boy of science

Chapter 113 "Do you want to imitate the superheroes in the movie to fight crime and maintain or

Chapter 113 "Do you want to imitate the superheroes in the movie to fight crime and maintain order?"

The "capacity decline" device is not perfect enough, so Teristina is going to give it to the group of armed incompetents for use, so that she can help herself collect "experimental data".

But this device is not the key, Terestina is most concerned about the "absolutely capable person".

She wants to cultivate Level6 by herself.

For this reason, the idea was hit on Mushan Haruno, to be precise, those students who fell into a coma because of the "detonation experiment for analyzing the law of berserk ability".

But Teristina was one step too late, and Mushan Chunsheng had already been released on bail.

Arrested yesterday, released on bail today...

Who is helping that girl?
Teristina couldn't figure it out.

Only in this way, her plan cannot continue, because only Mushan Chunsheng knows the whereabouts of those students.

You have to find a way to find that girl first.


It is Netherland Chasing Soul who helps Mushan Chunsheng.

Not only released her on bail, but also helped to find ways to treat those unconscious students.

It's just that the children's situation is too complicated, and they haven't been able to find a good solution for the time being.

But there is still a way that is neither good nor bad, and it is currently based on this method to make preparations for trying to wake up the comatose students.


There is darkness everywhere in Academy City.

Some were made by Aleister on purpose, some were brought by the adults, and some were made by the students themselves.

Mainly those bad students.

Human beings, no matter they are teenagers or decades, there is almost no difference in their thinking.

If there is any difference, it is a matter of knowledge and experience.

People in their teens have experienced a lot of things.

But in terms of thinking, the good ones are all that good, and the bad ones are all that bad.

So the darkness that exists outside exists here, and the darkness that does not exist outside also exists here.

The group of armed incompetents is the dark surface of Academy City, and the "darkness" that most students come into contact with is related to them.

Such as fighting, extortion, bullying kindness and so on.

What is more serious is murder (beep~) and various crimes.

Hidden behind these surfaces are various dark organizations and various creepy experimental projects.

The group headed by "Kihara" treated all the students as guinea pigs for experiments.

After staying in this city for so many years, Yueyong Xiaomeng has some understanding of the darkness behind it, so she can't refute what Bai Ye said.

In the end, he didn't refute at all, but packed up his things and left the house.

"I went to school."

Yueyong Xiaomoe left, Bai Ye naturally wouldn't stay here any longer, patted his butt, got up and left, leaving Index to continue praying for Kamijou Touma.


On the roof of the building a little far away, two magicians are watching Yueyong Xiaomeng's room.

Two meters tall, red-haired, 14-year-old bad priest Stiyl Magnus who likes to smoke.

Black-haired, single-tailed female mage Kanzaki Kaori with an expressionless face.

The bad priest looked at the boy who left the apartment.

Because the boy had contact with Index, so when investigating the hedgehog head, he also investigated the boy's affairs by the way.

The results they got made them a little concerned.

Judging from the information provided by a "spy" friend, the boy is not a capable person in this city, but he seems to be very powerful.

"Is that boy a magician too? Is it the Shintoism here? Or the Taoism next door?"

The bad priest asks questions.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't answer, just stared at the boy in the distance, trying to find out some information from him.

It's a pity that no matter how you look at it, he looks like an ordinary boy, with nothing special about him.

Of course, the "ordinary" here does not include appearance.

The bad priest who didn't get an answer turned his head to look at his partner, then looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng's room, and looked at the little silver-haired nun praying there.

Kanzaki Kaori continued to stare at the boy and think seriously.

The boy stopped suddenly, turned his head to look in her direction, waved to her with a smile, and then blew a kiss to her.

This is not the key.

The problem was that the teenager suddenly made a motion of slapping something with his hand.

Before Kanzaki Kaori felt puzzled, he felt his buttocks being slapped.

A boy's voice seemed to sound in his ear: "Stare at me again and I'll take you back and make you an RBQ."


The bad priest turned his head to look at his companion, with a puzzled expression on his face: "That 'pop' just now, you were bitten by a mosquito?"


"Huh? Why are you blushing?"

" the sun."


"Speak up, Steele."

Kanzaki Kaori withdrew his gaze from looking at the boy, lowered his head in thought, "Do you know what 'RBQ' means?"

"RBQ? I don't know, is it a magic spell?"


Kanzaki Kaori didn't answer, probably still thinking.

Seeing that she was silent, Steele turned his attention to Index in the distance again.


In the previous fight with bad boys, Saten Ruiko could be said to be suppressed all the way, and finally turned defeat into victory by relying on range attacks.

This made her see her own shortcomings: she can't fight at all.

By the way, there is also some small satisfaction: I seem to have done something "heroic"?
Thinking about it this way, her mentality inevitably changed a little. She used to have a little low self-esteem, but now she has become more confident.

When she is incapable, "protecting herself" is the most important thing. After gaining the ability, she wants to help those students in need.

By the way, sharpen your fighting (fighting) skills.

To be like Misaka Mikoto Shirai Kuroko, she can calmly deal with several enemies.

Of course, this does not mean that she will risk her life.

Saten Leizi understands very well that now she can only do "bullying the weak" and "bullying the weak and fearing the hard".

So every time I make sure that I can at least run away before making a move.

After several days, her fighting skills and the use of abilities have indeed become a lot more proficient.

Bai Ye, who left Yueyong Xiaomeng's apartment and was about to go to the hotel, happened to see her overturning several bad things with her abilities on the way.

Because it is in an alley, the airflow can only vent along narrow passages, and its power has increased a lot out of thin air.

Not to mention a few, even if there are more than a dozen, they will only be overthrown.

Bai Ye didn't care about those bad things, but stared at Saten Ruiko who was driven by the air current and almost fell down.

"Do you want to imitate the superheroes in the movie to fight crime and maintain order?"

"Bai, classmates Bai Ye."

Seeing Bai Ye Saten Ruiko smiled shyly, looking a little embarrassed.

But Bai Ye didn't laugh, instead he sighed: "You still want to be a 'partner of justice' like others with your half-baked ability, have you considered the consequences?"

"Well, I'm sure I can beat it..."

"Can you beat it? When even Level 5 capsizes in the gutter, how old are you?"

The most typical one is Mugino Shimori in the original work.

Accelerator was defeated by Kamijou Touma, and he can still infer that Hedgehog has something like "Fantasy Killer".

Mugino Shirley was really defeated by the punks of the incompetent (Level 0).

Even Level 5 would do this, let alone Saten Ruiko.

She hasn't even fully mastered the use of runes yet.

(End of this chapter)

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