boy of science

Chapter 121 "Sorry, we just think of happy things."

Chapter 121 "Sorry, we just think of happy things."

Is there a difference between "full memory ability" and "photographic memory"?
Bai Ye didn't think so.

Misaka Mikoto also didn't think so, so she poked Bai Ye's waist with her fingers.

"Don't make trouble."

Bai Ye picked up the cup and drank tea, expressing that he would not speak for the time being.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't think about the difference between the two at all, and said to himself: "There is a limit to the memory that the human brain can store."


Misaka Mikoto looked puzzled.

But she didn't interrupt the girl's words, but continued to listen.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't notice the change in Misaka Mikoto's expression because she kept looking at Shirayu.

"The human brain is unexpectedly small, but the brain organizes itself and forgets unnecessary memories, so human beings can continue to live."


The puzzled expression on Misaka Mikoto's face became more apparent.

It's a pity that Kanzaki Kaori still didn't notice, and was still talking to himself.

Of course, she didn't name the "Book of Magic", but only said "one hundred and thirty thousand books".

"Those books take up 80.00% of the brain volume five."

"Because of the complete memory ability, the memory of one year can fill up the remaining 15.00%."


Statements like these made Misaka Mikoto feel confused and full of question marks.

What is this girl talking about?

Misaka Mikoto couldn't understand, but Kanzaki Kaori knew exactly what she was talking about.

It is actually a bit dangerous to discuss this matter with Bai Ye, because it is not sure whether this young man will also want to seize those magic books.

But today is the last time limit, and Index must be cleared tonight, otherwise her life will be in danger.

If you want to free Index, you must find a way.

They can't.

But what about the boy in front of him?

Kanzaki Kaori felt that he might be a member of the Taoist sect next door.

Taoists may be able to do things that other magicians cannot do.

However, Bai Ye didn't listen to her at all, just glanced at Misaka Mikoto beside her, and found that the girl's attention was on Kanzaki Kaori.

So he put down the teacup and launched a sneak attack, and put his hand on the girl's thigh.

The skirt of the Tokiwadai school uniform is relatively short, and she is sitting, so she can touch the girl's white and tender thighs.


Misaka Mikoto, who was attacked by surprise, immediately reacted.

Without any nonsense, he stood up, clenched his fist, and hit Bai Ye's head with a "bang".

"Can you be serious when people talk?!"

"The question is, is it necessary to listen to this?"


It seems that there is really no need to listen.

Because it's outrageous.

It is "the stored memory has a limit", "80.00% five", "15.00%" and so on.

Let alone other things, where did this data come from?
Kanzaki Kaori stopped talking and looked at the boys and girls in front of him, feeling that he had been ignored by them.

Misaka Mikoto, who sat down again, approached Bai Ye sideways, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter with this girl? A bad student who didn't listen carefully in class?"

"You should ask her if she ever went to school."


Misaka Mikoto gave a dry cough, and sat upright looking at Kanzaki Kaori.

"That, this classmate, please continue."

"……it is good."

Although the boy didn't seem to be listening carefully, Kanzaki Kaori decided to finish speaking.

"If you don't clear your memory regularly, your brain will explode..."


Bai Ye didn't smile, and neither did Misaka Mikoto.

The ones who couldn't help laughing were the two girls sitting next door.

When Bai Ye and the others turned their heads to look over, the two girls who couldn't hold back the smiles on their faces hurriedly apologized.

"Sorry, we just think of happy things."

Kanzaki Kaori didn't speak.

Misaka Mikoto thought about what she had just heard, and was infected by the smiles of the two girls, the expression on her face suddenly became a little tense.

Bai Ye raised her hand and asked, "Your cups... no, what's so happy about it?"

"Then what..."

The two girls still couldn't adjust their expressions, and they looked very uncomfortable.

But still opened his mouth and replied: "We are going to have a baby."

"Give birth, do you need help? To be honest, I am still very confident in my DNA..."

Misaka Mikoto slapped her before she finished speaking.

The girl even threw him a blank stare.

This guy really wants to tease a pretty girl when he sees it.

Bai Ye glanced at Misaka Mikoto, and then looked at the two girls: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you have children or not. The important thing is that you have a good relationship for a hundred years. All in all, congratulations."

"Happy together."

The two girls suppressed their laughter and got up to check out and leave.

It's just that look in the eyes made Kanzaki Kaori feel very strange: "What are they laughing at?"

"Who knows, I'm probably laughing at someone with big breasts and no brains."

Byakuya picked up the cup and smelled the tea, while aiming at Kanzaki Kaori's chest.

It does look pretty big.

Kanzaki Kaori first looked down at his own chest, and then at Misaka Mikoto's, as if realizing something.



Speaking of the chest problem, Misaka Mikoto seemed to feel very uncomfortable.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't quite understand it, and didn't take it to heart, but was going to continue talking about Index.

But Misaka Mikoto has no interest in listening to her nonsense anymore.

"Student, although I don't know what's going on with you, it's theoretically impossible for your head to burst from memory."


Kanzaki Kaori looked at Byakuya who was drinking tea silently, then looked at Misaka Mikoto, and asked with a frown, "Why is it impossible? Do you have any basis?"

"You ask based on..."

Misaka Mikoto felt quite embarrassed, as if complaining but also as scornful: "I'm afraid you won't understand if I say it."

This strangely dressed girl looks like a high school student, but judging from her words like "my head is bursting with memory", maybe she has never read a book.

After all, how could a normal high school student believe such an outrageous thing.

"Calm down, flat-chested gun."

Bai Ye, whose face was full of satisfaction smelling the fragrance of tea, spoke to persuade.

"Be more patient with people who haven't read the book. Anyway, there are no arrangements for the afternoon, so you can educate her about science."

"To put it bluntly, why don't you give her science education?"

"It's no problem for me to come to popular science, but I'm better at sex education. First of all, we can learn from..."

"Okay, okay, you are an outspoken person, drink your tea in peace."


Bai Ye chuckled twice, didn't say those strange words, but continued to smell the tea.

Too bad it's just cheap tea.

After sorting out the language, Misaka Mikoto began to popularize science knowledge to Kanzaki Kaori.


Normal high school students would not believe the nonsense that "the head is bursting with memory".

It's a pity that there are many abnormal high school students in the world, such as Kamijou Touma.

After waking up, he found that today was already July 7th, and he had to help Index erase his memory until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Recalling the truth Kanzaki Kaori told him, the hedgehog-haired boy was in a state of confusion.

In order for Index to survive, can she be handed over to those two so-called magicians?
(End of this chapter)

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