boy of science

Chapter 126 "Another wonderful day."

Chapter 126 "Another Beautiful Day."

It's bad to stay up late, and it's even worse to stay up all night, and it's already early morning, so Yueyong Xiaomeng, who changed into her pajamas, didn't say much, laid down the sheets and lay down.

"While there is still time, Bai Yechan should hurry up and catch up on sleep."

The most important thing now is to sleep.

As for Kamijou Touma and Index's safety...

She's not a doctor, so it's useless to worry about it, so let's leave it to the professionals in the hospital.

And the doctor in charge is that Netherworld chasing souls.

Raise your little hand to grab the hanging rope, this is the light switch, Yueyong Xiaomeng specially extended it.

Pull the string to turn off the light.

"Good night."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and lay down comfortably in the bed.

Bai Ye didn't share the quilt with her, but casually lay down next to her.

I won't go to Dream World to meet Misaka Mikoto tonight.

"It's good to be lazy once in a while."


Misaka Mikoto slept soundly and woke up naturally, full of energy and radiant.


But she felt strange: Why didn't Bai Ye come to her dream to teach her spells last night?
Temporary business?
Or simply forgot?

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out.

Looking at the situation in the room, he found that Shirai Heizi had gone out again.

"……never mind."

Just brush your teeth, wash your face and have breakfast.


After waking up comfortably, Saten Saten also felt refreshed.

Sitting on the bed and looking at his room, he didn't see Bai Ye, obviously he left last night.

Leaving is the right thing to do.

But the girl was a little bit complicated in her heart, maybe she was expecting the other party to stay?

After thinking wildly for a long time, he suddenly sighed softly, got out of the bed and walked outside to the balcony to enjoy some air.

The air feels fresher in the morning.

Take a few deep breaths, then look up at the blue sky.

"be oneself……"

He recalled what Bai Ye had said to her before falling asleep.

After thinking for a long time in silence, I don't know if I have figured it out. Anyway, I took a breath and turned back to the bedroom.


Although she went to bed very late, Yueyong Xiaomeng still woke up at about the same time as usual.

Because I didn't get enough sleep, my thoughts were a little fuzzy, and it took me a long time to fully wake up after I opened my eyes.

Then I found myself lying on my stomach.

And it's not lying on the ground, but lying in Bai Ye's arms.


Yueyong Xiaomeng was taken aback.

Wanting to get up and get out of Bai Ye's embrace, he found that the boy's hands were on her body to hold her.

And the boy looked at her with a smile.

"Bai, Bai Yechan, why do you..."

"Don't ask me, it has nothing to do with me, you crawled over by yourself."


Yueyong Xiaomeng subconsciously checked the surrounding situation, and soon saw her messy bed sheets and bedding.

The position where the bedding is placed has not changed, nor has the position where Bai Ye sleeps.

The only thing that has changed is where she herself is.

Did it really climb over by itself?

"Xiaomeng, do you really want to hug and sleep with me? Or will you crawl into the arms of every student who spends the night here?"

"I, I don't have it, I don't know, I..."

Yueyong Xiaomeng often brings back female students who have run away from home, provides them with free accommodation, and by the way acts as a life mentor to give them directions.

Before last night, Index and Kamijou Touma also stayed here.

But this has never happened before, actually crawling into the arms of a student or something...

It's a little embarrassing to think about, and a little shy.

Ignoring the previous topic, she asked in her sweet and greasy voice: "Bai Yechan, can you let the teacher get up first?"

"No, unless you kiss me, uh~"

As the boy spoke, he pouted and waited for Teacher Loli's kiss.

Of course Yueyong Xiaomeng would not kiss, she just tried to get out of his embrace, and said admonishingly: "Bai Yechan, I have said it many times, I am a teacher and you are a student..."

"What does that matter, anyway, you are not my teacher."

Bai Ye showed an embarrassed smile as he spoke: "And isn't this more exciting? The more taboo the relationship is, the more exciting it will be..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Yueyong Xiaomeng interrupted him.

Because the boy didn't hug him very hard, he quickly broke free and got up.

"Bai Yechan, I think your thoughts..."

She probably wanted to preach to Bai Ye, but she didn't leave after getting up, but sat on the boy's body.

As a result, before he could say a few words, he suddenly lowered his head to look at where he was sitting.

Then he jumped up with a blushing face, and ran to the bathroom like a frightened rabbit, not caring about saying anything.

Bai Ye got up and stretched.

"Another beautiful day."


As a teacher, as a class teacher, when one of your students enters the hospital, of course you have to care about the other party's condition.

The last time Index was seriously injured, it was a miracle that she survived, and she even talked about "magic".

There is obviously a secret behind this that is not known to ordinary people.

Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't want to explore that secret, but went to the hospital to visit her students.

Bai Ye went with her.

But he wasn't visiting Kamijou Touma, he was going to visit those Misaka sisters to get in touch with them.

It might turn them into capable younger sisters.

On the way, I bought a few cakes and some snacks, and headed towards the hospital with large and small bags.

At first, Yueyong Xiaomeng felt strange, but after asking, the answer she got was "for my sisters", so I didn't think much about it.

I probably think that Bai Ye is talking about the children who are also "abandoned children".


Mizuho Institution Hospital.

Mingtu Zhuishun's diagnosis of Kamijou Touma is: there is nothing wrong with the body, but there is something wrong with the brain.

The specific condition is very complicated to explain in detail, but in simple terms: the brain is broken.

The "lost memory" thing is only going to tell the person involved, not anyone else.

The person involved has not woken up yet.

Facing the teacher Loli who came to visit the students, Nether Earth Chasing Soul only talked about the superficial situation.

For Yueyong Xiaomeng, as long as the students are healthy, not life-threatening, and not disabled, that is a good thing.

"Can I meet Kamijou-san? And Index-chan?"

"Of course he can, but he hasn't woken up yet."

"It's okay, I'm just checking his status."

Yueyong Xiaomeng turned to look at Bai Ye after speaking, "Will Bai Yejiang go with you too?"

"Forget it, I don't know him well, I'd better go see my sisters."

After answering the question, Bai Ye nodded to Zhuihun of Netherland, and then left directly carrying the big and small bags.

Nether Earth Chasing Soul looked at his back.

This teenager has a younger sister who is hospitalized here?

Or are you referring to those little girls?

Speaking of which, the direction he was going...

"Doctor, could you please take me to Kamijou's ward?"

"...Okay, please follow me."

"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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