boy of science

Chapter 114 "You don't have to do anything, just do the 'updraft' well enough.&q

Chapter 114 "You don't have to do anything, just do the 'updraft' well enough."

Saten Ruiko will not only observe in advance whether she can fight and escape, but also notify the security guard or discipline committee member before making a move, so that even if an accident occurs, she can ensure that she can get support.

It didn't take long for those bad students to be overthrown by her, and the patrolling security guards had already arrived at the scene.

We didn't find the students who were bullied, and we didn't find the students who punished the bad students, so we had to take the bad students back to ask about the situation.

Saten Saten who left the scene with the boy was a little depressed.

Because Bai Ye didn't even say that she was "very courageous" this time, but completely opposed her doing such a thing.

It's about her safety.

Just like when she said she wanted to come to Academy City when she was a child, her mother also expressed her opposition because of worry.


Saten Ruiko wanted to explain, but opened her mouth to hesitate, and finally chose to apologize.


It is really not good behavior to make relatives and friends worry about themselves.

But Bai Ye didn't seem ready to accept her apology.

"You don't need to tell me this, you should think about whether you can be worthy of yourself for what you have done recently."

Saten Ruiko bit her lip when she heard this, and fell silent for a while.

Walking along the busy street with Bai Ye, he secretly glanced at the young man walking forward with a blank face.

After hesitating for a long time, I still expressed my thoughts: "Since I have the ability, of course I should do what I want to do, just like Chuchun and Shirai students did."

"They are them, and you are you."

Bai Ye glanced at the girl beside him: "They are discipline committee members, they have received strict training before taking up their jobs, and they have the awareness to sacrifice their lives to protect others, do you have any?"

give your life...

Saten Saten's breathing was a little short, but she still gritted her teeth with a firm expression on her face.

"Of course I have!"

"Oh, really?"

After all, you are a young man, I really think that enlightenment means that if you have it, you can have it.

It seems that she needs to realize the danger of the human heart and the price of being a "hero".

Thinking of this, he immediately grabbed the girl's hand.

Saten Ruiko immediately became nervous and blushed: "That, that..."

"To deal with those bad things, you may not be killed if you fail, but this is not a good thing, because sometimes, death is a kind of relief."

Saying this, Bai Ye directly pulled Saten Reiko into the alley next to her.

Go a certain distance, turn a corner, let go of the girl's hand, and let her stand there leaning against the wall.

This is probably the so-called "wall dong"?
Before Saten Reniko could think about it, Bai Ye suddenly pinched her chin with his hands.

"Do you know why? Because they do things like this to you."

As he spoke, he seemed to want to demonstrate, and his head kept approaching her.

Although Saten Ruiko is simple, she knows everything she should know, and she can easily tell what the boy wants to do.

This is to kiss? !
The girl was very nervous, and she held her clothes tightly with her hands on her chest.

I also found that my heart was beating very fast, my cheeks and ears seemed to be hot and hot, and I also felt a dry mouth.

She had already forgotten the conversation just now, and there were only two thoughts left in her mind: Accept?reject?
Seeing the boy getting closer, Saten Ruiko bit her lips, then closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, waiting for the first kiss in her life.

Seeing her acting like Bai Ye, she stopped her actions.

Because the girl's reaction was wrong.

Shouldn't it be rejected or even resisted at this time?
Looks like this is ready to accept a kiss?
Bai Ye stared at the girl's face, and let go of her hand after a while.

"If you are knocked down by bad people, they will do some indescribable things to you, a few or even dozens of bad people, they will train you to be RBQ, and will force you to help socialize and make money for them to spend."

Bai Ye kept a distance from the girl, and continued to "threat" and advise.

"Have you really made up your mind to collapse both your body and your mind?"

Saten Renko opened her eyes and looked at the young man in front of her, feeling quite lost in her heart.

There is no kiss...

No, no, now is not the time to think about this.

Biting his lip, he thought about Bai Ye's question.

things like that...

To be honest, she certainly didn't want that to happen.

So give up the current practice?

I finally gained the ability, but in the end I couldn’t do anything. Thinking about it, I feel very unwilling.

After hesitating for a long time, he seemed to lack confidence when he spoke again: "I just want to do something..."

"You don't have to do anything, just do the 'updraft' well."


do nothing...

This sentence made Saten Ruiko feel very shocked.

Does it mean that she can only be a pretty but useless vase?
"Let's go, be more honest in the future, and don't do that dangerous thing again."

Bai Ye didn't care about her thoughts, turned around and walked out of the alley, ready to continue with his plan: go to the hotel to find Mui Ye, Shen Li and the others.

By the way, let's take a look at that girl Jigami Qiusha. I don't know if her transfer procedures have been completed.

There is also a dormitory, after all, she can't live in a hotel all the time.

Saten Reniko looked at his back, lowered her head and bit her lip, struggling for a long time, then quickly stepped forward to catch up.

The sun is still vicious, and the streets are still lively.

From time to time, passers-by can be heard complaining about the hot summer.

"Classmate Bai Ye."

Saten Reniko chased after Bai Ye, slowed down, and walked forward side by side with him.

"Even so, I still want to do what I can. I don't want to be so ordinary all the time."

"What's wrong with being ordinary? Peace is a blessing."

"But I want to become like Misaka-senpai, Shirai-san, Uiharu and the others."

Saten Leiko said this, and suddenly expressed doubts: "Why can't I do what they can do?"

"Didn't I just say that they have been trained and they have made up their minds."

"Maybe Uiharu and Shirai-san, who are disciplinary committee members, are indeed like this, but what about Misaka-senpai? Did she also receive training?"

"It's true that she has not received training, but she is Level 5, a superpower, and she has already made up her mind."

"I have learned Fengfu script, if I am enlightened..."

"How useful can a rune be? At most, you can only display the power equivalent to Level 3, and you are still far from a superpower."

Bai Ye interrupted her.

Turning his head to look at this unwilling girl, he quickly retracted his gaze and looked forward.

"And do you really have the courage to face the darkness? Don't talk about those evils, they are just the tip of the iceberg, and you haven't even seen a group of armed incompetents."

"……I have it!"


Bai Ye was unconvinced about this.

The girl who felt slighted felt a bit complicated, but she didn't know how to prove it.

Bai Ye spoke again: "Then you come with me, let you see the dark side of this city with your own eyes."

"it is good!"

Many people don't want to be ordinary, they don't want to be ordinary, they all want to be a dazzling existence, and they want to be the "protagonist".

It's a pity that most of them can only become ordinary people and spend their lives in an ordinary way.

Saten Saten in the original work can only be returned to ordinary in the end, because she was taken home by her parents after Academy City shut down.

But can she in front of Bai Ye become the "protagonist"?

 It's getting colder and colder

  In the past few days, there are not many comments and comments in this chapter

  I dare not look
  Afraid of being hit again
  how to say……

  I will continue to write anyway
  just keep writing
  The road can continue to extend forward


  can't stop
(End of this chapter)

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