must find a few acquaintances to cooperate.

Bai Ye didn't care about these, but looked at Misaka Mikoto who was still using blue and white current.

That girl was actually fishing? !


Misaka Mikoto really didn't go all out.

Because I know that "Fantasy Beast" belongs to the thought aggregation of tens of thousands of students, and has some inextricable connections with those students. I don't know if it will have a bad influence on them if using purple current.

After all, the purple current has the effect of attacking the soul.

Of course, she can choose whether to add this attribute or not.

But if the additional attributes are removed, there is not much difference between using blue and white current or purple current.

Speaking of this, Misaka Mikoto remembered: In the scene that Bai Ye showed her, in addition to purple, there seemed to be red, yellow, blue, and blue thunder.

Does my own blue-white current have the possibility of evolution?
Pure blue or pure white?

Misaka Mikoto even had time to think while fighting.

Shirai Kuroko had to go all out to teleport the steel nail he was carrying into the fantasy beast, but it didn't seem to do much damage.

So I quickly gave up this kind of useless work, and ran to the Nuclear Energy Research Institute to see if there was anything they could do.

If it doesn't work, the employees have to be evacuated first.

Kiyama Haruo ran in a big circle to Misaka Mikoto, and told the girl about the possibility of fantasy beasts.

Without anyone noticing, Bai Ye had already run from the highway to Misaka Mikoto's place.

"Flat chest gun, what are you doing, pretending that you can't beat this little monster?"

"No Road Race!"

Misaka Mikoto, who heard him speak, immediately retorted.

By the way, I made a complaint: "And which eye of yours sees it is smaller."

"Anyway, it's not as big as in the special photo."

Bai Ye said that monsters of this size do not need to be concerned.

Then he directly extended his hand towards Misaka Mikoto who was constantly discharging: "Lend me your spirit sword, I'll cut it up and study it."

" need a sword to cut it?"

"Of course tools are needed for dissection, so it looks more professional."

Bai Ye suddenly waved his hand as he spoke.

At the same moment, the fantasy beast was hit by an invisible force, and was directly pushed to the ground with a "boom", and was suppressed by the invisible force until it could not move.

It can only make strange screams, like weeping and complaining, full of cruelty and tyranny.

Misaka Mikoto stopped discharging, turned her head to look at Bai Ye, her expression was a little unhappy.

"I can solve it myself, I don't need your help."

"I didn't help, I just wanted to dissect it."

It's all here, so let's study it by the way, maybe we can find a way to influence Feng Zhan Binghua.

Misaka Mikoto didn't know what he was thinking, so she just hummed lightly.

But he still summoned the spirit sword Zidian and handed it to him.

In fact, Bai Ye just said it casually, it doesn't matter if there is one or not, but the girl has summoned the spirit sword, so naturally there is no need to be polite.

He took Zidian and walked towards the fantasy beast.

Misaka Mikoto hurriedly followed.

The ignored Mushan Chunsheng stared blankly at the figures of the boys and girls, watching them dissect the imaginary beast with a sword.

It turns out that this terrifying monster is nothing in their eyes? !
Is this the strength of Level5?

Speaking of which, who is that boy? Someone from Level 5?
Who once said: Super beasts don't feel pain.

Fantasy beasts are not super beasts.

But from Bai Ye's point of view, this thing should also be painless, so he directly inserted the sword into it, cut it open, and carefully observed its regeneration process.

As for that miserable cry...

Anyway, the fantasy beast has always called it like this, and it has nothing to do with whether it hurts or not.

Misaka Mikoto stomped on the fantasy beast's body, and it felt like there was nothing special about it.

Looking up at Bai Ye, he found that he was stabbing the fantasy beast's body with the spirit sword.

"...By the way, why can you use a spirit sword?"

"Because you allowed it."

"I didn't say that."

Misaka Mikoto didn't care about the fantasy beast anymore, but looked at Bai Ye curiously.

"As far as your character is concerned, it has nothing to do with a 'gentleman' at all, so why can you use a spirit sword?"

"...a gentleman?"

"The swordsman is the king of a hundred soldiers, so the sword is like a gentleman, and the gentleman is like a sword. He is tenacious and indomitable. He would rather break than surrender, but no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a gentleman."

As Misaka Mikoto spoke, she began to count down the various good qualities of a gentleman, such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness.

But Bai Ye just complained: "What does using a sword have to do with being a gentleman?"

After speaking, he looked at Misaka Mikoto strangely: "You gave birth to the spiritual sword Zidian because of this? What's wrong with learning, you have to learn Confucianism."

Misaka Mikoto didn't understand: "Is there any problem?"

"...The problem is not a problem, you have to learn the key point."

Bai Ye dissected the imaginary beast and said, "You must know that there is a saying in Confucianism that 'a gentleman is not a weapon', and a sword is a sword. How can there be so many messy additional settings."

"...A gentleman is not a weapon?"

Misaka Mikoto didn't quite understand.

Before she could humbly ask for advice, suddenly a strange music sounded.

Uiharu Rishi started broadcasting the healing program throughout Academy City.

This is still very useful, at least it can wake up the stunned students, cut off their connection with the fantasy beast, and make this monster lose its main source of power.

Now it can't regenerate infinitely.

(End of this chapter)

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