boy of science

Chapter 111 "Bai Yechan, this is a very serious and important matter, please be serious."

Chapter 111 "...Bai Yechan, this is a very serious and important matter, please be serious."

The 177th Activity Branch of the Disciplinary Committee.

Fufa Meiwei, Shirai Kuroko, and Uiharu Shiri are busy with the aftermath of the "Fantasy Royal Hand" incident, while Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto are drinking tea and chatting next to them.

They talked about various topics, from ancient times to modern times, from ghosts and gods to science, from underground to heaven, from breasts to thighs...

The latter is mainly what Bai Ye was talking about.

By the way, he also stared at Gufa Meiwei: "Obviously, the chairman has huge breasts, and he has a good figure, as thin as he should be, and as round as he should be, which makes people want to date."

The boy who said such words immediately received Misaka Mikoto's eyes.

Gufa Meiwei, who was working, looked at him with disgust, but found that the boy's eyes were still pure and pure, so he turned his eyes away with a "tch~" and continued to work.

Shirai Heizi was also full of disgust.

"Student Bai Ye, if you have nothing else to do, please go back to the dormitory first."

"No way, I worked so hard to help you, but in the end I didn't even provide me with dinner?"


"I followed your words and cured those guards."


This is indeed true.

Shirai Kuroko couldn't refute, so he could only keep silent for the time being, and deal with the work at hand seriously.

Gufa Meiwei suddenly said, "It's really time for dinner. Let me treat you today. I'll just order takeaway. What do you want to eat?"

Upon hearing the question, Bai Ye immediately replied: "I want to drink your milk..."


Misaka Mikoto finally couldn't bear it anymore and punched him directly.


It was already dark.

Tonight's 177th branch is very lively, because there are many people here, usually only Gufa Meiwei is alone.

Because I love this job, I am very conscientious. I often stay in the branch until very late before going back, and even spend the night here directly.

Mainly due to lack of manpower, Branch 177 currently has only three members.

In addition to Gufa Meiwei and Chuchun Shili, there is also a girl named Liu Jibimei, who is Gufa Meiwei's classmate and roommate.

The words of Shirai Kuroko do not actually belong to the 177th branch, but belong to the third branch of Tokiwadai.

She just prefers to be here in Branch 177.

In the past, I learned a lot of knowledge about being a discipline committee member from Gufa Meiwei, which can be regarded as a relationship between a teacher and a friend.

Chuchun plays Li as the strongest support, and she is the best partner.

The point is that the members of the 177th branch are not so disciplined, so they can basically do whatever they want while staying here.

Members of the entire branch often cross-district law enforcement beyond authority.

Gufa Meiwei is familiar with the rules and regulations and can make good use of the loopholes, so he is rarely caught.

Chuchun Shili mainly uses hacking techniques to obtain various permissions. The "library" can be entered as soon as he wants, and the discipline committee members and security guards are not aware of it.

As a result, the only person who often needed to write a letter of repentance or a review was Shirai Kuroko.

Because she violated the most obvious rules, who would be arrested if she wasn't arrested?


"Take a bath, take a bath, take a shower..."

Index held a small wooden basin with various bathing utensils in her hands, and walked towards the public bathhouse humming a simple tune, seemingly in a happy mood.

Kamijou Touma followed behind, not in a good mood, but at least not in a bad mood.

While walking and chatting, talking about the coffee and milk in public bathhouses, and the differences between Britain and here, the topic of amnesia naturally came up.

While talking, Index was annoyed by Kamijou Touma, bit him a few times and ran away by herself.

By the time Kamijou Touma came back to his senses, Index was nowhere to be seen.

But Kamijou Touma didn't worry too much, and continued to walk towards the public bathhouse, where the little nun should be there.

It's just that as I was walking, I suddenly realized that something was wrong: it was not too late, but there was no one on the street.

Did everyone go home so early today to rest?
Thinking like this, he had already reached a certain intersection, and saw a girl walking towards him from across the road along the sidewalk.

Although the light is not enough, it is difficult to see clearly, but it is obviously a very beautiful girl, and she is quite tall.

Tied a single ponytail, expressionless.

Wearing a T-shirt on the upper body, the hem is tied at the waist, revealing the navel.

The lower body is wearing jeans, but the left trouser leg is cut off at the thigh, revealing the beautiful legs that will attract the eyes of idiots.

However, these are not the key.

The key is that the girl is carrying a Japanese sword over two meters long, and her eyes are still staring at him.

So his intuition told him: Unlucky Mr. Kamijou is going to be unlucky again.


Kiyama Haruno came up with something like "Fantasy Hand" in order to save the unconscious students.

The well-informed frog-faced doctor Ming Tu Zhui Hun knew these things, and after Kishan Haruno was arrested, he took action overnight and prepared to do two things.

One is to release Mushan Chunsheng on bail, and the other is to assist Mushan Chunsheng in treating those unconscious children.

With Nether Earth Chasing Soul's contacts, it is not difficult to release Mu Shan Chunsheng on bail.

The difficulty lies in how to save those students.


Time soon came to the second day.

Bai Ye went outside to the balcony to breathe the not-so-fresh air, and suddenly received a call from Yueyong Xiaomeng.

We have eaten and drank so many times, and of course we have exchanged contact information.

"Xiaomeng, call me early in the morning, do you want to ask me out for a date?"

"Let's not talk about the date, Bai Ye-chan, there is something wrong with Kamijou-chan!"

"What could happen to him, he was put to sleep by the bad guy?"

"Teacher, I don't know what happened. Anyway, he looks like he was beaten up. There are many wounds on his body. Fortunately, he is not fatal, but he fell into a coma and hasn't woken up since last night. .”

"I think he's probably sleeping in."

"...Bai Yechan, this is a very serious and important matter, please be serious."

"Even if you say so..."

Bai Ye turned to look into the room, and found that Frenda had also woken up, yawning and stretching.

Fremea also seemed to wake up slowly.

"Whether the hedgehog head is injured or unconscious, what does it matter to me? I'm not his father."

Saying this, he suddenly realized something: "But maybe I can be his stepdad."

Because that lady named Kamijou Shina seems to be very pretty.

Yueyong Xiaomeng ignored the strange words he said, but explained the reason for calling him: "Because I think Bai Yechan can help you treat Kamijou-chan."

"But why should I help him? It's not relative, I don't even know him."

Although they have met several times, they have never greeted each other, so they are not considered to know each other.

Yueyong Xiaomeng replied: "Be willing to help others, Bai Yechan."

"I'm not as kind as you. I even dare to take home a girl I don't know. Aren't you afraid that a perverted lolicon will do something to you?"

After Bai Ye said that, she went back to the room, sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out her hands, rubbing Fremea's little head.

Fremea, who had just woken up, was still dazed, rubbing her head against the boy's palm like a cat.

Bai Ye smiled and pinched her little face again.

He continued, "Anyway, I'll go and have a look later."

Of course, it depends on what you see, whether it can be cured or not is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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