boy of science

Chapter 132 "It's obviously just a kid, but I really dare to say it."

Chapter 132 "It's obviously just a kid, but I really dare to say it."

The vehicle loaded with the "capacity drop" device galloped all the way, and the frightened bad guy quickly fled back to his stronghold.

"It's that guy! It's that guy from that day!"

This is the second time he saw Bai Ye.

The last time was similar to this time, it was also in the alley, it was also surrounded by the students of Tokiwadai, and it was also knocked down by the boy who appeared out of nowhere.

And the fight was very easy, just one punch at a time.

"That boy is invincible!"

Such thoughts popped up in the bad mind, and then he made a decisive decision, directly dropped his companion and drove away.

He felt that he could run away, because the boy didn't pursue him last time.

But this moment, that moment.

There was no need to pursue it last time.

This time, under the expectation of Fremea, the basic policy of "eliminating evil and doing everything" was carried out.

Bai Ye directly hugged the little girl and jumped forward on the tall buildings.

In fact, it can fly, but there is no need to do that, anyway, the vehicle will not be able to travel very fast through the streets.

After following for a long time, the vehicle finally entered the Strange area.

Bai Ye, holding Fremea in his arms, landed on the roof of a certain building, watching the car driving back to the stronghold below.

In addition to the car, there are also guard robots.

The security robot that was supposed to patrol the normal neighborhood actually appeared in this abandoned area...

What's the situation?
Bai Ye opened his eyes wide and searched around, and found about a dozen security robots searching for something in this abandoned city, and saw a few familiar girls by the way.

Obviously, Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko are here to punish evil and promote good, while Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shili are here to enforce the law across districts.

Strange is not under the jurisdiction of the 177th Branch.

"Oni-chan, don't you want to catch up?"

"Don't worry, let's see what they do."


"Those young ladies, I will introduce you to them later."


Fremea nodded and looked around curiously.

Where is the young lady?


The vehicle that suddenly drove into the Strange area caught Uiharu's attention.

Ordinary bad people won't have a car to drive.

Arrange for the security robot to follow, notify Misaka Mikoto and the others, and then go to the rendezvous point with Shirai Kuroko.

Move through the space, and soon follow the car to the area where bad people gather.

Did not show up directly, but hid nearby to collect intelligence.

A van, a dozen bad ones.

One of them was holding a pistol and seemed to be the leader.

Having a gun means things are more serious.

After listening carefully, I could vaguely hear words like "a boy" and "knocked down by a punch".

Of course these are not the key.

The important thing is other content: "Listen well, little ones, don't let people look down on you, beat the ability users to the ground, let those guys see how powerful we are!"


The two girls who heard this looked at each other.

Clearly, they had found their purpose.

No more nonsense.

Chuchun Shili quickly operated, so that the borrowed security robots gathered here, blocking all the way out, and surrounded this group of bad boys.

Shirai Kuroko called Misaka Mikoto and the others.


There are many subordinates who can do things, and the loss of a few doesn't matter at all. The important thing is the device with "decreased ability".

As long as there is this thing, they can defeat those ability users to obtain more benefits.

But it's just that the leader doesn't care, and other bad people are quite afraid, because if they really want to go out to do things, they will be the ones who will be beaten.

So it took a lot of time to re-select people to go out and do things.

The high morale is just an appearance, and there are not many people who really want to go out.

But it was the time spent that made them miss the chance to escape.

Under Chuchun Shili's control, the dozen or so borrowed security robots blocked the nearby roads in pairs.

Saten Reiko is responsible for protecting Uiharu.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko attacked directly.

It's just a dozen incompetent delinquents, just beat them to the ground, there is no need for a complicated battle plan.

But Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shili are members of the Disciplinary Committee after all. Although they have overheard a lot of key information just now, they still have to go through the process before they actually do it.

"Disciplinary committee member desu no!"

Shirai Kuroko, who walked in front of those bad boys with Misaka Mikoto, pulled his armband and said his classic lines.

"You are all suspects of the recent serial attacks on ability users, please cooperate with my investigation and come with me."

As soon as this sentence came out, the unscrupulous teenagers immediately burst out laughing.

"She said she was a disciplinary committee member."

"To arrest us?"

"It's obviously just a kid, but I really dare to say it."


The unscrupulous boys kept shouting, which made Shirai Heizi feel speechless.

Misaka Mikoto next to her patted her on the shoulder: "I said we should beat them down first and then reason with them."

"……no way."

Shirai Heizi sighed lightly, and decided to beat all these bad things to the ground with his elder sister first.

But before they could do anything, a strange melody suddenly sounded.

Just when he was feeling puzzled, Shirai Heizi suddenly "hissed" and covered his head.

"What's the matter, Heizi?"

"Head, headache..."

The girl frowned and clenched her silver teeth, as if she was enduring pain.

Why do I suddenly feel a headache?

Misaka Mikoto felt strange.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at the vehicle over there. The strange melody was coming from the vehicle.

Is there a problem with this sound?

"Well, it's hard and painful, right?"

The leader of a bad gang feels he has a winning hand, so he makes the same mistake that almost any villain makes.

"Although I don't know the specifics, but in simple terms, it is to disturb the calculation ability in the brain through sound. Anyway, for those of us who are incapable, it is at best a sharper sound."

After she finished speaking, she noticed that Misaka Mikoto's face did not change, so she was very surprised: "Why didn't you..."

The leader wanted to ask questions, but Misaka Mikoto was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Because Shirai Kuroko looked miserable.

He touched his pocket and wanted to take out the game tokens, but there were bad guys all around. If he used the "Railgun", he might just blast them to pieces.

It is better not to kill or not to kill.

So he changed his ability, and the purple electric current "cracked" to the car.


The powerful current not only destroyed the circuit of the "capability drop" device, but even destroyed the entire vehicle.

Tokiwadai students, electric shock...

Such obvious features are easy to recognize.

"She, she is Railgun?!"

"the third!"

"She's the Level 5 from Tokiwadai!"



The unscrupulous teenagers suddenly became a mess.

Unfortunately, it was too late to escape at this time.




There is no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

Bai Ye didn't worry about this at all, but took Fremea to the place where Uiharu Shiri and Saten Renko were hiding.

Chuchun Shili is a person with low ability of Level 1, and will also be affected by "decreased ability".

Saten Ruiko is fine.

It's just that my friend suddenly felt a headache, which made her a little bit at a loss.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"Classmate Bai Ye?!"

(End of this chapter)

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