boy of science

Chapter 131 "Probably as cute as me?"

Chapter 131 "Probably as cute as me~?"

Dilapidated, rotting, rusty.

This is the site known as "Strange", an abandoned area occupied by villains.

Dirty and messy.

There still seemed to be a rotten smell in the air.

Damaged vehicles, out-of-service surveillance cameras, shattered windows, potholed roads.

There are sitting, standing and lying teenagers on both sides.

His eyes are dull, his face is full of decadence, like a walking dead.

Most of them are completely desperate, even if a few beautiful and lovely girls suddenly appear, they will not take a second look.

But there are still exceptions, a few bad eyes are full of desire.

Look at their faces, look at their legs, look at their breasts.

And ready to move.

Saten Saten felt very uncomfortable, wanted to avoid their sight, but didn't know where to hide.

Shirai Kuroko and Chuchun Shili have long been used to it, after all, they often deal with bad people.

The same goes for Misaka Mikoto.

Seeing Saten Renko with an unnatural expression, coupled with the malice she felt, Misaka Mikoto snorted softly, and threw a few lightning bolts directly at the bad guys.

"Beep~ bang~"


After a few screams, the street returned to calm.

The bad body that received the electric shock smoked and fell into a coma.

The rest remained unmoved, at most they turned their heads and glanced twice, then withdrew their gazes and continued to be depressed.

They are presumably dead.

Misaka Mikoto didn't care about this, but looked at Uiharu Shiri, who was pressing her laptop.

"Student Chuchun, how are you doing? Can you find out where they are?"

"The surveillance cameras here are all broken, but it doesn't matter. I've 'borrowed' some security robots from the outside, and I am currently searching for the stronghold of the bad gang. If necessary, I can use satellites to observe and search."

Speaking of this, Chuchun Zhuli suddenly sighed: "It's just that the configuration of this computer is not very good, and it is more troublesome to operate. It would be great if there is a portable computer with higher configuration."

Misaka Mikoto glanced at the portable computer in her hand, which was about the size of two palms.

Only such a configuration can be good.

But being able to complete so many complicated operations with such a portable computer, it seems that her hacking skills are very powerful.

Could it be that she was the one who intercepted me when I went to the "library" to look up information?

Misaka Mikoto thought for a while, then dropped the question, and said instead: "Then let's search separately, to save some time, Saten-san and I are in a group, Kuroko and Uiharu-san are in a group."

"it is good."


Frenda cares about her sister and her teammates very much.

Mugino Shirley and the others knew that Frenda had a younger sister, but they had never seen one, and they had no idea what Fremea looked like.

Today was relatively free, and she didn't have to teach her younger sister, so Flanda decided to go back to the hotel to see Mugino Shirley and the others.

Fremea didn't need to take her with her, and directly handed her over to Bai Ye to take care of her.

From the perspective of the "master-servant" relationship, maybe Fremea should serve Bai Ye?
Fremea is very close to Bai Ye, and Bai Ye is also very happy to play with the little girl.

It's okay to play with little girls, only to play with little girls.

Currently White Night belongs to the former.

But will he do something strange with Fremea...

Frenda was not sure about this question.

If you really want her to say it, the answer is: very likely.

Because Bai Ye's thinking is different from that of normal people.

Fortunately, so far Bai Ye has not acted too strangely towards Fremea, so Frenda is not very worried about this matter.

Rather, it's useless to worry.

If Bai Ye really wants to do something, can she stop it?

And compared to Bai Ye, now she is more worried about her younger sister, because Fremea is very close and trusts Bai Ye.

On the whole this is indeed a good thing.

But Fremeya was premature.

What if it is not the master who attacks the little maid, but the little maid pushes back against the master?
In fact, not only Fremea, but the children in the entire Academy City are quite precocious.

Chicks that leave the shelter of their parents will always grow rapidly.

With some complicated thoughts, Frenda left the master's dormitory and rushed back to the hotel to reunite with her teammates.

Item's stronghold is actually not only hotels, but also apartments and other places.

It's just that I've been staying in the hotel recently.

When her sister left the dormitory, Fremea threw herself into Bai Ye's arms and acted like a baby, saying that she wanted to go out to play.

It's really not good for a girl of this age to hide in the dormitory all day.

Of course, Fremea was not "imprisoned", and Frenda often took her with her when she went out.

Bai Ye was also happy to take her out for a stroll.

Holding hands and walking on the street, the blond loli wearing gorgeous costumes and ordinary beautiful dolls can attract the attention of others, and many passing boys and girls can't help but take a few glances.

Some people even feel envy or jealousy towards Bai Ye.

"...There are quite a few lolicons."

Bai Ye couldn't help complaining.

Fremea, who was biting a popsicle, looked up at him: "Isn't Oni-chan a lolicon?"

"Me? Well, yes, actually, to me, it doesn't matter if it's loli or not, as long as it's pretty and cute enough."

"Probably as cute as me, meow~?"

Fremea is very skillful in showing off her cuteness as she speaks.

Bai Ye smiled, didn't speak, just squeezed her little hand.

This feels really good.

If the girl were to use her little hands...


Faintly heard a strange melody floating from a distance.

I heard this melody two days ago.

It was the sound of the "power decline" device that capsized the photon after marriage and almost lost his life and money.

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

"What are you looking at meow~?"

"See if any beautiful girls are in trouble. If so, then be a hero and save the beauty."

"Probably not?"

"No, let's ignore it. Anyway, the man will be beaten up at most and all the money will be taken away by the way. Those bad things should not be so serious."


The little girl nodded, half understanding.


The one who was besieged was a beautiful girl, and she was also a student of Tokiwadai.

But this time it's not the girl with the same name in the original work.

Bai Ye beat those delinquents to the ground, helped the fallen girl up, and watched the delinquents outside the alley drive away.

Seeing Bai Ye punch a bad Fremea eager to try.

"Oni-chan, probably go after them and knock them all down, meow~."

"Kill all..."

Bai Ye, who was helping the girl eliminate the negative state, didn't seem to want to do such a thing.

But Fremea continued: "That's right, knock them all down, O'Neill told me, probably meow~"

"……All right."

He did say that.

Quickly helped the girl out of the headache and weakness, and then hugged Fremea.

Princess hug.

"Then today O'Neill will take you to be a hero who punishes evil and promotes good."

"What is 'Daxia' meow~?"

"Almost a hero."


Bai Ye carried Fremea and left quickly, so that the rescued girl didn't have time to thank him.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, the girl sighed softly.

"We can only talk about it next time we meet."

(End of this chapter)

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