boy of science

Chapter 119 "Are you trying to have a strange dream? Take the class seriously."

Chapter 119 "Are you trying to have a strange dream? Take the class seriously."

Fremea played outside with Hatsune Miku all day, and was not sent back home until dusk.

It can be seen that she had a good time today.

By the way, I bought a lot of things, including snacks, clothes, and some daily necessities.

Clothes are mostly underwear.

Hatsune Miku left soon and returned to the residence, Frenda in a maid outfit was preparing dinner.

Then I heard my sister's words: "I also bought two blue and white strips, one for me and one for my sister. O'Neill probably likes this very much, right?"


Puzzled, Flanda looked towards the bedroom and found that her sister was indeed holding a blue and white strip in her hand.

As a result, the blond girl's happy mood because of the introduction of Qi refining was hit for the second time.


It was rare to ignore the status of master and servant, and he spoke directly without waiting for Bai Ye to speak, his tone seemed very unhappy.

"I don't remember ever teaching you to do such a thing!"

This approach is like...

It's like seducing Bai Ye.

She only taught her younger sister how to be cute, but she never taught her younger sister how to sell her lust.

Feeling that her sister was in a bad mood, Fremea restrained her smile and put down her fat times, stood by and looked pitifully at her sister and then at Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye didn't speak, just took out the bra newly bought by Fremea to study.

At this age, at this size...

This blonde loli really has great potential.

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't speak, Frenda thought about the master-servant relationship between each other, and finally gave up preaching to her sister.


"Remember to show me the blue and white stripes in the future."

After studying the bra, Shiroya reached out and touched Fremea's head.

"A panty that is not worn by a beautiful girl or is not worn by a beautiful girl has no soul. If you want to interest me, you must first inject a soul into it."

Fremea blinked and looked at him a few times, then turned to look at her sister.

Frenda was very helpless, but finally chose to give in.

"The result is to listen to the master's words."


So Fremea's tone became cheerful again, and she continued to discuss the matter of Lan Baitiao with Bai Ye.

Frenda has mixed feelings.

Did you really protect your sister?

Anbu actually has a lot of work, sometimes you need to protect people or things, and sometimes you need to rob something.

But the most common is killing.

The upper echelons of Academy City are fighting openly and secretly for their own interests.

Ming Zheng needless to say.

The Anbu organization is a tool they use to fight secretly, so many tasks are actually those high-level people who are eliminating dissidents.

In the eyes of some high-level people, there may be no simpler, more direct and effective method than killing people.

In addition to the internal struggle for power, it also needs to face external enemies.

There are many organizations outside who want to acquire the technology of Academy City, and they have used various means to do so.

Some made deals with middle and high-level officials, some bought various insiders, and some sent people in to steal or even openly rob.

Some intruders can be handed over to discipline committee members or security guards, while others need to be cleaned up by the Anbu.

Item received the task tonight is to eliminate the "spies" who came in from outside.

This kind of task has little to do with "darkness", because it is normal to search for or even execute intruders, ranging from large countries to small organizations.

Saten Ruiko, who followed Item, did not see the darkness, but only saw the murderous behavior of several girls.

Without hesitation and without mercy, several people's lives were taken away in two or three strokes.

The strength gap between the two sides is too large, Saten Ruiko does not need to hide, and can watch the whole process from a close distance.

I saw Mai Yechen using "atom collapse" to cut people in half, and I saw Kinuhata's favorite punching a blood hole in the human body with his fist.

Takitsubo Rihou didn't kill anyone, because she was a support.

By the way, responsible for protecting Saten Ruiko.

Looking at the girl beside her who was pale and trembling slightly, Takitsubo Rihou reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

"It's okay, just wait until you get used to it."


Seeing Bai Ye in a dream again, Misaka Mikoto was a little nervous, after all, she talked about such a topic last night.

kiss or something...

Will you still talk tonight?

If he asked again, how should he answer?

Misaka Mikoto couldn't calm down.

Accompanied by her wild thoughts, wonderful changes began to take place in the dream world.

Bai Ye looked at the dream where pink bubbles appeared, and then reached out and hit Misaka Mikoto on the head with a "boom".

"Are you trying to have a strange dream? Take class seriously."


Misaka Mikoto rubbed her head.

Seeing that Bai Ye behaved as usual, she also took a few deep breaths to adjust her mentality and stop thinking about it.

"let's start."


A new day, November 7st.

For the vast majority of people, today is just an ordinary day; for a small number of people, today is a little bit special.

But in any case, no one will particularly care about this day.

For some, however, that day is best not to come.

It's a pity that they don't have the ability to manipulate time, and they can't stop the torrent of time that engulfs everything from rushing to the future.

Today is the deadline.

Before midnight, Index's memory needs to be cleared, otherwise her life will be in danger.

If the memory storage limit is exceeded, the head will explode.

Stiyl Magnus kept smoking, obviously upset.

Kanzaki Kaori remained calm on the surface.

Looking at the room of the apartment building where Index was located from a distance, the comatose young man with the hedgehog head had already woken up.

But what is the use?
Kanzaki Kaori was silent for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Suddenly remembered another boy.

That boy is not a capable person, he should be a magician, although it doesn't look like it from the feeling.

What kind of existence is he?
If it was him, would there be a way to solve Index's memory problem?

"... Stiles."


"You stay here and stare. I'm going to do something. I'll be back before dark."

Kanzaki Kaori gave an explanation and left directly.

The bad priest didn't care too much, and didn't bother to ask her where she was going, but continued to look at Index in the distance.


There is always a lot going on in Academy City.

Some time ago, it was the unscrupulous boy who used the "Fantasy Master" to improve his ability level to do things.

In the past two days, it is still bad boys who have been doing things.

But unlike before, this time it seems to be doing things in an organized way.

Skill Out, armed group of incompetents.

There have been several cases of them attacking ability users, and none of them have been arrested yet, and they will definitely continue to commit crimes in the future.

As a disciplinary committee member, and a disciplinary committee member who often overstepped his authority and enforced laws across districts, Shirai Heizi naturally began to get busy.

Misaka Mikoto, who is an ordinary student, doesn't need to worry so much. When she has nothing to do, she goes shopping, or goes to game halls and other places to pass the time.

As she was walking down the street, she was thinking about whether to go to the game hall or read free comics.

A burst of updraft hits suddenly.


Misaka Mikoto stopped and pressed down the hem of her skirt.

Turning around, Bai Ye was indeed squatting there, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"Flat chest, when will you give me some benefits?"

 Yesterday's update was blocked

  until just now
  got fucked like this

  There are not many readers, and I am afraid that many will abandon the book
(End of this chapter)

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