boy of science

Chapter 125 "I don't believe it unless you ask me to have a physical examination."

Chapter 125 "I don't believe it unless you ask me to have a physical examination."

The white light beam toppled the roof, destroyed the satellites in orbit, and destroyed the supercomputer "tree diagram designer".


"Hum hum hum~"

Yueyong Xiaomeng still doesn't know what happened at home, drinking coffee and milk, enjoying the massage, and humming a little song, seems to be in a happy mood.

The curious white night tries to explore the unknown territory (women's bath).

Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho grabbed this guy and put him on the ground, then stepped on his back to preach.

Bai Ye made an opinion on this: "If you really want to step on it so that I lie on my stomach, then you can't step on your body, let alone your head, just step on that indescribable position."

Huang Quanchuan was so angry that Aiho stepped on him with his feet.

This guy doesn't have yellow waste in his head anymore, but the yellow waste has grown into a human.

After all, it was Tie Zhuang who felt sorry for Bai Ye, who first persuaded Huang Quanchuan Aiho to calm down, and then helped the boy up from the ground.

Then Bai Ye threw herself into her arms to seek comfort.

"In the end, only you (chest) can bring me warmth."

"How could it be? Teacher Huang Quanchuan is still very gentle. The premise is that you don't make her angry."

"I don't want to make her angry, I just want her to give me a baby..."


Even if he hid in the arms of the iron decoration, he still couldn't escape the fate of being beaten.


Leaving the public bathhouse, the three teachers went home separately.

Before leaving, Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Tie Zhuangzhuli also told Bai Ye to go back to the dormitory quickly.

It's a pity that Bai Ye didn't obey, and instead held Yueyong Xiaomeng's hand.

"I'll send Xiaomeng to the apartment first and then go back to the dormitory. It's already so late, I'm afraid she will meet a perverted lolicon."

Hearing this, Huang Quanchuan Aiho really wanted to complain.

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that apart from talking about it, lifting her skirt, and taking advantage of Huang Quanchuan's Aiho, Bai Ye really didn't seem to be that perverted.

As a former Anbe member and current security officer, Aiho Koizumikawa has seen many perverted things.

She was so perverted that she didn't even bother to recall.

She didn't say anything to Bai Ye, she waved to him and turned to leave.

After they walked away, Bai Ye directly hugged Yueyong Xiaomeng in his arms, and let out a "guhehe" laugh.

"Xiaomeng, you should go home with me tonight, I want to have a good discussion with you on the subject of 'biological reproduction'."

"I'm good at psychology, not biology, and please put me down quickly, I will go by myself."

"But I just want to hug you. Speaking of which, did you really not lie about your age? It always feels similar to Fremea and Jiaqi."

"How could the teacher lie about his age?"

"I don't believe it, unless you ask me to do a physical examination for you."

"This can't be done."




Old two-story apartment building.

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who returned to her room, stood in a mess in the wind.

The room was destroyed, the roof was blown off, and the ground was a mess.

The security guards have cordoned off the scene and informed her that two students who were unconscious here had been sent to the hospital.

From the description, we can know that the two students are Kamijou Touma and Index.

Bai Ye stood by and observed the scene.

The course of the matter is probably the same as the original work, and there is nothing to care about.

As for why he didn't intervene...

is it necessary?

If you really want to intervene, you should lure Index home at the very beginning.

Help solve the problem so Kamijou Touma won't lose his memory...


It is already very good to destroy this "hero card" of Aleister without making a secret move and making it more difficult.

Byakuya and Kamijou Touma are not companions or friends, they can even be regarded as enemies if they really want to elaborate.

He was just too lazy to trouble this hedgehog, after all, the real opponent was Aleister.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals.

If you really want to trouble Hedgehog, it should be Mai Ye Shenli and the others.

"Is it the Netherland soul chasing doctor who is in charge of treatment? That's good, yes, please."

While he was observing, Yueyong Xiaomeng had learned the latest situation by calling.

She can't help at the hospital, and she will definitely not be able to stay in the dormitory tonight.

So I called Huang Quanchuan Aiho again.

"Borrow from me?"

Huang Quanchuan Aiho on the other side of the phone seemed a little embarrassed: "Normally, there must be no problem, but now someone in my family is borrowing it."

The girl Fangchuan Kikyo was the one who rented her home recently.

Because I couldn't find a job and had no place to live, I temporarily borrowed from a friend's house.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho thought about it carefully, and still said: "If you don't feel crowded, there is no problem staying with one more person."


Yueyong Xiaomeng was just about to accept her friend's kindness when Bai Ye put his hand on her head.

"Don't bother Ai Sui, I'll fix the house for you later."

"……is it okay?"

"Of course, and it can be done at once, so it won't delay your rest tonight."


Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't think too much, and directly chose to believe in Bai Ye.

In fact, the three teachers trust Bai Ye quite a lot. After all, Bai Ye has no other shortcomings except that he often engages in pornography.

After talking to Huang Quanchuan Aiho again, Yueyong Xiaomeng ended the call and put the phone away.

The guards didn't waste any time, and quickly finished their work and closed the team to leave.

After they walked away, Yueyong Xiaomeng looked at Bai Ye: "Bai Yejiang, how to fix this?"


As Bai Ye spoke, he raised his hand and waved it twice.

Then, including roofs, books, daily necessities, etc., the broken things reattached and quickly returned to their original state, as if they had never been broken.

Yueyong Xiaomeng looked at the rapidly restored roof and various things, and felt that such a scene was amazing.

"Is this going back in time?"

"Of course not. It doesn't take time to go back in time to fix this."

"Then how is this done?"

"This explanation is more complicated. I will tell you slowly when I have a chance in the future."


Yueyong Xiaomeng nodded to express her understanding.

During the conversation, everything has been restored to its original state, exactly the same as what Yueyong Xiaomeng remembered.

Looking at the familiar objects in the familiar room, Teacher Loli breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly expressed her thanks to Bai Ye.

"Thank you, Bai Yechan."

"Why are you being polite to me? I've never been polite to you."

Not only eating and drinking, but also molesting in various ways, and occasionally taking a bath with them, Bai Ye has never been polite to them.

After finishing speaking, he sat down directly: "I'll spend the night here tonight, is it okay?"


Yueyong Xiaomeng did not refuse.

After finishing speaking, he went to turn out his rabbit pajamas, and said while walking towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to change clothes, Bai Yechan, you wait here."


(End of this chapter)

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