boy of science

Chapter 130 "It's not a violation if you don't get caught."

Chapter 130 "It's not a violation if you don't get caught."

The length of life is different, and the attitude towards time is naturally different.

A Qi refiner like Bai Ye would not care about the tens of hundreds of years.

But for ordinary people with normal life expectancy, decades to hundreds of years is their lifetime.

Qi refiners with a long lifespan always "don't worry, take your time".

Ordinary people with short lifespans need to cherish every minute and every second.

Every second counts, and every day is seized.

Decades is too short a time, too short to accomplish much.

However, there are still many people who are wasting their time and dreaming like Bai Ye.

Such as those bad boys.

Some evils belong to evils and oppress goodness.

Some bad people are self-defeating and don't want to study hard anymore.

Because it's useless.

After so many years of hard work, he is still an incompetent person. He has put in a lot of sweat and hard work but has not gained anything.

That being the case, then no longer work hard and pay no more, just put it badly.

If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence.

The broken heart is dead, and the soul is lost.

Those delinquent teenagers who bully ordinary students who "broke out in silence" are left.

When bad people get together, they form an "armed incompetent group".

Of course, this premise is "armed".

Some unscrupulous gangs have become peripheral organizations of Anbu, and some are under the orders of research institutions and even the high-level officials of Academy City.

Such gangs can obtain weapons, common ones are guns and ammunition, and uncommon ones are all kinds of black technology items.

"Decline in capacity" is one of them.

Although several members were sent to the hospital by Bai Ye, they brought back the "capacity drop" device installed in the car.

The people behind the scenes asked them to continue to use Hao to collect experimental data.

In fact, they would continue even without this requirement, because they want to "revenge" those capable users.

"You haven't forgotten, the way those ability users look at us?"

"That look of contempt, that takes us for idiots, that look at garbage."

"So we have to knock them down and let them see how powerful we are!"


So this group of armed incompetents continued their actions.

They probably also understand the value of time, and they didn't have Bai Ye's "don't worry, take your time" mentality at all, and committed several crimes in a row in the next two days.

The disciplinary committee members and security guards became busy again.

Those bad crimes were too frequent and their behavior was too bad, which caused panic among many students, so the matter quickly spread to the ears of high-level officials.

The higher-ups don't care that much, they only have one requirement: "Maintain the stability of Academy City."

How to maintain it?

Since it is bad people who are doing things, then just point directly: suppress all the bad people.

The security guards began to mobilize manpower, carry the necessary weapons and equipment, and prepare to "level down" the gathering area of ​​delinquent teenagers.

The disciplinary committee is to assist in this purge.


However, before the guards could take action, some villains had already provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked: the third "super electromagnetic gun" of Level 5.

It's actually not right to say "provoke", because they didn't make a move on the third.

But Misaka Mikoto learned about their evil deeds from Shirai Kuroko.

I heard about it when I was having a party with Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Shiri, and Saten Ruiko at a restaurant.

"Those bastards are really hateful!"

Misaka Mikoto, who is kind, brave and has a sense of justice, who has nothing to do in the past two days, moved her hands and clenched them into fists.

"Just let me beat them all to the ground, lest they continue to harm others there."

"My lord, this is the job of our disciplinary committee members and security guards, don't always..."

"'Don't mess around all the time,' right?"

Misaka Mikoto pouted and interrupted the younger generation, and said by the way: "You yourself often violate the law and enforce the law across districts."

For this reason, it is often necessary to write repentance and self-criticism.

Speaking of this, Shirai Kuroko couldn't refute.

Chuchun Shili, who was sitting opposite, smiled softly.

In fact, she often violated the regulations, such as entering the "library" to look up materials without permission, or directly accessing surveillance videos.

But it is not considered a violation if you are not caught, so you don't need to write any repentance letter.

Saten Ruiko raised her hand suddenly: "I agree with Misaka-senpai's idea, if there is a need, I can help."


The three girls all looked at Saten Ruiko.

Although she seems to have mastered some abilities recently, neither Uiharu Shiri nor Shirai Kuroko approve of her taking risks.

Misaka Mikoto was also very hesitant: "Saten-san's words..."

"No problem, I won't hold you back, please let me go together."

Saten Ruiko had a serious expression and a firm tone.

Although Mugino Shirley and Kinuhata's favorite killing scene scared her, but Bai Ye's words "I like to be able to be myself" made her cheer up again.

Since it is "be yourself", there is no need to change your mind.

But pay more attention to protecting yourself.

Misaka Mikoto looked at her for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go together, of course we have to discuss the action plan before that."


Shirai Kuroko felt very helpless.

But in the end, I didn't say much, because I knew that Misaka Mikoto couldn't be persuaded.

Those who can persuade her...

Probably White Nights?
The figure of that boy suddenly appeared in Shirai Heizi's mind.


A little silence.

Then he shook his head to get rid of this thought, and turned to discuss the action plan with Misaka Mikoto and the others.


It is relatively easy to learn characters, but it is difficult to learn culture well. Fortunately, you don't need to learn much advanced level.

Otherwise, not to mention Frenda, even Mugino Shirley and the others are not qualified enough.

After thinking slowly for two days, Bai Ye still used spells to imbue Fremea with the knowledge of characters, but later she had to learn basic culture, so the blonde loli still had to make up lessons.

So the little girl was full of resentment: "Anyway, I have already used spells, so maybe Oni-chan can't just let me learn all of them~?"

"It's better to learn some knowledge slowly by yourself; and anyway, there is no rush, and there is no need to spend so much time every day making up lessons."

The second half of the sentence is for Frenda, because she is in charge of this matter.

After hearing Bai Ye's order, Frenda thought about it carefully, then nodded to express her understanding.

Fremea is still very young and can't be in a hurry, so there is no need to push her so hard.

Seeing her sister nodding, Fremea immediately became happy.

"That's great meow~."

First he cheered, and then threw himself into Bai Ye's arms and acted like a baby to express his thanks.

Frenda looked at her younger sister, feeling very helpless.

I didn't expect my sister to be so close to the master.

Fortunately, Bai Ye didn't mess around, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

 Anyone else?
  If not
  I started writing books about sex fetishes

(End of this chapter)

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