boy of science

Chapter 123 "I like you who can be yourself."

Chapter 123 "...I like you who can be yourself."

Last night, following Mugino Shirley and the others on a mission, witnessing the bloody scene and the disappearance of several human lives, this had a great impact on Saten Saten.

After returning to the dormitory, I didn't dare to turn off the lights. I tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. I felt that I would see the faces of those dead people when I closed my eyes.

The time came to the next day in her cranky thoughts.

I didn't contact the use of wind characters as usual, and I didn't go out to play. I just stayed in the dormitory and thought.

Was what you saw last night the darkness of the city?
It seems that not only this city, because such things are everywhere in the world.

Saten Ruiko didn't think too much about "dark" things, but was thinking about what she should do next.

Mugino Shinri and the others are able to take the lives of others without mercy.

What about Misaka Mikoto?

What about Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri?

In Bai Ye's words, they are all ready to awaken.

Although the consciousness of Shirai Kuroko and Chuchun Shili is "to protect the students even if they sacrifice their lives".

Can you give your life to protect others?

Do you have the awareness to kill in an emergency?
Although her answer to Bai Ye was "yes".

But she knew very well in her heart that she didn't have it at all.

"Enlightenment really doesn't mean you can have it if you have it."

The girl sighed inwardly.

Seeing that Mai Ye Shenli and the others took other people's lives so easily, she was really scared.

And he was very confused: Maybe he should listen to Bai Ye's words and return to his normal self?

But if this is really the case, what else can I do?
I want to have ability, I want to be special, I don’t want to be unknown, I don’t want to be ordinary all my life.

"Hero" is not so easy to be.

It might cost your life, it might take everything.

I am afraid that I will hurt my family and friends.

And Bai Ye also said that sometimes it is a relief to die quickly, because there will be many things that make people feel that life is worse than death.

Thinking of this, Saten Renko was very confused and felt like shrinking back.

"Maybe it's better to give up?"


Takitsubo Rigo explained what happened in an email to Shirai Ye.

But Bai Ye didn't seem to care much, and he rushed towards Saten Renko's dormitory after he separated from Misaka Mikoto.

It was already night.

He raised his head and looked at the night sky, but still couldn't see the bright galaxy.

"... Tsk~."

Bai Ye seemed to feel uncomfortable.

But after all, he didn't do anything, and kept walking along the road, and soon came to the downstairs of the dormitory where Saten Ruiko lived.

The lights in many rooms are on, and many girls are rushing back from outside.

They looked at Bai Ye strangely, but they didn't care much.

Bai Ye went to the door of Saten Reniko's dormitory and rang the doorbell. After waiting for a long time, someone came to open the door for him.


Saten Ruiko, who was in a trance, heard the doorbell and woke up suddenly, quickly tidied up and ran to open the door.


The only people who will come here are Mumu, Mako, and Akemi.

Uiharu Shiori only comes here occasionally.

But what he saw when he opened the door was not those familiar girls, but a boy with a superficial figure: Bai Ye.

Saten Reniko was very surprised: "Student Bai Ye, why are you here?"

Bai Ye didn't answer the question, but just stared at her face: "Did you sleep last night?"


"That's normal."

Bai Ye could guess her insomnia, so he didn't come here today because he thought she needed to catch up on sleep.

But judging by her mental state, I'm afraid she didn't sleep today.

"Looking at you like this, I'm afraid you're not in the mood to cook. Do you want to order takeaway or let me cook something for you?"

He was asking, but actually he didn't give the girl a chance to make a choice, because she walked towards the kitchen after entering the room.

"You'd better take a bath, so you can relax a little bit."


Saten Ruiko accepted Shiraya's proposal.

Without further ado, he walked directly into the bathroom, ready to take a hot bath and relax.


Tonight is the time to clear your memory.

Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl were not in a hurry, if possible, they hoped it would be best not to do so.

But they can't help it.

Bai Ye seemed to have a solution, but it was a pity that Kanzaki Kaori couldn't invite him over.

Looking at Yueyong Xiaomoe's room in the distance, and then raised his head to look up at the dark night sky, Kanzaki Kaori's eyes were full of confusion.

"'It's impossible for the memory to destroy the brain', someone told me that, Steele, do you think it's true or not?"


The bad priest, smoking a cigarette, turned to look at his companion.

He quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the figure in the distant room.

"I don't know whether it is true or not, and there is no way to verify it now, but I hope it is true."


Kanzaki Kaori also turned his gaze to the distant apartment room.

"If this is true, then why does Index have a headache? Why does she need to erase her memory?"


Steele didn't speak.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't ask, because he already had the answer in his heart: to prevent Index from betraying, and to better control Index.

If what the tea-haired girl said was true, then they were really being manipulated by the Puritan higher-ups.

But what if you know this?


To be honest, none of these are wise choices.

"...Be prepared to help Index clear her memory."


In fact, there is nothing to prepare. When the time is up, just perform the ritual and use magic.

But tonight time seems to pass very slowly.


Saten Ruiko felt much more relaxed after taking a hot bath.

Leaving the bathroom and returning to the bedroom, Bai Ye had already prepared dinner.

The listless girl didn't say a word, she just sat down to taste the food to replenish her energy, and fight against the sleep demon by the way.

After relaxing, sleepiness hits, but now is not the time to sleep.

Bai Ye seemed to simply come to see her, and did not continue to persuade her to be an ordinary girl.

The dinner time was spent in silence on both sides.

Bai Ye was also responsible for packing up the tableware and kitchen utensils, and he returned to the bedroom after cleaning up.

Looking at the drowsy girl sitting on the bed, but trying to pull herself together.

Bai Ye shook her head lightly, walked over to touch her head, only to find that her hair was still wet, which made it difficult to sleep.

"Student Bai Ye..."

Saten Ruiko, whose head was being stroked, tried to open her eyes, and looked up at the boy standing in front of her.

Bai Ye continued to stroke her head, her beautiful long straight black hair soon changed from wet to dry.

"Don't talk so much, don't think so much, anyway, get a good sleep first."


Saten Ruiko bit her lip.

Suddenly, he leaned forward and threw himself into Bai Ye's arms.

"Can I give you a hug?"

"Of course, if it's not enough, one night is fine."

Bai Ye continued to stroke her hair.

Saten Ruiko didn't speak, but buried her face in his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist.

After a long time, he suddenly asked boldly: "Does Bai Ye like me? What kind of me do you like?"

"...I like you who can be yourself."

"be oneself?"

"Yes, just be yourself."


Saten Ruiko was silent again.

Because I was thinking: How can I be regarded as "being myself"?

(End of this chapter)

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