boy of science

Chapter 122 "Flat chest gun, let's go."

Chapter 122 "Flat chest gun, let's go."

The phrase "the brain is bursting" is everywhere, but "the brain is bursting with memory" is almost unheard of.

So Misaka Mikoto decided to give this strangely dressed girl extra lessons.

First use the knowledge points that high school students can understand...

It's a pity that Kanzaki Kaori couldn't understand, but his face was full of doubts.

So Misaka Mikoto changed it to knowledge points that junior high school students can understand...

Still don't understand, full of confusion.

And changed it into words that even the most powerful elementary school students can understand...

However, Kanzaki Kaori was full of confusion, obviously still unable to understand those knowledge points.

Because she didn't learn it at all.

After being a magician for so many years, she has only one thing in her mind: magic.

Classification of memory?The structure of the brain?Basic knowledge of biology?

How could she know these things?

Maybe a girl magician like her doesn't even know why she bleeds for a few days every month.

"All in all, it's impossible for the brain to be overwhelmed by memories."

In the end, Misaka Mikoto, who didn't know how to popularize science, could only draw conclusions in words that everyone could understand.

After speaking, he picked up his cup, only to find that the tea had already been drunk.

Bai Ye handed her his cup: "Come, drink mine."

The girl didn't think much, took the cup and drank the tea in a "gurgling" manner.

After talking for half an hour, she is very thirsty now.

I realized the problem after I finished drinking: Isn't this an indirect kiss? !
Misaka Mikoto blushed slightly.

Glancing at Bai Ye beside him, he found that he didn't seem to care, and subconsciously pouted again.

But it soon returned to normal, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter with this girl? Did she really never go to school?"

"I don't know that, I don't know her very well."

It stands to reason that they must have gone to school. After all, compulsory education is emphasized these days. Except for those poor and backward countries and regions, there are not many teenagers and girls who have not gone to school.

But Kanzaki Kaori's behavior really doesn't look like he went to school.

There is no such description in the information read in the previous life, so Bai Ye has no way to give an accurate answer.

Thinking about it, I can only shake my head with emotion.

"Religion kills people."


Misaka Mikoto looked at Kanzaki Kaori with puzzled eyes.

Does this girl have anything to do with religion?
After thinking about it carefully, I soon had a guess: "Magician?"


Bai Ye nodded slightly.

After getting the answer, Misaka Mikoto seemed even more curious, because it was the first time to see the magician with her own eyes, and she had only heard Bai Ye talk about it before.

Although Aleister is also a very powerful magician, she has never seen it before.

Kanzaki Kaori ignored their whispers and thought about it for a long time, still doubting Misaka Mikoto's words.

"But my friend will have a headache at about the same time. It looks painful. If it's not because of memory, then what is it?"

In recent days, Index has had occasional headaches.

In Kanzaki Kaori's and Stiyl's cognition, this is the expression that the brain is about to be filled with memories.

Regarding this question, Misaka Mikoto couldn't give an answer.

"I haven't seen that friend of yours, so I can't tell. You'd better take her to the hospital for an examination."

Kanzaki Kaori was silent for a while, and then looked at Shirayu who had been sitting beside him drinking tea and eating.

However, Bai Ye was not prepared to intervene in this matter.

It won't do any good, and it won't do any harm.

Then why bother?
Although occasionally he would be "willing to help others without asking for anything in return", but now he is not in that mood.

"Don't look at me, you'd better use your own brain to think about it."

Kanzaki Kaori was silent again.

But she didn't think about it too long, because there were more important things now.

"Is there anything you can do to help that kid? If so..."

"Yes, but I'm too lazy to do it."

Bai Ye directly interrupted her, with a half-smile on his face: "We are not related, so why should I help you?"

"...I will pay you."

"What kind of reward?"


Kanzaki Kaori hasn't figured it out yet.

Because I didn't have much hope from the beginning, naturally I didn't seriously consider the reward.

And what could she give?

What the world pursues are nothing more than money, power and sex.

Of course, there are also many people who have lofty ideals, such as "benefiting all mankind".

If Bai Ye...

Kanzaki Kaori didn't know him well enough to know what he wanted.

After thinking for a long time, he could only throw the question to Bai Ye: "As long as it can help that child, just ask what you want."

Of course what Bai Ye wanted was to become a fairy.

But Kanzaki Kaori couldn't help him with this matter.


It seems that there is nothing I want.

"Forget it, you don't have what I want, and I don't want what you have. Let's stop this conversation."

Bai Ye shook his head, and touched Misaka Mikoto's thigh with his hand.

"Flat chest gun, let's go."


The girl who was taken advantage of directly punched him.

"Just go, why are you touching my leg?!"

"I'm asking you to get up. You sit outside and I sit inside. How can I get out if you don't get up first?"

"There's no need to touch it, can't you just say it?"

"You mean let me use my mouth? Then I'll start licking..."


So the boy was punched again.

Misaka Mikoto did not stand up either, but showed a curious expression.

"What can I do for you? Can you tell me?"

Bai Ye was unwilling to make a move, but she was happy to find something to do.

The key is to be able to get in touch with the magic side by the way. She is still very interested in magic.

Of course, I don't want to learn magic, I just want to understand it.

It's a pity that Kanzaki Kaori doesn't think she has the ability to solve the problem.

Bai Ye didn't let her ask further.

"Okay, let's go, that kind of thing has nothing to do with us."

After seeing her, she still refused to get up.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye suddenly leaned his head over and kissed the unsuspecting girl with a "boo~" on the face.


So the girl's attention was immediately diverted.

His face was flushed, he quickly got up and stood beside him, covering his kissed cheek and looking at Bai Ye.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?!"

"I didn't do it, it was just a kiss, on the cheek. Of course, if you don't object, we can go back to the dormitory or go to the hotel room to have sex slowly..."

"Shut up, you pervert!"

"Bang bang~!"


The teenagers and girls who were playing around in the restaurant were quickly invited out by the waiter.

Didn't forget to ask them to check out by the way.

Kanzaki Kaori, who had complicated thoughts, followed to the outside of the restaurant.

Look up at the sky and feel the slightly scorching sun.

Then he turned his head to look at the leaving figure of the boy and girl.

"The brain is not overwhelmed by memory..."

Is what the tea-haired girl said true or false?

Kanzaki Kaori really wanted to ask for proof, but there was no time left, because tonight he had to help Index clear her memory.

"... Alas~."

The young magician who had been thinking for a long time sighed softly.

Anyway, let's get through the night and talk about other things.

(End of this chapter)

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