boy of science

Chapter 133 "Why don't you wear black and white silk for me to appreciate?"

Chapter 133 "Why don't you wear black and white silk for me to appreciate?"

Hatsuharu is only a low-ability user of Level 1, and the impact of the "power reduction" device is not too great, and that device was quickly destroyed by Misaka Mikoto, and the strange sound has disappeared.

But Chuchun Shili still sat powerlessly on the ground, frowning, obviously the pain he felt had not completely disappeared.

Bai Ye went to her side and knelt down, putting his hand on her forehead.

A burst of cool and refreshing.

Chuchun Zhuli breathed a sigh of relief, his brows relaxed, and he looked at Bai Ye with a smile.

Saten Reniko hurriedly asked, "How is it, Chuchun, are you feeling alright?"

"Well, it's alright."

Chuchun Zhuli looked at his friend, the smile on his face remained unchanged: "Student Bai Ye's thing entered my body, and it feels very comfortable."

"That's good."

Saten Saten nodded and felt relieved.

Thinking about it, I feel something is wrong: Is there a little bit of ambiguity in the sentence Chuchun Shili said?

In fact, it's not surprising that Chuchun Zhuli would say this, because she really felt that something entered her body through Bai Ye's hand.

Since I don't know what it is, use "that thing" instead.

Saten Reiko didn't know the inside story, but just took a look at Uiharu Shiri and Shiraiya, and found that they didn't seem to think much, so she didn't complain.

Suddenly remembering that Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were still outside, she quickly turned around and ran to check the situation.

It turned out that the winner was already divided: all the delinquents fell to the ground and were electrocuted until they fell into a coma.

"...It really is amazing, Misaka-senpai."

Saten Ruiko was a little envious.

Although he has learned the wind character script, the power he exerted is not strong enough to defeat a dozen bad guys in a blink of an eye.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things.

Here, Shirayo finished treating Uiharu Shiri, helped her up from the ground, and walked outside holding Fremea's hand.

The battle is over, Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko don't need to hide anymore, they just follow Bai Ye outside.

Misaka Mikoto was quite surprised to see Bai Ye appearing suddenly: "Why are you here?"

Then he looked at the little girl next to him: "Who is this?"


Bai Ye only said the little girl's name, and did not provide other information.

Let go of Fremea's hand again and walk towards Shirai Kuroko.

"Heizijiang, come, let me cure you."

Shirai Heizi didn't speak, because he didn't have the spirit or the strength.

Of course I won't refuse.

Misaka Mikoto didn't bother, but was thinking about whether she was still a capable user within the Academy City system.

According to the words of the bad leader, that device is aimed at people with abilities, and it will disrupt the calculation ability in the brain, but she didn't feel any abnormality at all just now.

Maybe it's just because Zidian's exorcism attribute is effective?

Chuchun Shili took out his mobile phone and called the security guard to report the situation.

Saten Ruiko, who had nothing to do, looked at Fremea curiously.

This little girl looks really cute!

It is easy to solve the incident, first find the suspect gang, and then directly attack.

The guards are ready to do just that.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and before they could take action, the incident attracted the attention of the high-level officials, and they were ordered to gather personnel to clean up the area where delinquent teenagers gathered.

At that time, those who should be sent back to school should be sent back to school, and those who should be thrown into prison should be thrown into prison.

In the end, before they could take action, things changed again: All the suspects were captured in a surprise attack from the disciplinary committee.

If you capture it, just capture it, and take it back directly for interrogation and investigation.

But the actions that have already started cannot be stopped, and the area where bad boys gather should indeed be "cleaned up".


The suspect was caught, but there are still many things to come.

Where did you get the "power down" device?Where did the bad leader get that pistol?

Come in from the outside?
The management of materials entering and exiting Academy City is very strict, but it is not so easy to carry private goods, let alone such things as guns.

There must be something shady here.

Maybe it will involve certain research institutes, organizations, security guards, and even the top management of Academy City.

Why are there guards?
Because there are all kinds of guns in the weapons that the guards are equipped with, so maybe there is something wrong with them.

After completing the handover of the suspect, Shirai Kuroko and Chuchun Shili didn't wait long, and ran back to the branch directly to report the situation to Gufa Meiwei. After all, the matter was of great importance.

Before leaving, Chuchun Shili did not forget to erase all traces of her "borrowing" the security robot.

As long as there is no evidence of being caught, it is not a violation.

The two of them rushed back to the branch, and the others would not stay at the scene any longer, and the four of them left together.

Saten Saten is very good at dealing with children, and within a few minutes she has gotten closer to Fremea, and even asked the little girl to call her "Sister Saten".

They even walked hand in hand when leaving the scene.

Looking at them chatting and laughing, Bai Ye seemed to feel regretful: "It's a pity that Renzi doesn't become a lolicon."

Misaka Mikoto turned her head and glanced at him: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"The truth is, you can see that she can trick a little girl into getting close to her so easily. If she becomes a lolicon, she can definitely trick a little girl back to do it every day..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk, dogs can't spit out ivory."

Misaka Mikoto rolled her eyes at him, then looked at Ruiko Saten and Fremea who were walking ahead.

"Student Zuo Tian is not a lolicon, let alone cheating little girls; rather, why do I feel that you are cheating little girls? Where did this kid come from?"

Facing the girl's question, the boy said confidently, "I snatched it."

After finishing speaking, I felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it for a while, I added: "I actually robbed my sister. If this sister is, it is probably a gift? A trophy?"

"You guy..."

Sometimes, Misaka Mikoto really didn't know how to complain about Bai Ye.

The boy did not continue this topic, but glanced at Fremea's legs, and then looked at the girl beside him.

"It's fine if you don't let me see the underwear, why don't you wear black silk or white silk so that I can appreciate it?"

As he said that, he moved his gaze down and put it on the girl's legs.

Bai Ye had never seen Misaka Mikoto wearing black and white silk, since she realized that she was wearing bubble socks now.

Misaka Mikoto curled her lips when she heard him say this: "Why would I wear that kind of thing?"


Bai Ye was looking for reasons for her to wear black and white silk.

But after thinking about it carefully, I finally gave up this approach.

"It's true, you are really not suitable for wearing that kind of thing, and you are more suitable for a clean and neat dress. Now this is very good."

After all, he has a straightforward personality, and it would be against his harmony to engage in those bells and whistles.

Without waiting for Misaka Mikoto to express her opinion, the topic suddenly changed: "Actually, it doesn't matter if it's black or white, the key is when will you let me lick it..."


(End of this chapter)

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