boy of science

Chapter 120 "I Have a Friend"

Chapter 120 "I have a friend..."

"Safety pants, safety pants, safety pants every time, it won't work like this, Misaka-san, you can't live up to the most basic trust between people."

"What does the trust between people have to do with your perversion?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. After all, human beings are all metamorphosis. Just like frogs, they first become tadpoles, then grow arms and legs, and finally become humans. Biologically speaking, this is the so-called metamorphosis."

"You really like to talk nonsense."

"Huh heh heh~."


Teenagers and girls who have nothing to do go together, ready to find a place to pass the time.

Is this supposed to be a date?
Misaka Mikoto thought of this possibility.

But Bai Ye didn't seem to think much about it.

Compared with the past, the boy's attitude and the way he gets along with her have not changed in any way.

What happened in the past is still what it is now, which makes the girl feel a little resentful.

Immediately, doubts arose again: Could it be that there was no other meaning in that sentence, just simply wanting to tease her?

I wanted to return to thinking, but I didn't have the nerve to ask.

Follow the boy to play a few games in the game hall, go to the bookstore to read free comics, and go to the clothing store to buy blue and white strips.

"Those younger sisters are all wearing blue and white underwear, and they still look very good, so they must be very suitable for you."

"...How do you know that the sisters are wearing blue and white stripes?"

"Hey hey~."


Because of Misaka Mikoto's firm opposition, Lan Shiro Tiao Fatji failed to buy.

Leaving the clothing store and continuing to wander around, she suddenly found someone following her. The girl felt very impatient, and then sighed helplessly.

"When will the spell of depriving malice be learned?"

"Don't worry, take your time, as long as you persevere, you can always learn."

"I'm getting bored to death."


As the teenager and girl said, they turned into the alley, and those who followed quickly chased after them.

Soon there was a "crack~" sound in the alley, and then silence returned.


Kanzaki Kaori, who wants to help Index get rid of the tragedy of "clearing memories every year", searches for traces of Shiroya.

She didn't know if Bai Ye would have a solution, she just wanted to try.

Will not be disappointed without her.

If anything...

If there is a way, is he willing to help?
Kanzaki Kaori didn't know.

While looking for Bai Ye, he thought about how to ask him to help.

But because I didn't have much hope, I didn't think about it seriously.


Kanzaki Kaori, who worked hard for a long time, finally found the figure of the boy, who was eating and chatting with a certain girl in the restaurant.

Because it was by the window, she could see it.

The boys and girls chatted and laughed, and seemed to have no intention of coming out in a short time.

Kanzaki Kaori hesitated, and finally left the hiding place, and walked into the restaurant under the strange eyes of passers-by.

After all, her clothes look weird, and she also carries a Japanese sword that is more than two meters long.


The restaurant waiter also thought she was weird, but she still walked over with a smile and faithfully performed her duties.

The girl just nodded her head and walked towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye had discovered her a long time ago, but he didn't care, and continued to discuss with Misaka Mikoto about the sisters' blue and white stripes.

Why do sisters wear blue and white stripes?

This is said to be decided by a researcher named "Yokawa Kikyo".

When other researchers were arguing about this, Yoshikawa Kikyo directly purchased a large number of blue and white strips to end the dispute, and received unanimous praise from all personnel.

"That girl..."

Misaka Mikoto knew Yoshikawa Kikyo, but she didn't have a close relationship, and she didn't know where the girl was now.

Anyway, the last time we met, it was said that we were looking for a new job.

Just as he was about to discuss Fangchuan Platycodon and Bushu Toxin with Bai Ye, he suddenly found that there were more people around him.


Misaka Mikoto turned her head and looked suspiciously at the girl who appeared out of nowhere.

She looks pretty, with long black hair tied in a single ponytail, and an expressionless face.

The hem of the T-shirt was tied around the waist, revealing a small belly with no fat.

The jeans only have the right leg and the left leg is exposed, attracting the attention of many customers.

There is nothing wrong with outlandish clothes, the key lies in the long knife over two meters.

Is this a real knife?

"I have a question I want to ask you for advice."

Kanzaki Kaori ignored the brown-haired girl, but looked at Shiroya with eyes full of sincerity.

Bai Ye took a sip of tea from the cup: "Ask me?"

"Yes, please ask."

Kanzaki Kaori kept his posture low.

Bai Ye chuckled a few times: "That's what I asked for."


"That won't work."

Bai Ye who put down the teacup without asking the girl to say more, shook his head as if disappointed.

"When you ask for help, you have to have a begging attitude. Even if you don't beg, at least you have to show your breasts. Even if you don't have breasts, you have to open your legs with the letter M..."


Misaka Mikoto kicked her before she finished speaking.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

After speaking, he got up and moved out of his seat to look at the strangely dressed girl next to him: "You should sit down and talk slowly."

He didn't plan to leave when it was over, but walked to Bai Ye's side.

"Sit in."


Bai Ye moved his position.

Misaka Mikoto sat down beside him, and looked up at Kanzaki Kaori again.

Miss Magician didn't think much, she nodded to Misaka Mikoto, and then sat down to face them.

The waiter who followed kept a professional smile: "My guest, what do you need to eat?"

Kanzaki Kaori didn't want to eat.

After saying that he didn't need it, he sent the waiter away, and then looked at Bai Ye in front of him.

"I have a friend..."

"Usually those who say this are friends out of thin air."


Interrupted by Bai Ye's words, Kanzaki Kaori suddenly didn't know how to continue.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Bai Ye: "Don't make trouble, just listen to her."

"... She came to look for me, not you. What are you so concerned about?"

"Because I just have nothing to do."

To be idle is to be idle, it doesn't matter to listen to what the girl has to say.

And she is also very concerned about the relationship between Bai Ye and this girl.




Misaka Mikoto looked at Kanzaki Kaori and then at Shirayo.

This boy seems to know a lot of beautiful girls, and some of them seem to be very close to him.

Take Saten Ruiko for example.

"All right, tell me, I'm listening."

Bai Ye's attitude seemed very perfunctory.

He can completely guess what the magician wants to say, it's nothing more than Index's little shit.

Anyway, he was too lazy to care.

Kanzaki Kaori reorganized the language.

Instead of telling, ask: "Do you know 'full memory ability'?"

"I don't know, I only know that I have a photographic memory."


This boy probably didn't want to listen to her seriously?

(End of this chapter)

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