boy of science

Chapter 134

Chapter 134
As a result, Bai Ye still couldn't lick Misaka Mikoto's beautiful legs today.

Fremea and Saten Ruiko played very well, and when they parted in the evening, they still seemed very reluctant to leave.

Holding hands with Bai Ye and going back to the dormitory, he raised his head to look at the young man and asked, "Oni-chan, maybe we can meet Sister Leizi in the future?"

"It's hard to say."

Obviously we can meet each other, but Bai Ye has to pretend to be serious: "Things are impermanent, maybe this parting is a farewell, and there will be no chance to meet again in the future."

Just like in the original work, Saten Reiko and Frenda had an appointment and wanted to meet again, but Frenda never returned.

Such an ending is very embarrassing.

"Euni sauce..."

Fremea looked confused, unable to understand why he said that.

Bai Ye turned her head and smiled at her, then continued to look ahead: "Don't pay attention, it's just because I remembered something and felt emotional."


Fremea still didn't understand.

But Bai Ye said that, so she naturally wouldn't continue to ask.

Ended this topic and thought about it carefully, and then felt a pity: "In the end, Oni-chan didn't become a hero, and those bad things were solved by that tea-haired sister."

"What does it matter? I don't want to be a hero anyway."

Bai Ye said it doesn't matter.

Fremea blinked her eyes, her face full of curiosity: "Is Oni-chan probably not wanting to be a hero?"

"When scoring points, I'm not interested in being a hero now, but maybe in the future."

"When is 'later'?"

"Who knows."


The boy and the girl rushed back to the dormitory talking meaningless words.

But what is "meaningful"?

The work of security guards and disciplinary committee members is probably very meaningful.

Iron decoration is both a teacher and a security guard, one is teaching and educating people, and the other is maintaining law and order. Both seem to be very meaningful jobs.

Whether it's a teacher or a security guard, it's all his own choice in Iron Decoration.

Why become a teacher?
Why become a police officer?
Although it was my own choice, I can't seem to remember the reason.

Obviously it was only a while ago.

Speaking of which, how long ago was this "not long ago"?

half a year?a year?
Or longer?
The temperature has been very high recently, and the work has been heavy, which made her dizzy and confused, and almost didn't even know what year it was.

At this time, Bai Ye is needed, because every time he is close to the child, he feels very comfortable.

Why do you feel comfortable?
she does not know.

After all, it is a "feeling", which cannot be explained clearly.

By the way, keep cutting and messing up?

But it is not possible to meet with that child Bai Ye every day, so he still has to endure the torment of the scorching heat.

Busy and in a trance.

After cooperating with other colleagues to complete the task of clearing the area where delinquent teenagers gather, the security guard's work is finally easier.

Although the task is still very heavy.

Last night, drinking and bathing with Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Yueyong Xiaomeng got late, and I woke up today feeling a little bit out of sorts.

Staying in school to deal with the rest of the work, I forgot the time because I might be so focused, and I was reminded by my colleagues that I had another job.

I quickly packed up my things and got up to leave, but I still missed the tram and even fell on the platform.


The young teacher sighed.


"I'm late."

Putting on the uniform vest of a police officer and running to join Aiho Koizumikawa, she was panting from running.

And sweat a lot.

Aiho Koizumikawa was standing in the shade of a tree, waiting with her back against the tree trunk.

"It's really grand late."

This is just a complaint, not a complaint.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho takes good care of the younger generation in the workplace in Tie Zhuang.

"Yes, sorry."

In the iron suit, he tried hard to adjust his breath.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho shook her head, thinking that this girl is not suitable for working in the front line, but more suitable for sitting in the office with the air conditioner on.

This is a shortcoming, and Iron Decoration wants to overcome this shortcoming.

Then she can only support it.

Without saying much, the phone rang suddenly, and Huang Quanchuan Aiho took it out to connect.

"I'm Huang Quanchuan... Robbery?! Um... I understand, I'll be there soon."

After finishing the call, put away the phone.

"Let's go, iron suit."



Then the iron suit became the suspect's hostage.

It was an abandoned building, and the suspect who took the hostages was standing on the second floor negotiating with the security guards.

"Teacher Huang Quanchuan, leave me alone, quickly hand over the suspect..."

"To shut up!"


Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who led the team downstairs, sighed helplessly as she watched the scene on the second floor.

Then he patted the shoulders of his colleagues.

"Lend me the explosion-proof shield in your hand."


The colleague did not hesitate.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who took over the explosion-proof shield, took a few steps forward, and then directly threw the explosion-proof shield in his hand towards the suspect and the iron decoration on the second floor.



Tie Zhuli felt that he was very unlucky.

He couldn't catch the tram, was taken hostage, and was smashed by the explosion-proof shield.

What's more, it was the nose that was hit, and the blood flowed profusely immediately. It took a lot of time and a lot of medicine to stop the blood flow.

As a result, the wounded did not receive preferential treatment, and had to continue to patrol.


Iron Man couldn't help sighing.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who was walking beside her, patted her on the shoulder: "How are you doing, are you okay?"

"...Well, it's okay."

Although Huang Quanchuan Aiho was the one who hit her to get a nosebleed, Tie Zhuo didn't care about it, because it was better to get hit on the nose than to be stabbed by the suspect.

Talking and walking, he came to the door of a certain game hall, and found several girls staying inside.

Check the time, then walk in the ironwork and start working.

"You guys, it's almost time to go back to the dormitory."


Two girls in Tokiwadai school uniforms, and two girls in casual clothes from an unknown school turned their heads to look at her.

Two of the girls showed surprised expressions.

"You seem to be from the time of 'Fantasy Beast'..."

"...It's you guys?!"

I also recognized it in the iron decoration.

She met Misaka Mikoto and Uiharu when she captured Kiyama Haruno and besieged the fantasy beast.

In fact, she was the one who assisted Uiharu Shiri to broadcast the healing program throughout Academy City.

Although it is mainly Uiharu who is operating.

"Long time no see, teacher."

"You don't look very well."


A few girls were talking about old times with her, or discussing skin care issues with her.

Finally, he handed the gloves to her.

"Teacher, do you want to give it a try? Let's punch there to your heart's content, it can release the pressure."

"Then I'll try..."

I want to try it in the iron decoration that was fooled.

Then he was patted by Huang Quanchuan Aiho who came to the side.

"Why don't you play along too? And you guys, go back to the dormitory quickly, it's almost dark."


The girls responded and took their leave one after another.

Aiho Huang Quanchuan went to chase away other students who were still staying in the game hall.

Inside the iron decoration, there was another sigh.

I couldn't help thinking wildly: Can I see Bai Ye to relax and feel comfortable?

(End of this chapter)

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