boy of science

Chapter 112 "What are you talking about, Bai Yechan, the teacher is really going to be angry!&q

Chapter 112 "What are you talking about, Bai Yechan, the teacher is really going to be angry!"

The blond loli who just woke up was in a daze of thoughts, and she subconsciously threw herself into the arms of the person she was close to, enjoying the embrace that made her feel at ease.

For Fremea, the closest person is of course her only older sister.

But recently, he and Bai Ye have also become closer.

Burying his head in Bai Ye's arms, he seemed very relaxed; two small hands went behind Bai Ye's back and hugged his waist.

I probably remembered it suddenly, so I muttered softly: "I said before that I would meet Hatsune Miku, Oni-chan probably forgot meow~?"

"Of course I didn't forget, how could I forget?"

Bai Ye touched her little head, played with her little ears, and explained to her by the way: "I've already told Little Future that she will come over tomorrow morning and play with you all day."


Fremea responded softly, her head was still buried in Bai Ye's arms, maybe she wanted to get back to sleep.

But in the end I couldn't sleep.

Obediently got up, and followed Bai Ye to the bathroom to wash up.

When she returned to the bedroom, she sat directly on Bai Ye's lap and asked Bai Ye to comb her hair.

Teenagers don't mind doing this kind of thing.

Chatting while fiddling with hair, in passing about the "shelf life" of white women.

"Your age is cute, and your sister is very beautiful. If you go up, it's not good. You are only 20 years old, but you look like an old lady."

"... Does Oni-chan don't like older people? Probably a lolicon meow~?"

"Actually, as long as she is beautiful and cute enough, age is not a problem."

A normal person's age doesn't mean much to a Qi refiner at all.

For a person like Bai Ye who has reached the state of complete qi refining, he doesn't even need to care about his own age.

Fremea, who was obediently sitting on his lap, asked a new question: "If you're not pretty or cute enough, you probably won't get Oni-chan's liking~?"

"If you can't get it, you can't get it. It's not a good thing to be liked by me."

"I think it's generally pretty good, meow~."

"You feel pretty good now, but you might have to resent me for taking your freedom away in the future."


Fremea probably still can't really understand the meaning of this word.

Flanda, who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, turned her head to see her sister and Bai Ye.

He quickly retracted his gaze and sighed softly.


It turned out that it was something that no one could really get.


The double-storey apartment where Yueyong Xiaomeng lives.

The dormitory was damaged due to the battle with the magician, so Kamijou Touma took Index to live here.

Bai Ye came alone after breakfast, and soon saw Yueyong Xiaomoe and Index with a worried face, and of course Kamijou Touma lying unconscious on the ground.

Kamijou Touma cannot be sent to the hospital because of the magician involved and some objective reasons.

Although Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't know the reason.

Kamijou Touma and Index didn't tell her.

Just guessing based on what happened that night when Index was rescued, maybe it has something to do with the so-called "magician"?
"Bai Ye-chan, what's the matter, can you wake up Kamijou-chan?"

"...Save what, don't need to save, he will wake up naturally when the time is up."


"Don't worry, it's fine."

Byakuya didn't want to care about Kamijou Touma's life and death, anyway, this guy wouldn't die, at most he would suffer serious injuries with severed limbs.

But Yueyong Xiaomeng is still very concerned, after all Hedgehog Head is her student: "Then when will he wake up?"

"Wait for two or three days. If you wake up then, you're awake. If you don't wake up, you're not awake."

"...What are you talking about?"


Bai Ye looked at Index who was sitting beside him praying.

But he didn't talk to the other party, and soon looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng again: "How is it, Xiaomeng, are you free today? Let's go out on a date."

"I am a teacher, you are a student, we..."

"Isn't that more exciting?"

Bai Ye walked up to Yueyong Xiaomeng and knelt down, touching her head and pinching her little face, which made the loli teacher very annoyed.

"Bai Yechan, if you do this again, the teacher will be angry."

"Huh heh heh~."

Bai Ye smiled all over his face, expressing that he was not afraid at all, and continued to knead her little face.

Yueyong Xiaomeng pushed his hand away with all her strength, and covered her face with both hands to prevent him from doing bad things.

"I still have to work, but I don't have time to hang out with you."

"It's summer vacation and you still have to work?"

"The work of a teacher is not as easy as you think, Bai Yechan. To be precise, all jobs are not easy."

"Really? I know a job is easy."

"……What job?"

"Aid (beep~), you can make money and enjoy it..."

"What are you talking about, Bai Yechan, the teacher is really going to be angry!"

"Let's face reality, Xiaomeng, even if you bury your head like an ostrich, there is no way to change the fact that it is bloody there."



In Academy City, there are actually quite a few students who engage in social assistance. Although the security guards and discipline committee members are cracking down on this kind of behavior, they can't completely eradicate it.

As for how many students did this kind of thing voluntarily and how many were forced, it is not clear.

There are many so-called "groups of the armed incapacitated" in the city.

Most of them are composed of delinquent teenagers, and only a very small number of ordinary students of Level 0 are huddling together to keep warm.

Delinquent boys, even if there are security guards and disciplinary committee members to maintain law and order, they can still do anything.

Komaba Toshitoku, Hamazura Shiage and others I met before robbed the bank.

The key is that "groups of armed incompetents" are allowed under the rules of Academy City.

Some have connections with Anbu, and are even directly peripheral organizations of Anbu.

If there were no accidents, Hamazura Shiage from behind would be sent to Item to do odd jobs.

Of course, the current Item doesn't need him anymore.

Some are employed by the high-level and research institutions of Academy City, etc., to help with things that cannot be put on the surface, and to help use certain technological products to complete data collection, etc.

Because they were holding weapons, ordinary students couldn't resist at all, they could only accept their bullying with humility, and were even forced to do bad things.

As for asking for help from the security guard or the disciplinary committee...

It is impossible for the security guards and discipline committee members to stay by their side to protect them all the time.

There is an old saying next door: There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.

Even if you change schools and school districts, you may not be able to escape the clutches of those bastards.

The key is to protect yourself.

Generally speaking, the security guards and discipline committee members can still suppress those bad groups, so Academy City is not that bad, and most students won't encounter those problems as long as they are careful.


And just today, Teristina Kihara Liverain has decided to use the group of armed incompetents to do a small experiment for herself.

She developed a device that uses sound as a carrier to interfere with the brain activity of capable people, thereby affecting their abilities.

"Anyway, let's name this device 'Ability Drop'."

(End of this chapter)

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