boy of science

Chapter 124 "I'm just trying to feel it."

Chapter 124 "I'm just trying to feel it."

He said he wanted to think, but soon fell asleep.

Last time it was on the back, this time it was in the arms, and it was still in the dormitory.

"It's really reassuring for me."

Bai Ye shook his head lightly.

He broke free from the girl's hand, moved her body so that she could lie down on the bed, and then pulled the quilt over her body.

Although it is hot summer, there is air conditioning after all, so you still need to cover yourself with a quilt when you sleep at night.

Looking at the sleeping girl, thinking about something she "likes".

Bai Ye really likes Saten Renko, otherwise he wouldn't have taught her the "wind" characters.

But this liking is based on the favorability I got from watching animation in my previous life.


Is it just that?
Bai Ye sat by the bed, reaching out to touch the girl's face.

A touch unique to young girls.

He likes this kind very much, young girl in season, cardamom year.


They are really great!


The sleeping girl frowned slightly, perhaps because she had dreamed of something bad.

Bai Ye put his hand on her forehead, and the soft light lit up, healing the girl's body and soul.

The frowning brows quickly relaxed, and the expression looked very serene.

I will probably have a good dream tonight.

But it is best not to dream at all, but to sleep peacefully and soundly.

Bai Ye withdrew her hand and stood up, went to turn off the light, and left here.


There is a lot of work during the summer vacation. Not only do you have to do your job well, but you also have to assist the discipline committee members in patrolling.

And recently, there are many unscrupulous teenagers and groups of armed incompetents doing things.

As the team leader, Huang Quanchuan Aiho's tasks are more arduous, but fortunately, Tie Zhuanli can be arrested to help, but even so, the two of them are still busy until late.

I agreed with Yueyong Xiaomeng to eat first and then take a bath, and then headed towards the supper stand.

At this time, there were not many pedestrians on the street, so the sudden white night was very eye-catching.

"You're still hanging out so late at night, I think you don't pay attention to the rules and regulations of Academy City at all."

During the winter and summer vacations, there is a regulation called "complete school time", the purpose is to prevent students from playing wildly outside at night.

"Of course the rules and regulations will not be taken into account, because I only have Oupai (chest) in my eyes."

"...Is there nothing else but breasts?"

Huang Quanchuan Aiho seemed to be complaining, but also seemed to want to take the opportunity to talk to him about his ideals in life.

Then Bai Ye provided another answer: "There is still (beep~)."

"... Tsk~."

Sure enough, this guy should be arrested and beaten up!


As a result, Bai Ye was not beaten, but was dragged to eat supper instead.

The one who called him was naturally the girl in Tie Zhuang, but Huang Quanchuan Aiho didn't object either.

Yueyong Xiaomeng is already waiting here at the night snack stand.

Seeing her, Bai Ye went over and pinched her little face first.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I feel this kind of texture carefully, and then compare it with Fremea and Yujiajia, and it turns out that there is not much difference.

"Xiaomeng, are you hiding your age, and you are really a little girl?"

"...Bai Yechan, don't touch the teacher, this is very bad behavior."

Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't discuss the issue of age with him, but just pushed his hand away.

Bai Ye still wanted to pinch her face and touch her little head, but Huang Quanchuan Aiho pulled her over and pushed him onto the seat, sandwiching him with Tie Zhuo Ri.

"Eat when it's time to eat, don't always think about taking advantage of Xiaomeng."

"I'm just trying to feel it."

"Stop talking nonsense and eat yours."



Aiho Huang Quanchuan didn't get drunk tonight, but paid more attention to filling her stomach because she had to take a bath.

They didn't even drink much, just tasted it.

By the way, preach to Bai Ye, first criticize his pornographic behavior, and then talk to him about life and ideals.

It's a pity that Bai Ye didn't listen at all.

After all, he is a Qi refiner, and his three views are different from normal people.

"Life is short, boy, don't waste your time, you have to work hard while you are young."

"Since life is short, what is there to struggle for? It's better to have fun in time."

Of course Bai Ye struggled, but he didn't show it.

The goal of a Qi refiner is to become an immortal.

Of course, this is a long-term goal, and the current short-term goal is to gather the soul and master supernatural powers.

Although this "short term" is not short, it may be tens of hundreds of years, or it may be tens of thousands of years.

In addition to this, there is the worst case scenario: Poor Ji will not be able to reach the next level in his entire life.

There is no need to tell Huang Quanchuan Aiho about this kind of thing.

Tie Zhuang, who usually seems a little doting on Bai Ye, suddenly interrupted: "No matter what Bai Ye does, he always has the attitude of 'don't worry, take your time'. Don't you really know the value of time?"

Before Bai Ye could reply, Huang Quanchuan Aiho couldn't help feeling: "It's really not easy, Tie Suo, you finally look like a teacher, come on, criticize and educate this kid to your heart's content, absolutely don't let him spoiled."

Of course Bai Ye knew the value of time.

But his life span is different from that of ordinary people, so there is no need to "seize the day and night".

Iron Decoration did not preach too much, but sighed softly: "Maybe you think you still have a lot of time, but others don't, such as me, when you grow up, I will almost be old. "

"Don't wait, I think I'm already big now, if you don't believe me, take a look..."

As Bai Ye spoke, he lifted up his clothes and tugged at his pants.

Then Huang Quanchuan Aiho punched him a few times.


Not only did he follow him to eat supper, but he also followed him to take a bath.

The public bathhouse tonight is quite lively, but all the people staying here are teachers, only Bai Ye is a student.

You don't need to nag when you take a bath, because you are not in the same bathhouse.

Bai Ye proposed to take mixed baths.

"What are you thinking, there is no mixed bathing pool here, and even if there is, no women will go in."


The end result is that the boy stays in the men's bath by himself.

Think while taking a bath.

"Others don't have that much time..."

Girls such as Misaka Mikoto and Saten Renko are not qi refiners after all, and their lifespan is only tens or hundreds of years.

It turned out that the same is true for Prison Cai Haimi and the girls of Item.

Bai Ye didn't want to change his subordinates every few years or ten years, so he taught them to refine qi, and by the way, it also gave them the ability to do more things for him.

If I were to teach Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko how to refine Qi...


The boy thought hard, but he didn't seem to be able to come up with an answer.


It was almost midnight when I got out of the bath.

Bai Ye drank coffee and milk with Huang Quanchuan Aiho and the others, while Yueyong Xiaomeng sat on the massage chair and answered the phone calls from the students.

They didn't know what they were talking about, anyway, they heard words such as "memory" and "brain damage".

After she put down the phone, Huang Quanchuan Aiho asked, "Whose phone is it?"

"It's Shangjou."

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who was enjoying the massage and coffee milk, did not hide anything, and asked the question of the hedgehog head.

Bai Ye did not participate in the discussion, but turned to look in a certain direction.

In short, let's express my condolences to the "tree diagram designer".

(End of this chapter)

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