boy of science

Chapter 115 How could girls like him like this?

Chapter 115 How could girls like him like this?
Bai Ye needs a few subordinates to help him handle some things, but the number does not need to be too many, as long as two or three are enough, and the rest are redundant personnel.

If there are things that need to be done, then they are not superfluous, but Bai Ye has never arranged work for them, just let them work hard to refine Qi.

Except for Aleister, the higher-ups didn't know that all members of Item had "betrayed" and would still arrange tasks for them.

And with Bai Ye's permission, Mugino Shirley and the others will also accept those tasks to earn some extra money.

So Bai Ye brought Saten Ruiko here and gave them to them.

"Teariko will be your non-staff member for the time being, but she doesn't have to do anything, and she doesn't care about the rewards you get. Just let her follow you when you are doing tasks."

Bai Ye explained the matter clearly in short words, after thinking about it, he added a reminder: "Let her see the darkness of this city, and remember to protect her well and not let her get hurt."

"……I understand."

When it was about the entire item, it was basically the team leader Mai Ye Shenli who communicated with Bai Ye.

Looking at the beautiful, cute and innocent girl sitting next to her, even knowing that she and Bai Ye might have a close relationship, Mai Ye Shenli still couldn't help curling her lips.

Flowers growing in the greenhouse.

But it doesn't matter, because she will soon face the cruel and ruthless storm in this world, and I hope that she will not be scared to collapse by then.

After explaining the task, Bai Ye looked at the girls in the room.

Except for Frenda, everyone from Item was there, as was Hime Kami Akisa.

If Frenda was here, maybe she could become friends with Saten Ruiko earlier?

Saten Ruiko also secretly looked at the girls in the room.

A girl with long brown hair and vicious eyes (Magino Shitoshi), a listless girl in sportswear (Takitsubo Rigo), a girl with short brown hair showing off her beautiful legs intentionally or unintentionally (Kuanhata's favorite), and There is a girl (Hime Kami Akisa) wearing a shrine maiden costume with a cute expression on her face.

How many of them are related to the dark side of this academy city?

Compared to this, Saten Ruiko cares more about other issues: What is the relationship between them and Bai Ye?
Simple friend?
Subordinate relationship at work?

Thinking of the "beautiful girl harem" that Bai Ye said a few days ago, Saten Saten's mood was a little complicated.

"Change your contact method, we will notify you when there is a task."

"...Ah, yes."

Saten Ruiko temporarily stopped thinking about those strange questions.

But it wasn't Mugino Shimori who exchanged contact information with her, but the drowsy Takitsubo Rihou who stayed next to her.

Juanqi's favorite also came over to chat with this temporary teammate to cultivate a relationship.

Bai Ye asked Ji Shen Qiusha about the transfer and dormitory assignment.

"Mr. Xiaomeng has already handled the transfer procedures for me. If it is a dormitory, I have to wait two days before I can move in."

"That's good. Give me the address. I'll go and play with you when I'm free."


Ji Kami Qiusha nodded slightly, and told Bai Ye the address of the new dormitory.

After chatting a few more words about other topics, Bai Ye turned to look at Saten Renko.

"Tianzi, you go back first, I still have something to tell Shen Li and the others, or you can go shopping with Qiusha."

"……I see."

It was such a simple conversation that made Saten Ruiko feel that she didn't know enough about Bai Ye, and that the distance between their hearts was still a bit far away.

Just now she had already acquiesced, but Bai Ye didn't kiss her...

Doesn't this boy like her?

"I happen to be going somewhere, so let's go together."

Hime Kami Akisa stood up and walked towards the door of the room.

Saten Ruiko said goodbye to Takitsubo Riko and the others, and then quickly chased after them.

"Well, where are you going, senior?"

"Go and get the finished school uniform."

"I see."


The two girls left the room while speaking.

Bai Ye looked at the back of Saten Ruiko.

Is it good or bad to expose this girl to darkness?After seeing the darkness behind the light, can she still maintain her sunny, cheerful and energetic personality?
If she is picked up by her parents after the closure of Academy City like the original work, will she be able to adapt to an ordinary life again?

"If that's the case, maybe it's a good choice to clean up her related memories."

After all, sometimes ignorance can be a blessing.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly recalled the girl's performance when she pretended to kiss just now.

Saten Ruiko didn't seem to mind kissing him.

That is to say: that girl likes him?
"... Heh~."

The boy shook his head, feeling sorry for the girl's blindness.

After all, he is not someone to like.

Thinking about what he did again, did he show the charm that girls like?
In terms of appearance alone, it can indeed attract some nympho girls.

But Saten Ruiko is not a nympho either.

But looks aside...

Bai Ye has never shown a particularly good side, nor has he shown a particularly bad side. Only the molesting girls and pornographic aspects are particularly hardworking.

How could a girl like him like this?
As for why there is no performance, it is simply because it is unnecessary.

You don't need to be a good person or a bad person, just be yourself.

"It's really strange."

Secretly complained, and then stopped thinking about this issue, but looked at Mugino Shirley and the others.

"Today is the long-lost class time. If you have any questions about cultivation, feel free to ask them."



The Garden of Schools, Tokiwadai Middle School.

When using the ability to rush to the scene yesterday, Shirai Kuroko noticed something was wrong, so today after finishing the work of the disciplinary committee, he ran back to the school and used the venue here to re-test the effect of the ability.

Then I found that my maximum moving mass increased from 130 kg to 150 kg, and the farthest moving distance increased from 81.5 meters to 95 meters.

This is the result of optimizing the use of abilities, and it feels like the quality and distance of movement can be improved a bit.

In other respects, nothing seems to have changed.

"How strange."

The same words as Bai Ye came to Shirai Heizi's mind.

The difference is that Bai Ye is complaining, but she finds it strange.

Why is the ability suddenly optimized?
Frowning and thinking hard, recalling the experience of the past few days, but did not find anything strange.

Because I've been dealing with fantasizing about Misaka lately, all I do every day is eating, sleeping, and playing badly, and by the way, trying to get closer to Misaka Mikoto.

If I really want to say, the abnormality in ability was yesterday.

On the way from the branch to the scene, I suddenly had the idea of ​​"it might be better to do this".

Before that, Bai Ye patted her butt...

Could it be related to Bai Ye?
"...It doesn't make sense."

But it was indeed an abnormality that appeared after the buttocks were photographed.


Shirai Heizi couldn't figure it out.

After standing still and thinking for a long time, I finally gave up the entanglement for the time being.

"Ask when you get a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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