boy of science

Chapter 129 "Can you be serious?"

Chapter 129 "...can you be serious?"

The security guards and discipline committee members who received the notification rushed to the scene one after another.

Huang Quanchuan's Ai Sui and Tie Zhuang did not appear, but the discipline committee members who came were all Bai Ye's acquaintances.

"Classmate Bai Ye?!"

Seeing his early spring decoration, I felt very surprised: "Why are you here?"

As he said that, he had already walked in front of the young girl, who was going to ask about the matter after investigation and evidence collection.

"Because there are beautiful girls here."

Bai Ye stretched out her hand to touch the head of the married photon, which surprised the girl who was suddenly killed by the head pat.

"After marriage, my classmate is very beautiful, and her figure is still very good. To be honest, I want to date."


The two girls looked confused, probably because they didn't understand the meaning of "thinking about the day".

Bai Ye did not give an explanation.

They were left in a daze and walked towards Gufa Meiwei and Shirai Heizi.

Chuchun Shili, who found him leaving, came back to his senses, glanced at the boy's back, and then looked at Mitsuko after marriage.

"Student after marriage, can you tell me what happened?"

"of course."

After marriage, Photon said there was no problem.

Uiharu Shiri, who got the consent, didn't talk nonsense and started his work directly.

Bai Ye here is greeting Gufa Meiwei: "What advice does the Chairman have for coming to the front line? Could it be that he wants to do micro-management?"

"...I have already said that I am not the chairman of the committee."

Gufa Meiwei denied it.

Without waiting for Bai Ye to continue talking nonsense, he asked directly: "So, what's going on?"

"This is not important."

Bai Ye waved his hand, expressing that he did not want to discuss this topic.

Because there is a more concerned question: "By the way, Chairman, do you have a boyfriend?"

"...What are you asking this for?"

Gufa Meiwei felt strange.

Shirai Kuroko who was standing beside him also looked at him suspiciously.

If he said "no", would he confess his love on the spot?
Bai Ye didn't answer the question, but continued to ask: "Where's your ex-boyfriend? Is there any?"


"Really? Don't you know Kurozumi Mienliu?"

"Hei Wife Mianliu? Who is that?"

The doubt in Gufa Meiwei's eyes is not fake, it seems that she really doesn't know that man.

So this is not the plot of the anime?

But after marriage, Mitsuko was attacked in the alley, which is obviously the plot of the animation version...

Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway.

"You should understand what happened with the classmate after marriage. If there are no other questions, I will leave first."

Bai Ye was ready to leave after saying that, and reached out to lift the hem of Bai Jing Heizi's skirt by the way.

Because the skirt was not lifted up, Shirai Heizi didn't say anything, just turned around and left the alley with him.

"Student Bai Ye, I have a question I want to ask you."

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"Recently, Heizi's ability data has improved a lot. Does this have anything to do with you?"

After discovering the abnormality, she wanted to ask clearly, but she had never seen Bai Ye, and she didn't have his contact information yet.

Because we didn't get along well with Bai Ye at the beginning.

There was a little rapprochement later on, but they didn't think of exchanging phone numbers.

In fact, you can ask Uiharu Shiori or Misaka Mikoto to ask for it, but because you don't think there is any rush anyway, you don't ask.


Speaking of this matter, Bai Ye's eyes were aimed at the girl's buttocks: "Although you are a little thinner and not plump enough, but the hand feels really good."

"...can you be serious?"

Shirai Kuroko felt that the boy's biggest shortcoming was that he often said strange things.

If I don't say weird things, if I do less pornography, if I can be more serious, if I can work hard, maybe I will become very popular with girls.

Although now it is enough to attract many nympho by virtue of appearance.

Bai Ye didn't answer her question, just smiled at her and left directly.

Shirai Heizi didn't catch up because he already got the answer.

She asked about her ability, but Bai Ye raised her butt; the abnormality of her ability appeared after being slapped on her butt by the other party.

So it's obvious: it was Bai Ye who helped her optimize her abilities.

But how did Bai Ye do it?
Did he also have research on spatial abilities?
What kind of ability user is he, and why does he seem to have so many abilities?

Fantastic multi-ability user?
Baijing Heizi was full of curiosity, and after thinking about it, he quickly used "space movement" to run to Bai Ye's side.

Bai Ye stopped in her tracks: "Why, there is still a problem?"

"Heizi just wants to exchange contact information with you."

"……Oh that's fine."

Bai Ye readily agreed.


The reason why Flanda moved to Bai Ye's place was because Bai Ye wanted to teach her personally so that she could start refining Qi as soon as possible.

Now that I have started, it stands to reason that I can move back to the hotel.

But Bai Ye didn't let her move away, and there was Fremea around, so it wouldn't be good to take her sister to the hotel.

Fremea hasn't started to practice qi refining yet, but is just learning the characters and culture next door, which is laying the foundation for qi refining.

Learning requires a teacher, but Bai Ye basically doesn't care about this matter, directly handing it over to Frenda.

She can still teach basic knowledge, anyway, it's just word recognition.

Fremea is very happy to be with her sister every day; but she finds it very troublesome to go to class after the holiday.

Bai Ye didn't come back last night.

Today, when Bai Ye returned to the dormitory, while her sister was preparing dinner, Fremea got into Bai Ye's arms directly.

Then she pretended to be cute and acted like a baby, expressing that she didn't want to make up lessons.

At least don't make up every day, give her more free time, so that she can go out with her sister, it is best to call sister Hatsune together.

"But if you don't make up lessons, how can you learn new knowledge?"

Bai Ye pinched her little face, the feeling was simply irresistible.

Fremea, whose face was being teased, spoke a little unclearly: "Oni-chan doesn't have that kind of spell that can make people learn new knowledge quickly meow~?"

"Well, yes, of course there are, it's just for reading, and you can learn it casually."

"Is that likely to work for me?"

"This is..."

Bai Ye didn't agree directly, but was thinking.

Under Fremea's eyes full of expectation, she quickly said: "It would be good for you to finish the word recognition stage quickly, but there is still a lot to learn later, and it will be even harder. End the relatively easy word recognition stage?"

"...Maybe it's hard work, meow?"

"After all, it's learning. How can such a thing be easy?"

"...Can't those knowledge let me learn together quickly?"

"Yes, it is possible, but it is not good to encourage seedlings to grow, and being able to remember those knowledge does not mean that you can understand those knowledge. It is better to learn slowly from scratch."

"But how long will it take, maybe a few years or ten years?"

"It's okay, it's only ten or eight years, and it will pass soon."

"But ten or eight years is probably a long time for me, meow. By that time, I will have grown up."

"...That's true."

Ten years is both a long time and a short time.

For a Qi refiner who is in a perfect state, ten years is nothing to worry about.

But for ordinary people, after ten years, things are likely to be different.

An inch of time and an inch of gold.

They can't live their lives so leisurely like Bai Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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